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Stara 3.11.2008, 11:54   #21
V.I.P. GNU/Linux
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Jedva čekam, samo se plašim da ne ubace onu onlajn aktivaciju ko što su najavljivali, onda ćemo biti osuđeni na večito igranje 1.0 sa našom "demo" verzijom...
voodoo_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 3.11.2008, 16:13   #22
V.I.P. Test Play
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Online aktivacija je za onaj modul sto skoro godinu dana nikako da izadje (Mysteries of Westgate), i koji ce da se distribuira samo online.

Prava ekspanzija ce imati klasicnu dvd-check zastitu.
player1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.11.2008, 15:27   #23
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Još samo dva dana do izlaska igre, a niko ništa ne postuje, ko da ni nema igre c,c,c!

Pošto već odavno slabo igram igre jedini naslovi koje očekujem su ovaj NWN, Restoration Mod za K.o.t.O.R 2 i Dragon Age.

Guardian je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 19.11.2008, 15:05   #24
Marti Misterija
Deo inventara foruma
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Evo prodje i taj dugo cekani 18. novembar.

Ima li ikakvih novosti oko NWN2: SoZ, tj. zna li se jel igra uopste izasla?
Marti Misterija je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 19.11.2008, 22:53   #25
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Mithrandir kaže: Pregled poruke
Expansion pack <> stand alone?
Toliko hvale SoZ i toliko novina ima, da ne vidim zasto bi zahtevao NWN2?
u pitanju je stand alone
N_i_k_o_l_a je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.11.2008, 1:48   #26
Član od: 2.11.2005.
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Slanje poruke preko ICQ-a korisniku vertigo
Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

jel izaso? Stand ALone je ili se salite samo?
vertigo je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.11.2008, 3:25   #27
V.I.P. Test Play
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

100% sam siguran da nije strand alone.
player1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.11.2008, 10:25   #28
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Pise na posteru : Expansion Pack - Requires the original NWN2 to play.
Mithrandir je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.11.2008, 11:41   #29
V.I.P. GNU/Linux
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Izašao, 5.5 GB. Nije standalone.
voodoo_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.11.2008, 15:31   #30
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Napokon, nadam se da nije nesto zahtevnije od MOTB.
Na ima dosta informacija, in a nutshell:
New Overland Map system
New Trading System
New Crafting System
New Death and resting system

2 new races: Grey Orc and Yuan-ti
3 new classes:
Swashbuckler base class
Hellfire Warlock PrC
Doomguide of Kelemvor PrC
11 companions
12 new monsters
100+ new items
32 unique new spells (40 if you count spells for mutiple classes)
90+ plus new feats including
7 new backgrounds
10 heritage feats
12 teamwork feats
10 new general and divine feats
40 new race, class and PrC feats
33 epithet feats
Taman vreme da vec probam warlocka ako nisam u OC i MOTB ^^ A witcher ee ce morati malo da saceka
darthmajor je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.11.2008, 16:39   #31
Član od: 4.12.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

pogresio sam, ipak nije stand alone
N_i_k_o_l_a je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.11.2008, 0:30   #32
Član od: 18.1.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Ok, da li je neko već probao? Da čujemo utiske!

Guardian je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.11.2008, 0:43   #33
Član od: 8.4.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Da i mene interesuje ,da li je bolji od originala ili cak od MotB?
Jeste da zbog manjka vremena nisam zavrsio original (shame on me) a MotB nisam ni smeo(hteo) da pocinjem ,jer je dosta kompleksniji. Ali sad ni slucajno ne smem da pocnem igram NWN2 jer kad sam se nekad davno docepao NWN1 , 2 meseca sam se odvojio od realnosti.
zokocx je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.11.2008, 2:09   #34
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Evo jedan solidan review sa zvanicnog foruma (na engleskom):

I can sum up this game very easily with two words: Old School. This expansion abandons the cinematic approach of past games and instead adopts a style that reminds me a lot of a good ol' pen and paper session of D&D.

No longer the story of one orphan and the mystical sword that repeatedly destroyed his life, this expansion follows the survivors of a shipwreck in a xenophobic nation to the south of Neverwinter. Foreigners trapped in a realm that despises foreigners, these adventurers are forced to rely on a powerful local merchant for their release, their continued freedom, and their employment.

