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Strateške igre Potezne i real-time strategije...

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Stara 14.4.2007, 14:37   #1
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Smile Medieval 2 Total War: Kingdoms

SEGA je najavila drugi deo MTW2 Kingdoms.Bice novih mogucnosti a to su:
Cetri nove signal player kampanje:Teutonic,Americas,Britania i Crusades kampanja.13 novih frakcija,Heroji poput Saladina,Richard mozete da kontrolisete reinforcment armije,Zamkovi mogu biti okruzeni vodom,preko 150 novih jedinica.

izlazi u jesen ove godine

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Stara 14.4.2007, 15:37   #2
4th Dimension
Član od: 22.10.2005.
Lokacija: Tivat
Poruke: 1.767
Zahvalnice: 77
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 166 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

A divno. Ako je ranije bilo za****no osvojiti tvrdjavu sada ce to biti jos vise.
4th Dimension je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.4.2007, 17:34   #3
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

4th Dimension kaže: Pregled poruke
A divno. Ako je ranije bilo za****no osvojiti tvrdjavu sada ce to biti jos vise.
Ja zato i nevolim opsade bilo cega jedino kada oni mene napadnu inace ovako automatic pa sta bude.Obicno izgladnim nepriljatelja i onda ako sme izadje da se tabamo.
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.4.2007, 22:44   #4
4th Dimension
Član od: 22.10.2005.
Lokacija: Tivat
Poruke: 1.767
Zahvalnice: 77
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 166 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

Да а најгоре је када пошаљеш твоје савршено оклопљене мачеваоце и остале јединице из високе ере које онда на зидинама искасапе неке сељачине са вилама и оклопом у облику крпе око паса.

Да не помињем да коњица која је и онако затупљена у граду се тек забуни.
4th Dimension je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.4.2007, 23:31   #5
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

Jednostavno nemas sanse da osvojis zamak kada se svi oni naguraju na zidine jednostavno je glupo.
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.4.2007, 11:00   #6
4th Dimension
Član od: 22.10.2005.
Lokacija: Tivat
Poruke: 1.767
Zahvalnice: 77
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 166 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

Али сада би могло да помогне то што можеш да командујеш појачањимна. Раније није било шансе да освојиш замак који је крцат војском (ја сам рецимо налетио на неки Пољски замак са 3 нивоа зидина, па ајд ти освоји то), али сад доведеш два пута више војске и надаш се да ћеш успјети.
4th Dimension je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.4.2007, 12:53   #7
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

4th Dimension kaže: Pregled poruke
Али сада би могло да помогне то што можеш да командујеш појачањимна. Раније није било шансе да освојиш замак који је крцат војском (ја сам рецимо налетио на неки Пољски замак са 3 нивоа зидина, па ајд ти освоји то), али сад доведеш два пута више војске и надаш се да ћеш успјети.
Neznam kako je kod tebe ali naj laksi nacin je da imas katapult i onda prv po zidinama pa po vosci i onako pola iskasapljenoj vojsci jedan charge i mozda uspes inace sa merdevinama nema sanse.
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.4.2007, 14:32   #8
Član od: 11.3.2006.
Lokacija: Kingdom of heaven
Poruke: 974
Zahvalnice: 249
Zahvaljeno 252 puta na 147 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

Ma prijatelju 3 najveca katapulta da im probuse zidine i kapiju pa onda po kulama. I juris. Za****no je kad se povuku u poslednji deo zamka sa jos jednom kapijom. E, to je pravi izazov.
_Maximus_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.4.2007, 14:59   #9
4th Dimension
Član od: 22.10.2005.
Lokacija: Tivat
Poruke: 1.767
Zahvalnice: 77
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 166 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

Pa znam za to. Zato sad obično sa svakom armijom vucaram po dva culverin topa (prosto ih obožavam, klepe jednom zid tako jako da on ne shvati šta ga je strefilo, obale ga iz prve). Nego najveći mi je strah da mi ne ponestane municije dok ne stignem do njihovih poslednjih zidina. Bilo bi šitara da dođe do polednjeg zida a unitra dva vojnika a ja nema više đuladi.

Ali prije nego što sam nabavio topove, bilo je pakleno. po kvarat vojske mi strada na zidinama.

