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Role-Play FRP, RPG...

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Stara 20.3.2008, 5:43   #241
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.841
Zahvalnice: 5.668
Zahvaljeno 4.121 puta na 2.693 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

• Tasha's Hideous Laughter will no longer affect targets protected by Protection from Good/Evil, if it should apply.
• Weird will no longer affect targets protected by Protection from Good/Evil, if it should apply.
• Undeath to Death will now have the proper 30ft radius (won't affect undead outside target marker).
• Vampiric Touch will now have the proper effects when Maximized (drains 6HP per die, instead of 8 ).
• Vitriolic Sphere will no longer depend on other spells cast in later rounds for damage calculation, and will no longer ignore some creatures in the area of effect.
• Wail of the Banshee will now require the proper number of saving throws and the death effect will be applied more quickly.
• Wall of Fire damage will now be capped properly at 2d6+20 (and not at just 20).
• Wall of Greater Dispel Magic is now properly capped at caster level 15, not 10.
• Bless can now target the ground, and not just creatures directly.
• Dismissal can now target the ground not just creatures directly.
• Scare can now target the ground not just creatures directly.
• Song of Discord can now target the ground not just creatures directly.
• Undeath to Death can now target the ground not just creatures directly.
• Lesser Planar Binding can now target hostile outsiders.
• Planar Binding can now target hostile outsiders.
• Mass Aid can now be Extended with metamagic.
• Mass Death Ward can now be Extended with metamagic.
• Fixed the visual effects for Blade Barrier, so that swords don't disappear right after spell is cast.
• Fixed the visual effects for Evard's Black Tentacles, so that tentacles stay for full spell duration.

Warlock Invocations
• Eldritch Blast will no longer deal double damage to creatures immune to critical hits.
• Eldritch Chain:
o It will not arc to secondary targets when primary one was missed.
o Will now perform the proper number of attack rolls on secondary targets.
o Secondary targets will get doubled damage on critical when appropriate.
• Eldritch Cone will no longer injure the caster on Hardcore difficulty
• Curse of Despair stat penalty will now mimic that of Bestow Curse spell (-3, not -2 to all attributes). Also, attack penalty on successful save will last properly for 10 rounds and will no longer be permanent.
• Otherworldly Whispers, will no longer behave like a hostile invocation (rolling initiative, putting character into combat stance, etc...).
• Tenacious Plague:
o Fixed a bug where the swarm would sometimes ignore valid targets.
o Dispelling will remove continuous damage as well as effects.
o Will no longer register a miss if you match your target's Armor Class.
• Eldritch Doom targeting marker now matches the area affected (old marker was smaller then area affected).

Creature Abilities
• Death Knights can still be affected by divine damage if they evade fire damage.
• Fixed Cones of Acid, Fire and Frost used by some creatures, so that saving successfully from their damage won't make other targets in area get even less damage. Nor would failing the save make targets get identical damage.
• Fixed Fear auras used by some creatures (dragons included), to prevent characters immune to fear or mind effects from getting penalties.
• Ghast and Hezrou auras will no longer affect creatures immune to poison.

New Features

• When a player gains 0 XP, the server no longer sends a message to the player to inform them they gained 0 XP.
• Dedicated Server Max Players limit has been increased to 96.

• A lerptime attribute was added to the UIProgressBar GUI object. This allows you to adjust the time it takes to interpolate.
the UIProgressBar GUI object now takes a:
'lerptime' parameter which lets one adjust the time it takes to interpolate.
In order to interpolate, either the:
or both attributes need to be present for the UIProgressBar.
• Two new functions added - GetNum2DAColumns and GetNum2DARows - that will return the number of columns or rows in a 2DA.
• void SetScale(object oTarget, float x, float y, float z) function added
• float GetScale( object oTarget, int axis) function added

User Interface
• Players are now able to double-click on their portrait in the character sheet and bring up the portrait selection menu. Through this menu, the player is able to select a new portrait for themselves. All players on a server must have a copy of the portrait in order for the custom portrait to be seen.