New Features:
Overland Map: A very nice addition with some very frustrating caveats, the overland map is likely where you'll be spending most of your time. It feels a lot like an RTS map, and even the initial region is quite large. I would strongly suggest you have someone with high ranks in spot, listen, and survival to lead when on the map. Rangers in particular are very valuable. Fortunately there is a druid you can enlist in the first town who can provide these skills. In fact, you may want to enlist him anyway, as his dinosaur companion, Yushai, is a remarkably effective tank. And no, Yushai does not attack with his tongue or by throwing eggs.

Unfortunately there are some problems to mention here. First, "toggle" type powers (bardic inspirations and passive warlock invocations) are turned off when entering the overland map, so remember to turn them back on at the start of any random encounter. Also, be sure to pause the game before doing any menu diving while on the world map. I learned this the hard way by being attacked by ogres while in the level up screen for one of my characters.

Conversation: The party conversation system is remarkably well done. If anyone in the party has dialogue options the current speaker does not, a speech bubble will appear on their portrait, and you can click on them to see what they have to say. Much of the time these options are skill related (ranging from bluff and diplomacy to craft and use magic device), but other factors provide their own options. Two of my characters, a LG doomguide and a CN warlock, often have a different response to given circumstances. When talking to a particularly polite servant, for instance, the doomguide would remark on the honor the servant was showing her while the warlock bluntly told the servant that there was no need for his toadying.

I was also pleased to find that the cohorts aren't quite as soulless as we've been lead to believe. While they behave exactly like PCs for the most part, they also seem to have personal responses to certain situations. The druid, for instance, seems to always defend dinosaurs when other people complain about them. In one particular instance, he brags that he and Yushai know a great deal about the surroundings when an NPC enlists the party to explore the region.

Death: For those of you woried about the new death system, they've also added an additional touch to lighten the blow. Waukeen, god of commerce, has been enterprising enough to start selling "coins of life". While more expensive than simple raise dead scrolls, these coins can be used by anyone with a pulse to restore anyone without one. They are very handy to have and I suggest you keep at least one of these bad boys on each character at any given time.

Challenge: The random encounters don't seem to care at all about your level or how many friends you got. You can stumble upon a level 9 encounter with wyverns while you're still level 4. It's a little embarassing how many times I had to run for my lives from things that would have (and sometimes still did) stomped my party flat.

Epic Skill Focus: You will be amazed at how much skill influences the game. Whether it was my craftsman warlock talking shop with a Lantanese golem builder or my bard using alchemy to create healing potions from the leaves of a random bush, having the right skills can really effect how things turn out.

All in all, I've greatly enjoyed the game so far. After six straight hours of play, I still feel like I've only scratched the surface. Like I already said, it feels a lot like an old fashioned D&D session, lacking only the Cheetos, the Mountain Dew, and the constant pop culture references being bantered about by the warlock and the ranger.
Sarmatian je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 3 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Sarmatian na korisnoj poruci:
player1 (21.11.2008), vertigo (22.11.2008), zokocx (21.11.2008)
Stara 21.11.2008, 10:30   #35
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

I još jedan: (user review sa gamespot-a)

1. Stable, haven't encountered any major glitches so far
2. Revamped interface, more polished graphics
3. Great story, hooks you in from the start
4. Sound and new spell effects are awesome 5. Creating your own party is amazingly fun!
6. Overland map, makes traveling much less tedious
7. Skills are more balanced and important
8. The new economic/trading system is fun
9. The new resting/healing system is more realistic
10. Tons of new side quests
11. Better AI (thank you!) and combat is much more challenging (and fun)


1. Character interaction is lacking, NPCs are not as interesting
2. Not sure about the new crafting recipe system

All in all, Storm of Zehir is my favorite of the series so far. One of the things I like about the developers at Obsidian is that they are willing to experiment with each new release. In Mask of the Betrayer, it was the dark new storyline, the spirit meter, the shadow realm and the well rounded NPCs (how cool is it to have a bear god in your party). Some things work better than others, but it is their willingness to take risks that has made the Neverwinter Nights such a successful series.