Ja mislim da su Mongoli najza****niji za napadnut. Pješadija im je osrednja viša klasa kao pješadija ali ima lukove, tako da oni tvoji jadnici prvo napreduju pod kišom strijela da bi naletjeli na oklopnu pješadiju na zidinama, i kad pređu to, ugazi ih konjica na ulici.
4th Dimension je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.5.2007, 6:30   #10
aleksandar macedonian II
Član od: 11.3.2006.
Lokacija: Sombor City where girls are pretty , "neka pravda bude izvrsena makar se nebo srusilo"
Poruke: 289
Zahvalnice: 42
Zahvaljeno 19 puta na 19 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku aleksandar macedonian II
Thumbs down Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

Prava bruka,nisu jos ispeglai ni MTW2 kako treba,a najavljuju exp. pa ta SEGA mi ide na nerve,a da ne zaboravim i CA mi ide na nerve al malo manje.
Izgleda da su Japanezi alavi samo na pare.
aleksandar macedonian II je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.5.2007, 8:03   #11
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Angry Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

aleksandar macedonian II kaže: Pregled poruke
Prava bruka,nisu jos ispeglai ni MTW2 kako treba,a najavljuju exp. pa ta SEGA mi ide na nerve,a da ne zaboravim i CA mi ide na nerve al malo manje.
Izgleda da su Japanezi alavi samo na pare.
Meni se cini kada je Activison idavaso njhive igre bilo bolje neg ova sega

Poslednja ispravka: masteri (4.5.2007 u 13:35)
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.5.2007, 8:56   #12
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Wink Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

Ali jedva cekam da isprobam Britansku kampanju
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.5.2007, 15:38   #13
aleksandar macedonian II
Član od: 11.3.2006.
Lokacija: Sombor City where girls are pretty , "neka pravda bude izvrsena makar se nebo srusilo"
Poruke: 289
Zahvalnice: 42
Zahvaljeno 19 puta na 19 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku aleksandar macedonian II
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

masteri kaže: Pregled poruke
Meni se cini kada je Activison idavaso njhive igre bilo bolje ova sega
Pa izgleda da je tako,posto je Sega vec odavno u financiskoj gabuli,a ima zlatnu koku zvanu MTW samo izbacuju naslove....
aleksandar macedonian II je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 11.5.2007, 20:10   #14
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Thumbs up Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

CA je izbacio 1 od 4 Gameplay Movies.
Prvi je Britannia Campaign.
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 11.5.2007, 22:05   #15
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

Evo detaljnije o kampanjama:
Americas Campaign
7 playable factions – Spain, The Aztecs, Mayans, Apachean Tribes, Chichimeca, Tlaxcalans and Tarascans.

The Americas…a land of mystery, great riches and exploration, but wrought with treacherous terrain and terrifying inhabitants. Cortes arrives in 1519 with a small, elite force of conquistadors and must rely on his motherland of Spain for the reinforcements and supplies that will help him survive and explore these new lands. Earn the support of Spain to help you explore the mystery and riches of the New World, or take control of the Aztec or Native American factions and call on the Gods and your vast armies to see off this new threat.
Britannia Campaign

Playable Factions – England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Norway.

The year is 1258 and England has emerged as a superpower, with a firm grip on the provinces of the British Isles. However, as the English, your forces are spread thinly with the threat of rebellion looming large. Wales and Ireland are poised, ready to rise up and exploit the exposed English provinces. The Scots meanwhile, are squeezed between England’s expansion to the North and the growing Viking presence that threatens their shores. These five kingdoms are set to battle for supremacy in a fast-paced, war strewn campaign that delivers huge battles for high stakes.
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 11.5.2007, 22:12   #16
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Određen forumom Re: Medieval 2 Total War:Kingdoms

i jos
Crusades Campaign
5 Playable factions – Kingdom of Jerusalem, Principality of Antioch, Egypt, Turks, Byzantium.

Recreate the epic Crusades in the Holy Land, leading the Crusade States to reclaim Christendom or the defenders of Islam to drive out the infidels. It’s 1174 and the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Principality of the Antioch are united in their struggle for the Holy Land against Egypt, the Turks and Byzantium.

