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3.8.2007, 13:51 | #1 |
Football Manager 2008
Check this!
.................................................. .................... FM2008 announced with a host of new features Added on 27/07/2007 @ 13:00:59 in Press Release LONDON (July 27th, 2007) – SEGA Europe Ltd. today announced that Football Manager™ 2008 for PC and Apple Macintosh will be in stores before Christmas 2007. Football Manager™ 2008 is the next iteration of the prize-winning Football Manager™ series developed by world respected studio Sports Interactive. The latest version of Football Manager will be fully updated for the new season and will allow players to select their favourite club or international team and guide them to glorious success by putting them through Cup matches, Leagues, European Championships and even major international tournaments, with over 5,000 playable teams from over 50 countries. Fan feedback on the previous version of Football Manager™ was, as always, taken very seriously by the Sports Interactive team, resulting in over a hundred new features, including a brand new advisory system to help new players through the different aspects of the game. This makes Football Manager™ 2008 the most accessible Football Manager™ yet, without losing any depth for the more experienced player. “With Football Manager™ 2008 we’re once again raising the bar in the sports management genre.” commented Miles Jacobson, Studio Director of Sports Interactive. “With dozens of new small features and larger things like a complete revamp of international management and the new match flow system, we’re really looking forward to seeing the reaction from people when they get to play it on release.” With all-new features, improved gameplay and a depth only seen from Sports Interactive, Football Managerä 2008 offers a management simulation that is second to none. To whet the appetite of every Football fan, SEGA and Sports Interactive have unveiled the key new features available in Football Manager™ 2008. |
3.8.2007, 13:52 | #2 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
New features for Football Managerä 2008 PC/Apple Macintosh
Match Flow – The largest change to match-day in a Sports Interactive game since the introduction of the second match engine. Match flow brings more atmosphere to match-days with match previews, team talks, opposition player instructions, the match itself, half time and post match. These now seamlessly follow on from one another, with no more pausing to make tactical changes, and a mini-radar pitch whilst making those tactical changes to keep you in touch with what’s going on in the match International Management – The international management gameplay has been completely revamped for Football Manager™ 2008, including, but not limited to, media improvements, international retirements, player interaction, international scouting, improved pool selection, captain selection and a separation of international and club morale for players. Easier to Use – A much cleaner skin, a brand new advisor system to help players through various areas of the game. A new notes and notebook system, better button positioning for simpler navigation and an updated tutorial and manual. Also, coach reports make taking over a new team easier, and the new calendar system lists all important dates throughout the season. These all help to make Football Manager™ 2008 the easiest Sports Interactive game to use yet. Confidence – Players can now easily tell what the board and supporters think about their performance in the game through the new confidence section. This gives players feedback not just on their current progress in competitions, but also their financial management and signings. Transfer Centre – A new way of managing all current transfer and loan bids for a players club, both incoming and outgoing, making it easier to compare bids and reject or accept them. |
3.8.2007, 13:53 | #3 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
Match Engine Improvements – A greatly improved match engine, once again utilising the footballing brain of former Republic of Ireland international player Ray Houghton as well as other tools used by real-life managers to make the most accurate simulation of football in a computer game. The ability to change the pitch dimensions at the start of the season to suit players styles of play better has also been added.
Awards re-write – An overhaul of the awards system inside the game which is not only more accurate now, but also includes new awards such as the European golden boot, and a “best eleven”, which shows the all-time (in game) best eleven for all teams and nations. Finances revamp – To reflect the changes in modern day football, Sports Interactive have updated the finance area of Football Manager™ 2008 to better reflect the ever changing football world, with more information available to the manager too, including, but not limited to, corporate match day income, season ticket news, investment funds, improved sponsorships, collective win bonuses, and the ability to move around funds from the wage budget and transfer budget (and vice versa) at any point to help you in your quest for the ideal squad. Fan days – The board can now arrange fan days to boost ailing attendances, or for matches that are likely to attract a low crowd, with a long term affect to attendances if all goes well. Expanded media,/A> – More media and feedback than ever before, plus more detail in existing media, and a new competition news section to find out what major things are going on in all league competitions Regenerated player photo’s – All in game generated players now have pictures using FaceGen technology to give each player more personality, and the ability for the players to be seen to grow up in front of your eyes as the game is going on. Faster – Saving and loading is now significantly faster, with network gaming faster and smoother to play, as well as tactical changes and match reports being quicker than ever before. Football Manager 2008 for PC (XP & Vista) and Apple Macintosh (OS10.3.9 and above) is set for release before Christmas 2007. Poslednja ispravka: DeCoy (3.8.2007 u 14:22) Razlog: Jesi li ti čuo za thumbnail?!? |
1.9.2007, 22:14 | #4 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
I nisam nešto očaran novim FM-om, zapostavljen je dosta zbog FM Live-a...
