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Stara 6.6.2011, 21:13   #1
Dusan Despotovic
Član od: 20.12.2005.
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Određen forumom NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)
Dusan Despotovic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 6.6.2011, 21:28   #2
Član od: 2.8.2008.
Lokacija: Beograd
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

Za sada mi se svidja samo naziv:

(Kepler) - A completely New Beast!

U vezi 28nm


The technology is available in super low-power (SLP) and high performance (HP) technology offerings, to cater to the complex requirements of next-generation SoC's.

The 28nm high performance (HP) and super low power (SLP) technologies are based on bulk silicon substrates, and are designed for a wide variety of applications from high performance such as graphics and wired networking to low power wireless mobile applications that require long battery lifetime.

Both HP and SLP utilize high k metal gate (HKMG) technology for superior control of the channel with high on currents and low leakage current. Scheduled for risk production after the ramp of 32nm, 28nm is the second technology for high volume production at GLOBALFOUNDRIES that utilizes HKMG.

GLOBALFOUNDRIES' HKMG enables full scaling from 40nm in area and performance; i.e., 28nm delivers twice the gate density of industry standard 40nm processes and an SRAM cell size shrink of more than 50 percent (cell size of 0.120 square micrometers for dense single port). 28nm transistors offer up to 40% higher performance than 40nm at comparable leakage with up to 50% lower energy per switch and 50% lower static power. As a leading manufacturer of x86 CPU's, GLOBALFOUNDRIES well understands the constraints and trade-offs of performance, power and area. The major competitor's offerings have limitations in the breadth of transistor and Vt offerings versus a wider variety from GLOBALFOUNDRIES as described below.
28nm High Performance (HP) and High Performance Plus (HPP)

28nm-HP targets high performance and general purpose applications such as graphics, game consoles, storage, consumer electronics, and wired networking. 28nm-HP supports low, standard, and high Vt options with an operating voltage of 0.85V. I/O choices include 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V options to meet different product specifications. 28nm-HP features a wide choice of metal options. 28nm-HPP technology provides a performance boost of as much as 10% over the current 28nm High Performance (HP) offering, as well as offering optional ultra-low leakage transistors and SRAMS that extend the application range from high performance into the low power range. Furthermore, a rich RF CMOS offering is also available, making it an ideal platform for the next generation of high-performance system-on-chip (SoC) designs with a broad addressable market ranging from low power to high performance devices.
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flamingos (7.6.2011)
Stara 9.7.2011, 11:44   #3
Dusan Despotovic
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

Nvidia delays 28nm and 22/20nm GPUs to 2012 and 2014
Despite Nvidia CEO Huang Jen-hsun previously saying that the company is set to announce its new 28nm GPU architecture at the end of 2011 and 22/20nm in 2013, sources from graphics card makers have pointed out that Nvidia has already adjusted its roadmap and delayed 28nm Kepler and 22/20nm Maxwell to 2012 and 2014.

The sources believe that the delay is due to unsatisfactory yield rates of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's (TSMC) 28nm process as well as lower-than-expected performance of Kepler.
TSMC originally expected its 28nm capacity at Fab15 to be available in the fourth quarter of 2011 and was set to start pilot production for its 20nm process technology in the third quarter of 2012.
However, TSMC's other major client Qualcomm, currently, still has not yet adjusted its 28nm process schedule and is set to launch three new products, 8960. 8270 and 8260A using dual-core Krait architecture in the fourth quarter of 2011.
Meanwhile, AMD will follow its original schedule and enter the 28nm era in the first half of 2012. The company's next-generation graphics chips Southern Island as well as Krishna and Wichita processors, which will replace the existing Ontraio and Zacate processors, and will all adopt a 28nm process from TSMC.
Dusan Despotovic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.9.2011, 21:54   #4
Član od: 18.8.2007.
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neddd je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.11.2011, 18:46   #5
Član od: 23.10.2009.
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NVIDIA GeForce Kepler Roadmap Compiled

thebluephoenix je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.11.2011, 23:38   #6
V.I.P. Test Drive
Član od: 18.2.2007.
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

Hmm... 512-bit GDDR5 kartica kao ultimativni high-end. Chemu? AMD je osvojio trzhishte sa GDDR5 karticom (Radeon 4870), a od tada furaju 256-bitnu magistralu uz GDDR5 redovno, jer je vidljivo to da nije potreban dodatni memorijski protok. Vec 3 generacije vrte tu kombinaciju i radi posao...