Teutonic Campaign

6 Playable factions – Teutonic Order, Lithuania, Denmark, Novgorod, Poland and the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1250, Northern Europe is locked in a bitter struggle between Paganism and Christianity, once ordained as a Crusade, it is now an unholy slaughter by the dreaded Teutonic order. Take up the black cross and carve out a new empire in the North. Construct mighty fortresses, train powerful Knights to destroy all that lies in your path, or adopt the cause of the Pagan factions and seek to withstand the vengeance of the Order, inspired by your powerful Gods.
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.6.2007, 12:54   #17
Član od: 3.5.2006.
Poruke: 1.455
Zahvalnice: 18
Zahvaljeno 194 puta na 64 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Key Features

e jbg ja sam ocekivao Modern Total war
dodgeme je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.6.2007, 18:11   #18
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Arrow Key Features

Detaljnije o Kingdoms:

Four new, epic campaigns that give you the chance to rule Britannia, fight for the Holy Land in The Crusades, take the side of Christendom or Paganism in The Teutonic Wars and become leader of a brave new world in The Americas.
23 playable factions including Ireland, Wales, Norway, Mayans, Apachean Tribes, Chichimeca, Tlaxcalans, Tarascans, Kingdom of Jerusalem, Principality of Antioch, Teutonic Order, Lithuania and Novgorod.
Over 150 new units, including the devastating Greek Flamethrower, Canons of the Holy Sepulcher, Mounted Thunder Braves, Lithuanian Arquebusiers, Dievas Guard, Magnelwyrs and Mayan Hornet Thrower.
New siege weapons include burning oil to devastate the enemy at the gate and fearsome mangonels to rain fire down on your foe.
Control multiple armies in battle. For the first time in a Total War game you can now take command reinforcement armies to overwhelm the enemy and strategically turn the tide of war to your advantage. Create forces to compliment your main army, or use your reinforcements to coax the enemy into an ambush
A huge array of historical characters and events bring the past vividly to life like never before. Witness the emergence of William Wallace to push back the English forces in the Britannia campaign or explore the New World as Hernan Cortés in the Americas campaign
Build permanent forts to garrison troops in preparation for an invasion or seize control of key strategic points to inflict increased devastation upon the lands or your enemy. Fight battles within and against moated forts for the first time.
New technology trees influenced by Religion and Prestige. Worship your Gods and convert the population to unlock new structures, technologies and powerful units in the Teutonic campaign. While the in the Americas campaign, as New Spain, you must win the favour of the Motherland to raise your profile and earn yourself the technology and units you need to conquer.
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.6.2007, 18:13   #19
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Arrow Key Features (nastavak)

A host of new mission types. Assist in the formation of the Baron’s Alliance as you seek to pin back the English in the Britannia campaign. Protect and earn a much needed donation from crusading Nobles as the Teutonic Order in the Teutonic campaign.
6 New Multiplayer scenarios and 20 new Custom Battle maps offer stunning new locations to wage war on.
Go head-to-head with a friend in the Hotseat multiplayer mode and put your leadership skills to the test in the Kingdoms campaigns or Medieval II’s Grand Campaign.
Sto znac konacno Multyplayer kampanje

P.S Izvinite na dva posta.
masteri je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.6.2007, 18:17   #20
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Lokacija: Beograd, Mirijevo
Poruke: 1.044
Zahvalnice: 1.014
Zahvaljeno 231 puta na 107 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku masteri
Arrow Britannia Campaign

Britanska kampanja

5 Playable Factions – England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Norway.

The year is 1258 and England has emerged as a superpower, with a firm grip on the provinces of the British Isles. However, as the English, your forces are spread thinly with the threat of rebellion looming large. Wales and Ireland are poised, ready to rise up and exploit the exposed English provinces. The Scots meanwhile, are squeezed between England’s expansion to the North and the growing Viking presence that threatens their shores. These five kingdoms are set to battle for supremacy in a fast-paced, war strewn campaign that delivers huge battles for high stakes.
Britannia includes 5 Playable Factions – England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Norway.
Seek out enemies and allies quickly. Britannia’s campaign is both fast-paced and intense, featuring immediate conflict between neighbouring factions
Create and maintain bigger armies than ever before to fight epic, huge-scale battles where you command reinforcement armies for the first time.
New, permanent moated forts present strategic strongholds for defence or attack. Garrison troops in preparation for invasion or take control of key strategic defensive locations. Seize an enemy fort and inflict increased devastation upon their lands.
A cast of champion units including William Wallace, Haakon Haakonsson and Llywelyn of Gwynedd emerge with mighty armies to fight for their cause, changing the face of the campaign
Lead the rebellions of the Irish, Welsh or Scots as they seek to defeat the English and reclaim their homelands, or guide England to complete their conquest of the British Isles at this pivotal point in history. Alternatively take command of the invading Norwegian hordes, grab a foothold in the British Isles before surging to conquer the four home nations

England must not only deal with the threat posed by foreign powers but from within, as discontent English Barons seek to overthrow the King. These ruthless Barons will even stoop to calling upon England’s rivals for assistance in completing their goal of destroying the English monarchy.
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