• A new ERF Editor plugin has been added to the toolset. This plugin allows you to edit ERF files and create/edit Hak files from within the toolset.
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.3.2008, 18:09   #242
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.841
Zahvalnice: 5.668
Zahvaljeno 4.121 puta na 2.693 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

A RPGPlayer1 koga pominju sam ja, cisto da znate...
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.7.2008, 23:08   #243
Član od: 30.5.2007.
Lokacija: Kuća Kafe
Poruke: 2.773
Zahvalnice: 3.539
Zahvaljeno 1.826 puta na 890 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Konacno sam zavrsio MotB.
Nisam imao poteskoca u fajtu. Previse lak uzevsi u obzir epic featove i spellove od 21lvl+. Epic vampiric feast, hellbal, i epic gate na 3 lika u grupi, i nema problema ni sa jednim protivnikom...
Enchant je mocan i previse dostupan, tj. mogu jedno 15 itema da enchantujem bez prevelikog istrazivana van main questa, dok sam nwn za jedan bolji enchant trazio sastojke pola igre.
Spoiler za spoiler:
Prica je dobra, mada mislim da je mogla biti jos dramaticnija tj. da se promeni kompletan poredak planes-a i zakoni bogova, tako sto bi glavni protagonista unistio wall of the faithless. A to se nije desilo zato sto je God of the dead zapretio da ce ga proterati iz njegovog domain-a "with a single thought". A nije ga proterao u startu kad je napao city of the dead. Prilicno naivno. Nisu se developeri usudili da menjaju nista drasticno, ostavili su za NWN3,4,5... BTW, odusevio me razgovor sa Myrkulom, very cool talking to a dead god
Asmodeus je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.7.2008, 16:28   #244
Član od: 18.1.2006.
Lokacija: Srbija - Slovačka
Poruke: 379
Zahvalnice: 103
Zahvaljeno 73 puta na 48 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Mislim da Obsidian nemože da uništi Wallof the Faithless, to je već maltene brand za D&D, a wizard of the coast ga ne bi dozvolili srušiti, pa ni u igri po D&D pravilima!

Guardian je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.7.2008, 21:14   #245
Član od: 30.5.2007.
Lokacija: Kuća Kafe
Poruke: 2.773
Zahvalnice: 3.539
Zahvaljeno 1.826 puta na 890 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

U kom smislu je brand?
Ko odlucuje kakav ce storyline biti? Wizards of the Coast ili Obsidian?
Asmodeus je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.7.2008, 21:23   #246
V.I.P. GNU/Linux
Avatar korisnika voodoo_
Član od: 1.11.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

WotC daje poslednju reč oko svega vezanog za D&D.
voodoo_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.7.2008, 21:40   #247
Član od: 30.5.2007.
Lokacija: Kuća Kafe
Poruke: 2.773
Zahvalnice: 3.539
Zahvaljeno 1.826 puta na 890 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Nisam znao za taj podatak. THX
Mislio sam da je EA jedini u svetu igara koji tezi da naustrb price jedan naslov izda u sto vise nastavaka
Asmodeus je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.7.2008, 0:18   #248
Član od: 18.1.2006.
Lokacija: Srbija - Slovačka
Poruke: 379
Zahvalnice: 103
Zahvaljeno 73 puta na 48 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Možda ne možeš da ih uporediš sa EA, ali Wall of the Faithless je nešto jako staro u D&D svetu i ne verujem da je jedna igra vredna rušenja nečeg dosta značajnog u celom tom sistemu!