Mislim, verovatno nVidia zna neshto shto mi ne znamo (a mozhda i ne ), ali 512-bitna magistrala i PCB za takve egzibicije su preskupi, a chisto sumnjam da ce se ovajditi mnogo u odnosu na 384-bitni. Jeste to apsolutni high-end, ali je i pored toga glupo . No ajd' da sachekamo, pa da vidimo...

Ove ostale informacije su ochekivane i dosta nedefinisane, ako su tachne.
Doomche je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.11.2011, 23:45   #7
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Avatar korisnika Picard
Član od: 30.11.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

To i nije neobično ukoliko HD7900 bude imao 384-bitnu magistralu i XDR memoriju, kao što se priča.
Picard je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.11.2011, 0:02   #8
V.I.P. Test Drive
Član od: 18.2.2007.
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

Prvo moramo da vidimo shta ce sve doneti XDR u praksi, ne verujem da je to kupljeno iskljuchivo radi (mnogo) veceg protoka. Tu su i latencije, cena, grejanje, power consumption (30% manji nego kod GDDR5)... treba nam test u praksi. Tu je i potpuno drugachiji memorijski kontroler, pored svega, pa ce ovo biti (bar za AMD) prilichna revolucija.
Doomche je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.11.2011, 12:23   #9
Avatar korisnika Thaedass
Član od: 4.9.2009.
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

Manje vise sto je slajd cisto nagadjanje,ali realno pre treceg kvartala (u najboljem slucaju) necemo imati nista zanimljivo u ponudi od strane nVidia-e...
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Stara 13.12.2011, 21:24   #10
Član od: 23.10.2009.
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

640-768 SP
80-96 TMU
48 ROP
384bit GDDR5

1024 SP
128 TMU
? 64 ROP
512bit GDDR5
thebluephoenix je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.12.2011, 17:30   #11
Dusan Despotovic
Član od: 20.12.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)
Dusan Despotovic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.12.2011, 10:53   #12
Dusan Despotovic
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)
Dusan Despotovic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.12.2011, 11:04   #13
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Avatar korisnika Picard
Član od: 30.11.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

Što volim ove "konfidenšl" slajdove i iz nV i iz AMD-a.
Picard je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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galebns (16.12.2011)
Stara 19.12.2011, 14:02   #14
Predrag Stankovic
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Rumor: NVIDIA Skipping GeForce 600 Series - GTX 780 Performance Slide Shown
Predrag Stankovic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 19.12.2011, 15:08   #15
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To bi bio i logican potez, posto ATI sprema 7000 seriju, moraju i oni da imenuju proizvode makar sa sedmicom. Kao sto i Mozilla sa Firefox-om gruva po okruglim verzijama, da bi sustigli "brojeve" ostalih.
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Predrag Stankovic (19.12.2011)
Stara 19.12.2011, 15:24   #16
Predrag Stankovic
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Član od: 3.12.2005.
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Da ima logike, NV Series 7 vs AMD Series 7, to ionako nije "sefte" zelenima, slično je bilo kada su sa GF9 skočili na series 200 pa na 400
Predrag Stankovic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.1.2012, 16:56   #17
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Avatar korisnika Picard
Član od: 30.11.2008.
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Poslednja ispravka: Picard (2.1.2012 u 19:00)
Picard je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 3.1.2012, 21:51   #18
Avatar korisnika Thaedass
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

^ nisam u toku sta je sve leak-ovalo proteklih dana,ali ovo je 99% fake
Thaedass je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.1.2012, 16:06   #19
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Avatar korisnika Picard
Član od: 30.11.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)
Picard je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 22.1.2012, 18:35   #20
Avatar korisnika Thaedass
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Određen forumom Re: NVIDIA GTX600 Series (Kepler)

Neki sveziji info? Ova oskudica informacija za nVidia kartice polako pocinje da me smara posteno bas kao sto AMD trenutno svrbi nemogucnost da isporuci normalan broj Tahiti cipova..
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