Storm of Zehir continues in that proud tradition with the ability to create each member of your party, interesting villains (yaun-ti is not your run-of-the-mill evil snake cult), immensely satisfying storyline, new trading/economic system, overland map, in addition to the expected new items, new monsters, new side quests, new spells and new classes. You are not just getting Neverwinter Nights 2.2, but an entirely new game in its own right. Heavily recommended.

Ja ga počinjem danas popodne tj tad mi stiže.
Jedva čekam,bre!!!!
draske73 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.11.2008, 18:45   #36
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Pa prvi utisak mi se tice zahtevnosti, koji je "tu negde" sa motb ali prve lokacije su problematicne zbog silnog bljestanja, kishe, vode, mase i etc...
Prva borba je prilicno haoticna posto prakticno bez ikakve opreme napada nekoliko talasa neprijatelja...da je bilo josh jednog talasa morao bih loadovati i napraviti jaci party
Dijalozi su u stilu NWN 1 sa VO sto mi se ne svidja preterano ali party conversation je super posto ovako mogu imati svaki conversation skill visok na nekom liku a ne da se na pocetku odlucim za jedan i samo taj levelujem.
Svidja mi se za sada ali jos nisam ni poceo posteno, editovacu kasnije post ^^
darthmajor je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.11.2008, 19:34   #37
Marti Misterija
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Član od: 24.10.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Da li se krece sa sasvim novim likom (ako da koji level), ili kao u NWN 1 ekspanyijama, odnosno MotB moze da se importuje sacuvani lik iz prethodnog dela?
Marti Misterija je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.11.2008, 21:03   #38
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Marti Misterija kaže: Pregled poruke
Da li se krece sa sasvim novim likom (ako da koji level), ili kao u NWN 1 ekspanyijama, odnosno MotB moze da se importuje sacuvani lik iz prethodnog dela?
Prica se valjda desava paralelno MOTB-om, pravi se novi heroj (+3 party membera) i pocinje se sa 4-og nivoa. Moze se importovati lik ali nije lepo vijati kobolde sa epic karakterom (importovani lik nece biti delevelovan, ostaje i oprema osim oruzja ako se ne varam)

Overland map je svakako interesantno i pravo osvezenje u odnosu na dosadasnja instant putovanja, a i daje smisao napokon skillovima kao survival/spot/move silently...inace izgleda ovako:

Ni MOTB nije bio lak sa casterom, ali u SoZ me stalno prati feeling kako jedva izvlacim glavu i nekako mi 'napeta' atmosfera zbog neprijateljskog okruzenja. Posle MOTB-a i SoZ, po meni Obsidian odrastao i mozemo ocekivati da Alpha Protocol bude veoma kvalitetan imo. Cheers za Obsidian
darthmajor je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 22.11.2008, 0:54   #39
V.I.P. Test Play
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

Sto se tice overland mape, tu ima jedan problem, bar sto kazu ljudi na zvanicnim forumima. Kada odes na overland mapu svi tvoji bafovi budu dispelovani, cak oni koji treba da traju vise sati ili pak 24 sata.

Pomalo bedak za one koji zavise od stalnih bafova i uopste heavy caster grupe.
player1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 22.11.2008, 20:46   #40
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Određen forumom Re: Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir Campaign

player1 kaže: Pregled poruke
Sto se tice overland mape, tu ima jedan problem, bar sto kazu ljudi na zvanicnim forumima. Kada odes na overland mapu svi tvoji bafovi budu dispelovani, cak oni koji treba da traju vise sati ili pak 24 sata.

Pomalo bedak za one koji zavise od stalnih bafova i uopste heavy caster grupe.
Istina, pomalo iritira ali je "realno" da ima problema na putu do neke lokacije + vecina encountera se moze izbeci bez problema (a i vidi se ECL da znamo sta da ocekujemo) ako stavis recimo rangera da vodi party sa visokim survival/spot/move silently. Anyways po meni mnogo vise doprinosi gameplayu nego sto steti i smara.

Btw jel' samo ja igram or wth oO Zar je nwn toliko nepopularan? >.> Cak i na torrent site-ovima je s/l stanje jad i beda
darthmajor je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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