8.7.2010, 12:03 | #1 | |
Deo inventara foruma
Dragon Age 2
Takođe ima glasina da ćemo videti teaser ovih dana... |
Sledećih 4 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Vulee na korisnoj poruci: | ||
8.7.2010, 16:47 | #2 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 24.2.2006.
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Poruke: 3.038
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Re: Dragon Age 2
Evo i zvaničnog sajta - http://dragonage.bioware.com/da2/ Najavljuje se "new cinematic experience" (nadam se nemasseffectoliko). Trejler 17. avgusta.
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku caine na korisnoj poruci: | ||
Vulee (8.7.2010) |
8.7.2010, 16:52 | #3 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: Dragon Age 2
Veoma ložački sajt. (na nivou)
8.7.2010, 19:41 | #4 |
Član od: 25.12.2009.
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Re: Dragon Age 2
EA i BioWare su konačno i zvanično najavili punokrvni nastavak najboljeg RPG-a, a po mnogima i najbolje igre iz 2009. godine. Malo je detalja o “dvojci”, ali ovaj duo obećava prvi trejler 17. avgusta, samo dan pre početka GamesCom 2010 event-a u Nemačkoj. Dragon Age II će se za PC, PS3 i Xbox 360 pojaviti u prvom kvartalu 2011. godine, a po svemu sudeći, u pitanju je 1. februar. Experience the epic sequel to the 2009 Game of the Year from the critically acclaimed makers of Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2. You are one of the few who escaped the destruction of your home. Now, forced to fight for survival in an ever-changing world, you must gather the deadliest of allies, amass fame and fortune, and seal your place in history. This is the story of how the world changed forever. The legend of your Rise to Power begins now. Key Features: • Embark upon an all-new adventure that takes place across an entire decade and shapes itself around every decision you make. • Determine your rise to power from a destitute refugee to the revered champion of the land. • Think like a general and fight like a Spartan with dynamic new combat mechanics that put you right in the heart of battle whether you are a mage, rogue, or warrior. • Go deeper into the world of Dragon Age with an entirely new cinematic experience that grabs hold of you from the beginning and never lets go. • Discover a whole realm rendered in stunning detail with updated graphics and a new visual style. Kao što to obično biva, GameInformer se i ovog puta dokopao sočnih detalja koje će objaviti u Avgustovskom broju. Poslednja ispravka: DeCoy (9.7.2010 u 13:42) Razlog: velike slike u thumbnail |
8.7.2010, 21:48 | #5 |
Član od: 17.11.2006.
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Re: Dragon Age 2
• Go deeper into the world of Dragon Age with an entirely new cinematic experience that grabs hold of you from the beginning and never lets go.
hmmmm....ovo zvuci malo naivno |
8.7.2010, 21:55 | #6 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: Dragon Age 2
Tipičan EA marketing...
Da li zna neko ko je ovaj baja levo? EDIT: Sveže vesti: U DA2 će biti moguće igranje samo sa čovekom, vilenjaci i patuljci više neće biti dostupni za glavnog lika. Poslednja ispravka: Vulee (8.7.2010 u 22:16) |
8.7.2010, 22:31 | #7 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 19.8.2009.
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Re: Dragon Age 2
8.7.2010, 22:48 | #8 |
Član od: 21.12.2009.
Poruke: 278
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Re: Dragon Age 2
Go deeper into the world of Dragon Age with an entirely new cinematic experience that grabs hold of you from the beginning and never lets go.
Majko, napravice film kao i od Mass effect dvojke Jos ako bude da je Hawk sin od Morrigan i lika kojeg smo vodili onda stvarno |
8.7.2010, 22:56 | #9 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 19.8.2009.
Poruke: 6.769
Zahvalnice: 3.089
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Re: Dragon Age 2
Stvarno deluje malo komicno. Mislim, ovakve stvari mozes ocekivati u Mass Effectu, ali ne i u Dragon Age-u. Ali dobro, ipak je ovo Bioware, a oni me nikad, ali nikad nisu razocarali..
8.7.2010, 23:25 | #10 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 24.2.2006.
Lokacija: Nis
Poruke: 3.038
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Re: Dragon Age 2
Nadam se da taj Hawke neće da ima glas. Čisto da bih se lakše uživeo u roleplaying. Osim ako bude igra "streamlined" kao ME, onda je i glas ok.
9.7.2010, 0:07 | #11 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 19.8.2009.
Poruke: 6.769
Zahvalnice: 3.089
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Re: Dragon Age 2
Naravno da ce imati glas. Vec se zna i glumac (onaj bradonja je verovatno dizajner)..
