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Stara 16.11.2006, 2:44   #161
Član od: 6.12.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

player1 kaže:
Nije to nikakav "shugavi level cap".
Ako su ikad igrao pen&paper 3.Xe DnD, znao bi da osnovna pravila pokrivaju samo prvih 20 nivoa. Dok su potpuno posebna pravila za epic (preko 20) nivoe. Drugi featovi, drugcija progresija, epic spell mehanika.

Ne mozes da ocekujes, da i sve to bude uradjeno u osnovnoj verziji igre. Za NWN1 je to trebala citava druga ekspanzija.
Tacno, samo je ipak malo 20 nivoa za prestige klase. Nisu ih trebali ni stavljati.
Inace mislim da je drizzt dourden negde 17 nivo...
Sarmatian je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.11.2006, 2:47   #162
Član od: 6.12.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Plagy kaže:
Meni se ukochila igra kad sam teo Quick save da loadujem. I to se desi svaki put. A zadnji auto save mi je 2 sata igre.

Updejtovao sam igru preko update toola i opet isto.
To se meni desavalo pre nego sto sam patch-ovao na 1.01. Onda sam krenuo novu igru i mogu da prijavim da sam stigao skoro do kraja bez ijednog baga.
Kreni ispocetka sa patch-ovanom verzijom...
Sarmatian je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.11.2006, 20:21   #163
Član od: 15.11.2005.
Lokacija: Sremska Mitrovica
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Patch 1.02 nije neophodan, jer valjda samo resava neke probleme sa serverom za multiplay, 1.01(80mb) bi trebalo da resava najbitnije probleme u igri(bug-ove, zahtevnost etc) i objektivno NWN ne bit trebalo igrati bez njega , sad 1.01 patch je skinut sa oficijelnih sajtova, i pakleno ga je tesko naci (bar bilo meni ) zato evo linka za download

Mnogi ljudi se zale na nemogucnost instalacije patch-a usled nekih gluposti ne poklapanja verzija exe faljlova, ja cu se potruditi da u buducnosti nadjem fix, dotle, i search letnji dan do podne
archmage je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 6:12   #164
Član od: 17.11.2006.
Lokacija: Sombor/Novi Sad
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Question Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

e cao ljudi ja sam nov ovde ali kada su u pitanju rpg igre onda sam
inace igram kuci inemam nekih prevelikih problema igram 1.00(788)verziju i zasad nisam naisao na neki bug koji mi je unistio igru inace zanima me sledeceL:
u nw-glavnom gradu srecete decu prosjake,sirocice koji su u nekoj frci ja sam stao na njihovu stanu ali bi oni uvek se zahvalili i otisli kad odjednom ja izaso iz one krcme gde se nalazi vas ujak i gde regrutujete pomocnike i vidim tu decu koja su rekli da mi se zahvajuju i da odsad zive u toj kafani zatim ulaze unutra ali kad ja udjem njih nema inace ovo nepise da je quest ali mislim da jeste ako bi ih naso unutra?da li neko zna u cemu je fazon?
Ekiman je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 6:20   #165
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 9.11.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Ekiman kaže:
e cao ljudi ja sam nov ovde ali kada su u pitanju rpg igre onda sam
inace igram kuci inemam nekih prevelikih problema igram 1.00(788)verziju i zasad nisam naisao na neki bug koji mi je unistio igru inace zanima me sledeceL:
u nw-glavnom gradu srecete decu prosjake,sirocice koji su u nekoj frci ja sam stao na njihovu stanu ali bi oni uvek se zahvalili i otisli kad odjednom ja izaso iz one krcme gde se nalazi vas ujak i gde regrutujete pomocnike i vidim tu decu koja su rekli da mi se zahvajuju i da odsad zive u toj kafani zatim ulaze unutra ali kad ja udjem njih nema inace ovo nepise da je quest ali mislim da jeste ako bi ih naso unutra?da li neko zna u cemu je fazon?
O des' Ekiman Znam ja tebe! Ti si "One-Sise-Sto-Skakucu"!
Kako je svet mali!
A sto se tice NN2a- je8iga, taman se resis kompanjona u krcmi kada su ti najpotrebniji, sada kada pocinju da te proganjaju duhovi dece... Jer, da su to bila prava, ziva deca, nasao bi ih vec u kafani...
polarnimeda je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 7:24   #166
Član od: 1.11.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Kod mog dilera jos nema nwn2...Znaci izasla je igra...a je li li bagovana...
LunaticRS je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 8:38   #167
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Nije mnogo bagovana.

Mada ima po neki koji mi smeta. Na primer prstenje koje daje extra spellove na dan ne radi. Tj. radi, ali ako uradis ucitavanje pozicije izgubis ekstra slot. Takodje ima ponegde i greska u opisu itema. Na primer, Half-Plate nema Dex bonus +1, nego 0.

Ipak, ja igru nisam igrao na 1.00, nego odmah na 1.01 (i kasnije 1.02) tako da je mozda release bagovitiji nego sto ja imam utisak.