Ali ću ga ipak igrati |
2.9.2007, 9:23 | #5 |
Deo inventara foruma
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Re: Football Manager 2008
Ako simulacija utakmica bude ''realna'' kao u 2007-ici ja se ovom sr_nju necu priblizavati .
Evo situacije od pre 5 minuta kad zamalo nisam polomio disk.Zadnje kolo partizan ima isti broj bodova kao ja ali za protivnika ima luzera Smederevo pa sam ocekivao da ce ih dobiti.Ja za protivnika imam Zemun ,kojem pola igraca mrtvo , svima moral na wery lov ...E sad tokom utakmice ja povedem 2 - 0 (Djokic , Purovic ) oni dobiju iskljucenje + 1im se povredio a nisu ga mogli zameniti (3izmene) i u 90 i 91 minutu mi zabiju 2 gola!?Znaci ZEMUN sa 8 IGRACA , lov morale fizicki iscrpljen mi da 2 gola... |
2.9.2007, 12:16 | #6 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
Pretpostavljam da imaš peč 7.0.2 ?
2.9.2007, 12:32 | #7 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 31.7.2007.
Lokacija: filpan=oldSKULhardcoreALFA
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Re: Football Manager 2008
Da.I sigurno nije do taktike!!Napadao il se branio , cak i nizerazredne ekipe sa 8 igraca mi daju golove
2.9.2007, 12:40 | #8 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
Mora biti do taktike. Imao sam sličan problem sa Spartom. Npr, napadam celu utakmicu, brdo prilika i onda primim gol sa 30 metara...Menjaje ličnih instrukcija je to kasnije sprečilo.
3.9.2007, 20:46 | #9 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
Ne znam za vas,ali jedva cekam ovaj novi menadzer!
3.9.2007, 20:53 | #10 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
Ja jedino zbog transfera....
3.9.2007, 21:11 | #11 |
Intel Inside
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Re: Football Manager 2008
Takođe...jedino uzimam nove FM-ove zbog ažuriranja baze igrača...
Nadam se da u ovom novom FM08 neće biti ove CG slike igrača...već da će biti onakve kao i do sada...ovako mi baš glupo izgleda... A u novom FM-u hoću veću interaktivnost između mene i igrača, mene i uprave kluba. kao i mene i medija...jer su sada pitanja medija glupa i ograničena...pred svaku tekmu u prvenstvu me isto pitaju i ja im uvek isto odgovaram...moglo bi da se uvede i više opcija za prepucavanje sa drugim menadžerima... I da...da se spreče neki exploiti u vezi sa kupovinom igrača...kupiš igrača na dođem ti(klauzula 50 games) i onda ga prodaš kad odigra 49 utakmica...a samim tim hoću i bolji uvid u poslovanje kluba i realnije budžete...a ne ovako...posle 2-3 uspešne sezone u prosečnom klubu budžet je ohoho veliki |
4.9.2007, 21:00 | #12 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
Koliko sam shvatio sve sto si naveo ce biti popravljeno u novom menadzeru. Ove CG slike ce verovatno biti, ali za mlade, nove i manje poznate igrace. Meni se ta opcija svidja...
7.9.2007, 16:03 | #13 |
Novi član
Re: Football Manager 2008
kazu da je ostvarena bolja interakcija izmedju onoga ko igra i igraca kao i uprave,poboljsanje ce biti i sa financijama(profit,balans...)onda je i poboljsanje izvedeno takodje izmedju navijaca i onoga ko igra ihrpa drugih stvari.ali sam cou da u Engleskoj izlazi tek oko Bozica(neznam jeli to tacno)
7.9.2007, 18:35 | #14 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
Očekuje se krajem oktobra.