Spoiler za glumac:
9.7.2010, 0:40 | #12 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: Dragon Age 2
Članovi BW foruma su se složili da je najbolje ime za budućeg junaka Mike Hawke.
• Mike Hawke will rock the very foundations of Thedas and shape the world for generations to come! Poslednja ispravka: Vulee (9.7.2010 u 1:06) |
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Vulee na korisnoj poruci: | ||
nameless1 (9.7.2010) |
9.7.2010, 1:15 | #13 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 19.8.2009.
Poruke: 6.769
Zahvalnice: 3.089
Zahvaljeno 4.935 puta na 2.298 poruka
Re: Dragon Age 2
Hahaha, ovo je najludje: 1) hahah mike hawke survived the blight, 2) Hello madam, Mike Hawk at your service..
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku nameless1 na korisnoj poruci: | ||
Vulee (9.7.2010) |
9.7.2010, 3:05 | #14 |
Član od: 26.6.2010.
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Poruke: 1.214
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Re: Dragon Age 2
Hawk the slayer?
9.7.2010, 11:02 | #15 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: Dragon Age 2
9.7.2010, 12:58 | #16 |
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
Zahvalnice: 232
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Re: Dragon Age 2
Pashche cena dragon age 1 yaay
9.7.2010, 13:10 | #17 |
V.I.P. GNU/Linux
Član od: 1.11.2005.
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Re: Dragon Age 2
9.7.2010, 16:13 | #18 |
Član od: 17.11.2006.
Lokacija: Sombor/Novi Sad
Poruke: 1.991
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Re: Dragon Age 2
evo jedno interesantno misljenje ''zasto mi bioware igre postaju dosadne'':
Not only do we have the same basic tale and characters, the way the missions play out is exactly the same, too. A semblance of choice is given by branching quests, but you still have to play them all anyway. The outcome is more or less the same every time as well, bar a few different strings of dialogue. Every game follows the same route - initial starting quest, followed by three or four quests to be played in any order, followed by the closing quests. Each area contains several side quests, but these have little impact on the main story, except for the odd weapon or sidekick. Every game has a romance subplot, leading to a unique trait for you or your partner. And every game has a point where you will lose one or two followers, depending on whether you spoke to them often enough or not, or worse, bought the correct items during play (Mass Effect 2, I am looking at you!). And all this combines for point three, and the worst failing of all: the lack of real choice. Sure, dialogue options can lead to you getting a particular item, or keeping your friends happy, but the overall game stays the same. The options for dialogue are often excessively black-and-white anyway, and the game doesn´t play as an RPG anymore; instead, you pick the option that allows you to follow the path you have chosen (Paragon/Renegade, Closed Fist/Open Palm, Light Side/Dark Side, etc.) and aside from a different ending screen, the game still plays out the same. Such decision polarization also prevents “true” RPG gaming: there is only benefit to playing one way or another, and being a morally grey character just prevents you getting access to the higher tiers of the traits, thus forcing you to decide what to do based on light/dark choices, and not necessarily your own. There also is a lack of the impact seen in other titles - Fallout 3 let us destroy a town, and then deal with the ramifications afterwards. The best we can hope for is that a companion may leave us because they disagree. |
9.7.2010, 16:30 | #19 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 19.8.2009.
Poruke: 6.769
Zahvalnice: 3.089
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Re: Dragon Age 2
Ok, ali po cemu se to razlikuje od svih danasnjih RPG-ova? Mozda u Witcheru imas razlicite izbore koji uticu na kraj? Ne! To je nacin onih koji ne vole mnogo Bioware (ili gotive neku druge razvojne studie), da dovedu u pitanje njihovu superiornost i poziciju lidera u zanru. Tu pre svega mislim na fanove Obsidiana, skoknite malo na njihov forum. Oni, da bi se malo bolje osecali, zbog konstantnih fejlova svog ljubimca, pocinju da bashuju Bioware da je neoriginalan, da ne preuzima rizike, da u njihovim igrama nema C&C, bla bla bla.. A realnost je da devedeset posto Obsidianovih igara, pretstavlja nastavke Bioware-ovih igara, koji su potpuno identicni (naravno mnogo losiji pritom). Kakvi su izbori u NWN2, kotoru II..? Potpuno ista stvar. U Alpha Protocolu, jedina novina tice se dijaloga, koji je prekopiran iz Mass Effecta, uz dodatak vremenskog ogranicenja. Slazem se da postoji nedostatak izbora i posledica, ali to nije problem Biowarea, vec svih danasnjih RPG-ova, i po cemu se oni razlikuju od onih starijih..
9.7.2010, 16:33 | #20 |
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
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Re: Dragon Age 2
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