Guardian je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.7.2008, 0:43   #249
Član od: 30.5.2007.
Lokacija: Kuća Kafe
Poruke: 2.773
Zahvalnice: 3.539
Zahvaljeno 1.826 puta na 890 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Point taken
Razumem da AD&D fransizu (kako stonu tako i elektronsku) mnogi fan-ovi smatraju za "alternativnu religiju", kao sto, primera radi, Korejanci gledaju na Starcraft, pa zbog toga bi bilo kakva drasticnija promena dovela do burnih reakcija.
Pominje li se Wall of the Faithless kao bitan deo price u jos nekom AD&D naslovu poput BG-a, Icewind Dale-a itd., ili se pominje samo u table verzijama kao deo lore-a? Pitam jer do sada igrao samo NWN naslove i njihove ekspanzije (nisam mogao da se naviknem na arhaicnu grafiku Baldur's Gate-a 1 kao i cinjenice da je igra ogromna...)
Asmodeus je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.7.2008, 1:03   #250
Član od: 2.11.2005.
Lokacija: Subotica
Poruke: 375
Zahvalnice: 103
Zahvaljeno 17 puta na 14 poruka
Slanje poruke preko ICQ-a korisniku vertigo
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Koliko ja znam ne spominje se. I da dodam... Wall of Faithless je opisan u Forgotten Realms Campaign Settingu (koji je pravljen za DnD). Postoje jos dosta svetova pravljenih za DnD, ali Wall of Faithless je konkretno vezan samo za Forgotten Realms (svet se inace zove Abeir-Toril, a kontinent na kojem se odvijaju radnje vecine cRPG igara se zove Faerun).
vertigo je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.7.2008, 1:20   #251
Član od: 30.5.2007.
Lokacija: Kuća Kafe
Poruke: 2.773
Zahvalnice: 3.539
Zahvaljeno 1.826 puta na 890 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

A, sve igre koje su izasle za pc se zasnivaju na tom realmu.
Elem, moje misljenje da je prica "tanka" u MOTB, bez obzira na tradiciju, obicaje itd. "Carobnjaka sa Obale" , ali necemo im zameriti, ipak prelepe lokacije i dobra atmosfera koju su napravili momci iz Obsidian-a pokrivaju sve rupe u prici...
toliko od mene
Asmodeus je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.7.2008, 2:18   #252
Član od: 5.8.2007.
Lokacija: Podunavlje
Poruke: 1.801
Zahvalnice: 1.580
Zahvaljeno 1.322 puta na 598 poruka
Slanje poruke preko Skypea korisniku shrafko
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Abeir-Toril je (ako sam dobro ukapirao šta su pisci hteli da kažu) jedna od brojnih dimenzija (planes) koje postoje u Forgotten Realms svetu.

Abeir-Toril (tj. "kolevka života" - prim. prev. ) predstavlja svojevrsni epsko-fantastični pandan srednjevekovnog "ovozemaljskog" sveta - čak i raspored kontinenata u ATu (Faerun, Kara-Tur, Zakhara, etc.) dosta podseća na "ovozemaljski" svet. Npr. Kara-Tur (zanimljivog li naziva ) se nalazi na dalekom istoku, pa tako i stanovnici liče na Mongole/Kineze - u svakom slučaju predstavljeni su kao pripadnici mongoloidne rase (Yoshimo iz BG2 je najupečatljiviji primer).

Inače, AT se takođe naziva i "normalna" ("Prime material") dimenzija (plane). Pored material plane-a, u FR vrlo često se spominju i brojne druge dimenzije, kao npr. Astralna (stanište Gityanki-ja), Ethereal plane (koja navodno prožima sve druge dimenzije te se stoga mahom koristi za među-dimenziona putovanja), Inner i Outer planes, itd...

Wall of the Faithless "ugrađuje" duše svih preminulih smrtnika, iz bilo koje dimenzije, ukoliko ove nisu prihvatile neko od božanstava za zaštitnika.
shrafko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 31.7.2008, 0:42   #253
Član od: 2.11.2005.
Lokacija: Subotica
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Zahvaljeno 17 puta na 14 poruka
Slanje poruke preko ICQ-a korisniku vertigo
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Lepo si ovo objasnio. Sve je tacno, ali nisam siguran da je AT plejn. Plejn je Prime Material, a AT je planeta. Planeta nije plejn, koliko ja shvatam stvari...
vertigo je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 31.7.2008, 12:45   #254
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.841
Zahvalnice: 5.668
Zahvaljeno 4.121 puta na 2.693 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Izasao patch 1.13:

Bug Fixes

• The toolset and game now load hak files in the same order.
• Skills such as Search will no longer broadcast multiple messages to the chat window while in use. A single message will be displayed when turning the skill on or off.