17.9.2007, 3:42 | #15 |
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Re: Football Manager 2008
Sudeci po najavama, opet nece biti ispravljeni sustinski problemi vec ce samo dodavati sminku. Lepo je to sto cemo moci da imamo vise interakcije sa medijims, ali ako opet vidim da mi najbolji igrac u Zenitu iz Petersburga nece da potpise novi ugovor (stari 3000 evra nedeljno) za 25000 evra, i igra kod mene jos dve godine kao slobodan igrac za 3000 a pritom odbija bar 10 puta ponude Barse, Milana, Bajerna, Celzija... onda je ovaj serijal zaista propao.
Ovo sam naravno naveo samo kao primer, takvih nelogicnosti ima milion. To je nesto sto ti upropasti igru, i ne moze je izvaditi ni povecanje i smanjenje terena i variranje izmedju transfer i wage budzeta (dobro su setili). Kada vidim da je sasvim moguce odigrati All out Attack taktiku celo poluvreme protiv jake ekipe (Juventus) i dati im 5 komada a da ne primis ni jedan, nema tog 2d prikaza utakmice koji to moze da nadomesti... Igram ovaj menadzer od prvog dela kada je bilo 8 atributa igraca i samo jedna liga, i od drugog dela (koji je zaista doneo neke novine) vidim samo sminku koja se ubacuje a stvarni problemi ostaju. Posle nekoliko sezona, kada prodje sadasnja generacija igraca, kvalitet velikih klubova opada, pa mi se desava da se Vojvodinom uzmem ligu sampiona `ladno. Iz nastavka u nastavak, sve to ostaje isto... Sto je najgore, vidim da vecina ljudi koji igra ovu igru, uopste ne registruje problem u ovim stvarima. Naprotiv, vecina zaista trazi samo sminku. Da me neko ne shvati pogresno, nemam ja nista protiv dodatnih opcija, ali odbijam da mi neko prodaje maglu, samo lepo zapakovanu. Zasto Milan u 7-oj sezoni kupuje od mene nekog klinca za 50 miliona evra koji nema kvalitet za Milan i zavrsava na 12-om mestu u ligi? Nema veze, moci cemo da prosirujemo stadion... Bojim se da ce FM 2008 samo nastaviti tradiciju dodavanja novih problema umesto resavanja starih... |
18.9.2007, 15:24 | #16 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
Jbg... Boljeg menadzera nemas. Mozda FM ima neke gluposti, ali je jos uvek jako dobra igra.
18.9.2007, 20:29 | #17 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: Football Manager 2008
Svejedno ispravili neke greske ili ne FM je svake godine sve bolji i bolji!
I ove ce biti extra i svi cemo ga igrati zato sto je najbolji manager koji je ikada napravljen! Jedva cekam!!!! |
25.9.2007, 10:59 | #18 |
Re: Football Manager 2008
30. septembra izlazi DEMO FM 2008!
Igranje će biti ograničeno na pola sezone, a DEMO će izaći u dve verzije. Na DEMO verziji neće biti srpskog quickstart-a, ali ćete njega moći ekskluzivno da preuzmete sa ovog sajta! Takođe su objavljene potrebne karakteristike računara da bi igrali ovu igru: Minimum – Windows XP/Vista. 1.2Ghz Processor. 256MB Ram. DirectX8.1 compatible sound card. 4xCD Rom drive, 1024x768 32Bit display. 750mb hd space. MS compatible mouse & keyboard. Recommended – Windows XP/Vista. Amd or Intel Dual Core 2.2Ghz processor. 1GB Ram. DirectX8.1 compatible sound card. 4xCD Rom drive, 1024x768 32Bit display. 750mb hd space. MS compatible mouse & keyboard. P.S Da ne ispadne da spamujem, ali ovde sam postovao infotmacije o izlasku demoa. Pa ako neko od Moderatora vidi, neka obrise moj post u temi : http://www.sk.co.yu/forum/showthread.php?t=4230&page=49 |
25.9.2007, 18:09 | #19 |
Deo inventara foruma
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Re: Football Manager 2008
Preko kog sajta mogu da pre-ordujem football manager 2008 ? Probao sam nekoliko medjutim nigde nema opcija za srbiju?
30.9.2007, 9:40 | #20 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 31.7.2007.
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Re: Football Manager 2008
Izasao je demo football manager-a 2008 i moze se skinuti preko njegovog oficijalnog sajta.Postoje dve verzije , vanila tj. samo 2 lige bez facegen tehnologije , i strawbery sa oko desetak liga i svim dodacima .Demo se moze igrati do januara (znaci sest meseci ) a full verzija izlazi za oko 15 dana
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