Poslednja ispravka: player1 (18.11.2006 u 8:52)
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 8:43   #168
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Evo za one koje interestuje, sta je ispravljeno patchevima.
Prvo 1.01:

Neverwinter Nights 2 – Version 1.01 Patch Notes

New Stuff

• DM Client – A beta version of the Dungeon Master Client is now available. You can access it from the NWN2 Launcher, or by running nwn2.exe with the –dmc switch. This allows you to start a multiplayer game in which you can have a great deal of control over creating, managing, and commanding creatures, placeables, and more. Over the next three monthly patches we will be continuing to add features, fix bugs, and improve the interface.
• New Druid Spells – Druids have been granted 9 new spells, one for each level. In addition, the feat Natural Spell has been added. Druids that take the Natural Spell feat may cast spells while Polymorphed or Wild Shaped.
o Level 1 - Foundation of Stone: This spell grants a target immunity to knockdown, but reduces their movement speed.
o Level 2 - Body of the Sun: The caster’s body emanates fire, burning nearby creatures.
o Level 3 – Jagged Tooth: This spell grants a targeted animal the Keen property on one of its natural weapons.
o Level 4 – Moonbolt: This spell creates a bolt of energy that deals strength damage to living creatures and knocks down undead, giving them penalties on attack rolls and saving throws.
o Level 5 – Rejuvenation Cocoon: The target of this spell becomes encased in a regenerative cocoon, where they are cured from poison and disease and regenerate health.
o Level 6 – Tortoise Shell: The caster gains a natural armor bonus of +6, plus an additional 1 per every three caster levels to a maximum of +9.
o Level 7 – Swamp Lung: This spell causes victims to fall prone for 1-6 rounds, during which time they can catch disease.
o Level 8 – Storm Avatar: This spell infuses the caster with the energy of a storm, making them immune to missiles, hasting them, and adding damage to their attacks
o Level 9 – Nature’s Avatar: This spell grants a targeted animal a series of very powerful buffs.
• Water Reflection/Refraction – Water is now more visually exciting! Users have the option to toggle Water Reflection and Refraction on in the Options Menu under the Advanced Graphics tab. Note: These settings can cause slowdowns on older hardware.
• Client Packs – Module makers can now create Client Packs in the toolset, which can be placed in clients My Documents\pwc\ folder to allow users to connect to Multiplayer Games for which they do not have the module. These .pwc files contain only the data absolutely necessary to run the module on the client side are useful if, for instance, you are running a persistent world and do not wish to allow clients to open your module with all of its areas, creatures, and scripts visible.
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 8:44   #169
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.835
Zahvalnice: 5.654
Zahvaljeno 4.120 puta na 2.692 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Bug Fixes

• Input in Single Player games should now be much more responsive. Previously, input commands could lag for up to several frames before taking effect in-game. This is no longer the case.
• Broadcast Commands are now more reliable and last longer before companions will revert to their default behavior.
• The “Loot All” button would sometimes loot all of the items from a container but would not close the window or remove the icons. This will no longer occur.
• The player can no longer become stuck in a cinematic style cutscene by switching characters immediately as the cutscene begins.
• The game will no longer crash if you switch back to your character after ordering one of your companions to barter with another player.
• The Chat box, both in-game and in the Gamespy Lobby, will no longer overrun when players type long messages.

• Fixed several instances where the type of damage was not specified in a spell’s description.
• The descriptions for Bless, Divine Shield and Shield Other have been updated.
• Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm and Isaac’s Lesser Missile Storm will no longer target allies on difficulty modes lower than D&D Hardcore. Additionally, they will select their targets more fairly now.
• Magic Fang now grants the proper bonus to animal companions.

• Long quest names will no longer be cut off in the Journal.
• Longer target names now fit underneath the targeting window.
• The Scimitar +2 will no longer have a Rapier icon.
• Items could occasionally become lost when moving them in the inventory with the game paused. This will no longer occur.

• Users can now add .mod files as well as modules in directories to campaigns.
• The toolset could previously enter a state where it would crash when saving a module to a directory. This can no longer happen.
• The default NWN2 load screen is now available in the toolset.
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 8:45   #170
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.835
Zahvalnice: 5.654
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Original Campaign Fixes - Warning: Spoilers below.

• Fixed several minor spelling and grammar issues.
• Fixed several instances where dialogue text did not match the Voice Over for a line.
• Fixed some instances of traps not working throughout the game.

Act 1:
• Fixed an instance where players could reach Skymirror without Elanee.
• Slaan now drops items when killed.
• Fixed Zeearie’s mouth not animating after the player defeated her.
• Fixed an inconsistency in Jochris’ cutscene.
• Fixed an issue which could cause two Waterdeep Emissaries to spawn.
• Wolf will now look the same in his cutscene in the Merchant Quarter as he does in the rest of the game.
• Fixed an infinite XP exploit when returning to West Harbor and speaking with Retta Starling.
• Thugs no longer appear in the same spot when re-entering the Neverwinter Docks district.