• The chat channel will no longer revert to Local when a player transitions to a new area or module.

DM Client
• Fixed an issue where DMs would not receive messages on the DM channel if they were filtering out the shout channel.
• The console command dm_setfaction will no longer cause crashes.

• The toolset and game now load hak files in the same order.
• Fixed an issue where you could not tint multi-selected tiles.
• Light spheres shall now display properly.
• Sound spheres shall now display properly.
• The creature cache in Area Properties shall now work as intended.

• The GetNextItemInInventory() script function should now work properly with stores.

Custom Content
• The Skills.2da file will now accept up to 100 rows of data.

New Features

• The chat system now has a /r command for replying to the last private message a player receives. After receiving a private message, the player can enter "/r" into the chat system which will automatically address a private message to the person that sent the previous private message.
• The ability to send a private message by right clicking on a character's portrait in the party bar has been added to the DM and player client.

• The ItemPropertyActivationPreference property for items is now accessible through scripting.

DM Client
• DMs can now jump to object when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• DMs can now jump a player to the DM's location when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• DMs can now examine the character sheet of a player in the same area when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• DMs can now shift the alignment of a player in the same area when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• DMs can now toggle the invulnerability of a player in the same area when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• DMs can now force players to rest when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• DMs can now Give/Take gold to/from players when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• DMs can now Give/Take XP to/from players when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• DMs can now Give/Take levels to/from players when right clicking on a portrait in the party bar.
• Character names will now display when you mouse over a character's portrait in the party bar.
• The ability to send a private message by right clicking on a character's portrait in the party bar has been added to the DM and player client.

• A SetCollision(object oTarget, int bCollision) function has been made available. This will allow builders and DMs to turn the collision of a creature or placeable object on or off dynamically. This function is only useful on creatures/players/placeables that already have collision and will set collision to NONE if called on an object that never had collision in the first place.
• A GetCollision(object oTarget) function has been added. This function will return the collision Boolean for an object.
• The ItemPropertyActivationPreference property for items is now accessible through scripting.
• A GetBicFileName function has been made available. This function will return the file name of a .bic file in a server vault.
• New List Box functionality has been added to the game. This includes the following script commands:
o ClearListBox
o AddListBoxRow
o RemoveListBoxRow
o ModifyListBoxRow
• A SetScrollBarRanges(object oPlayer, string sScreenName, string sScrollBarName, int nMinSize, int nMaxSize, int nMinValue, int nMaxValue) function has been added to the game. This function will allow you to set custom values to a scrollbar.
• A SetFactionLeader(object oNewLeader) function has been added to the game. This allows you to set a companion to be the speaker in a conversation.
• A GetFirstSubArea(object oArea, vector vPosition) function has been added to the game. This function lets you iterate over the ‘subareas’ at a given position in an area. A subarea would be a trigger, an encounter, or a AoEEffect.
• A GetNextSubArea(object oArea) function has been added to the game.
• A GetMovementRateFactor(object oCreature) function has been added to the game.
• A SetMovementRateFactor(object oCreature, float fFactor) function has been added to the game. This function sets the creature's movement factor to that value. This movement factor is also modified by effects, encumberance, etc.
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 31.7.2008, 15:32   #255
Član od: 5.8.2007.
Lokacija: Podunavlje
Poruke: 1.801
Zahvalnice: 1.580
Zahvaljeno 1.322 puta na 598 poruka
Slanje poruke preko Skypea korisniku shrafko
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

vertigo kaže: Pregled poruke
Lepo si ovo objasnio. Sve je tacno, ali nisam siguran da je AT plejn. Plejn je Prime Material, a AT je planeta. Planeta nije plejn, koliko ja shvatam stvari...
Abeir-Toril, or commonly just Toril for short, is one of many planes in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, and is considered to be the equivalent of Earth. Abeir-Toril means "cradle of life" in archaic, and it's often also referred to as the Prime Material Plane.