Act 2:
• Reduced an influence check for Grobnar during the Trial.
• Fixed the cutscene with Koraboros triggering early at Shandra’s Farm.
• Fixed the Sun Soul Art quest not being added to the journal.
• The player now receives the proper number of quest items after defeating the Shadow Reaver in Act 2.
• Turning in Arval’s journal will no longer give an invalid reward.
• Fixed an instance where Nevalle referred to Female PCs as Male.
• Fixed an infinite quest reward loop in Zaxis’ dialogue
• Players will no longer get stuck on the dialogue between Zhjaeve and Aldanon in Multiplayer.
• Soothing Light now performs the proper effect.
• Healing Lord Tavorick after he goes down but before he speaks to you will no longer break progression.

Act 3:
• The game could sometimes become stuck when leaving Fire Giant camp through the Area Transition – this will no longer occur.
• The quartermaster’s armory will no longer appear as red tunics.
• Siege Towers have been given the proper sound set.
• Retta’s dialogue will no longer drop if you speak to her before Danan.
• Prior Hlam is now available in Neverwinter City during Act 3.
• Players can no longer bypass the black portals in the Gauntlet.
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 8:46   #171
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
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Zahvalnice: 5.654
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

I jos 1.02:
Neverwinter Nights 2 – Version 1.02 Patch Notes

This patch is a hot fix to address issues reported by the community where cutscenes and scripted events did not seem to fire correctly when a companion character was being controlled.

- ServerMonitorConsole should now properly run on Athlon XP-based machines.
Inace, planira se da izadje 1.03 pre kraja ovog meseca.
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 11:28   #172
Novi član
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Ne mogu da snimim poziciju

There was insufficient hard disk space to perform this operation

Na C imam oko 1.5 GB
Na D imam oko 20 GB

Patch na 1.01

Unapred zahvalan
poki je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 12:45   #173
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
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Zahvalnice: 5.654
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Sejvovi se lupaju u MyDocuments, pa je to verovatno glavni problem.
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 17:44   #174
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 9.11.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

poki kaže:
Ne mogu da snimim poziciju

There was insufficient hard disk space to perform this operation

Na C imam oko 1.5 GB
Na D imam oko 20 GB

Patch na 1.01

Unapred zahvalan
Mozda imas previse sejvova, a mozda ti treba vise od 1.5 GB slobodnog prostora na C! Uostalom, uvek gledaj ako punis neku particiju- da to bude ona na kojoj nije instaliran op. sistem! Tako ce i lakse disati, a i podaci ce preziveti ako ti se skrsi win!
polarnimeda je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 17:47   #175
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Sto me nervira kod novih igara je da one stalno lupaju svoje sejvove negde u MyDocuments.
player1 je sada online   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 17:56   #176
V.I.P. GNU/Linux
Avatar korisnika voodoo_
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

To mora tako, da bi moglo da se igra pod ne-administratorskim nalogom. Starije igre sve snimaju u svoje foldere, kojima običan korisnik nema write pristup, i onda administrator mora da se cima, dozvoljava pristupe folderima i registry ključevima običnim korisnicima itd.
voodoo_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.11.2006, 23:13   #177
Član od: 17.11.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

polarnimeda kaže:
O des' Ekiman Znam ja tebe! Ti si "One-Sise-Sto-Skakucu"!
Kako je svet mali!
A sto se tice NN2a- je8iga, taman se resis kompanjona u krcmi kada su ti najpotrebniji, sada kada pocinju da te proganjaju duhovi dece... Jer, da su to bila prava, ziva deca, nasao bi ih vec u kafani...
e poz
znas sta je najsmesnije?!
sto sam ja celo vreme na krstarici mislio da je tvoj nick

posto sam brzopleto procito

Ekiman je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 19.11.2006, 5:32   #178
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 9.11.2005.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 4.176
Zahvalnice: 1.851
Zahvaljeno 990 puta na 612 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

Ekiman kaže:
e poz
znas sta je najsmesnije?!
sto sam ja celo vreme na krstarici mislio da je tvoj nick

posto sam brzopleto procito

Eh... Voleo bih da mogu da te utesim, da ti kazem da mi se to stalno desava. Al to bi bilo jos ludje
polarnimeda je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 19.11.2006, 10:05   #179
Član od: 23.2.2006.
Lokacija: Tamo gde su kuće od čokolade i prozori od marmelade....
Poruke: 1.579
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

A jel postoji fora da se prebaci my documents na particiju d?
Posto imam igru vec dve nedelje a komp mi je prepun ne mogu da je instaliram,prvenstveno zato sto ne znam koliki mi prostor treba i zbog toga sto jedva oslobodim 700mb na particiji gde mi je win...
Dakle koliko zauzima instalacija i kako da promenim lokaciju gde ce da sacuvava pozicijie(umesto c:/documentandsettings/stefan/my docs u lupam d:/NW2 saves/
Teva je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 19.11.2006, 13:47   #180
Član od: 18.12.2005.
Lokacija: Krusevac - Nis
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

probaj desno dugme na my documents i da promenis path mozda ga skonta (mada meni glupo zvucalo prvi put).
madhatterYU je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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