Izvor: NWN2Wiki

P.S: Ako je plane to ne znači da ne može biti i planeta.. i obratno.
shrafko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku shrafko na korisnoj poruci:
vertigo (31.7.2008)
Stara 31.7.2008, 19:41   #256
Član od: 2.11.2005.
Lokacija: Subotica
Poruke: 375
Zahvalnice: 103
Zahvaljeno 17 puta na 14 poruka
Slanje poruke preko ICQ-a korisniku vertigo
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Hmmm... nisam to kontao na ovaj nacin, ali nema veze.
vertigo je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.8.2008, 3:43   #257
Član od: 30.5.2007.
Lokacija: Kuća Kafe
Poruke: 2.773
Zahvalnice: 3.539
Zahvaljeno 1.826 puta na 890 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Jedno pitanje tehnicke prirode:

Da li je neko uspeo da "potera" igru na max visual podesavanjima?
Imao sam oko 30FPS (mulsantir market, najzahtevnije mesto btw) sve na max, 1680x1050, self_shadows resolution na high, env_shadows res na medium i distance shadows rendering na off.
Kada ukljucim distance shadows rendering, bez obzira na rezoluciju shadow mape, fps pada na 10. Isti slucaj je i kad podignem env shadow map sa medium na high.
Deluje mi da je prilicno neoptimizovana , obzirom da mi se isto desavalo i u 1024x768 rez. Resava li se ovaj problem novijim patchom?
Asmodeus je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 1.8.2008, 4:15   #258
Član od: 5.8.2007.
Lokacija: Podunavlje
Poruke: 1.801
Zahvalnice: 1.580
Zahvaljeno 1.322 puta na 598 poruka
Slanje poruke preko Skypea korisniku shrafko
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Uspeo sam da poteram slideshow na maksimalnim podešavanjima.

Iz dosadašnjeg iskustva: na Athlonu64 3000+, 1 Gb Rama i 9600Pro igra je se vukla kao prebijena mačka na 1024 x 768 (sa uključenim senkama usporila bi na brzinu prebijene gliste). Moglo je se igrati, ali takvo iskustvo mogu da preporučim isključivo mazohistima.

Na Athlonu 64 X2 4200+, 2Gb Rama i 1950 Pro, NWN2 bio je sasvim igriv, BEZ uključivanja senki. (igriv na 1024x768, znao da secne na 1600 x 1050).

Na istoj konfiguraciji ali sa 3Gb Rama i 8800GT po uključivanju senki FPS opet zabode oko 10ke (bez obzira na rezoluciju). I to se sve dešava u igri gde su preporučeni hardverski zahtevi
3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
- 1GB System Ram
- ATI Radeon X800 series, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or higher video card

Bar da je grafika kao u Crysisu pa da razumem...
Igra nije prilično nego strašno neoptimizovana.
Naravoučenije: ni po koju cenu ne uključivati senke (posebno distance rendering) ! Jednostavno se ne isplati. Što se patcha tiče, koliko sam primetio ne popravlja situaciju drastično..
shrafko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.8.2008, 3:15   #259
Član od: 30.5.2007.
Lokacija: Kuća Kafe
Poruke: 2.773
Zahvalnice: 3.539
Zahvaljeno 1.826 puta na 890 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Znaci nije bitno kakvu kartu imas
Pa mislim, u j*$%#$ Crysis-u na high sam imao 24fps average u 1680x1050, a u ovom crtanom filmu od grafike 10fps

Izgleda da su rezolucije shadow mapa katastrofalno visoke, a pri tom se umeksavaju, zato dozvoljava samo self shadows na high i iskljuceni distance shadows.
Asmodeus je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 13.7.2009, 14:05   #260
Član od: 18.1.2006.
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Poruke: 1.647
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Slanje poruke preko Skypea korisniku Corwin
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer

Pošto mi je užasno teško da skidam 40 pečeva za osnovnu verziju, i pošto se uopšte ne snalazim, samo me zanima hoće li ako instaliram MOTB preko osnovne NWN2 verzije sve raditi kako treba?
Corwin je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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