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Role-Play FRP, RPG...

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Stara 2.7.2015, 14:49   #1
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
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Određen forumom Elex

Novi akcioni RPG od kreatora Risen-a stize krajem iduce ili pocetkom 2017. godine. Predstavljanje igre se ocekuje na Gamescom-u.

Elex is described as a “handcrafted action RPG” set in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi fantasy universe, rife with mutated creatures and original characters.

Players will be immersed in a rather large, seamless world where they will need to make moral choices, and perform “powerful actions”.

Nordic Games commented that Elex is “by far the most ambitious project” for it and Piranha Bytes to-date.

“Elex is going to be edgy, dark, uncompromising, complex, and we love it already,” said Nordic’s product director Reinhard Pollice. “We will be premiering a vertical slice build at gamescom 2015 with more information released in due time.”

Elex is scheduled to release between mid-December 2016 and mid-March 2016 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

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dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 9 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku dex3108 na korisnoj poruci:
Al Capone (2.7.2015), bacacar (4.8.2015), Bezimeni (26.7.2015), Dovahkiin (4.8.2015), filpan (2.7.2015), Krilce (3.7.2015), nameless1 (2.7.2015), nesudjeni clocker (2.7.2015), Skenderevo (2.7.2015)
Stara 2.7.2015, 15:31   #2
Al Capone
Član od: 24.11.2014.
Poruke: 361
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Zahvaljeno 174 puta na 97 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

A ja se bas pitao gde su se denule pirane.

inace dex koji si ti obavestajac, sve nam vesti donosis
Al Capone je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.7.2015, 22:43   #3
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 18.6.2011.
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Određen forumom Re: Elex

Nadam se da ce se ovog puta vise potruditi, zadnja dva Risen-a su bila prilicno nevolim ove najave naslova koji se planiraju za dve godine XD
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 4.8.2015, 19:47   #4
Član od: 3.1.2009.
Lokacija: Nis, Srbija
Poruke: 922
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Određen forumom Re: Elex

Au! Kako li mi je ovo promaklo? Znaci Nordic Games / Piranha Bytes saradnja? Ljudi el shvatate sta ovo moze da znaci? Novi Gothic? I to pravi Gothic! Elem, trebalo bi da bude nesto o ovoj igri na Gamescom-u!
bacacar je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 4.8.2015, 20:34   #5
Član od: 4.11.2007.
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Određen forumom Re: Elex

bacacar kaže: Pregled poruke
Au! Kako li mi je ovo promaklo? Znaci Nordic Games / Piranha Bytes saradnja? Ljudi el shvatate sta ovo moze da znaci? Novi Gothic? I to pravi Gothic! Elem, trebalo bi da bude nesto o ovoj igri na Gamescom-u!
Mislim da nema toliko mesta hype-u, s obzirom da poslednjih par igara koje su pravili nisu ni priblizne po kvalitetu Gothic naslovima na kojima su oni radili. Ali, sto da ne, po opisu lici na nesto sto moze da iznenadi.
Krilce je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 2 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Krilce na korisnoj poruci:
Al Capone (4.8.2015), bacacar (4.8.2015)
Stara 4.8.2015, 20:49   #6
Član od: 3.1.2009.
Lokacija: Nis, Srbija
Poruke: 922
Zahvalnice: 345
Zahvaljeno 385 puta na 231 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Nisam mislio na ovu igru kad sam rekao "novi Gothic". Mislio sam na njihovu saradnju, s obzirom da je NG "progutao" JoWood. Mozda novi Gothic nakon Elex-a. U svakom slucaju ovo je odlicna vest.
bacacar je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 4.8.2015, 20:50   #7
Al Capone
Član od: 24.11.2014.
Poruke: 361
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Zahvaljeno 174 puta na 97 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Nema to veze, koliko ja znam prava na Gothic su odavno u rukama PB-a. Realnost je da oni nisu trenutno sposobni da naprave novi Gothic dostojan keca i dvojke.

Spoiler za All Confirmed ELEX Info:

1.There will be no character customizatioN
2.The character will have a background story
3.He will have a name and won't be nameless
4.Will be male
5.Will be third-person for sure
6.Our decisions will have a big impact on the game
7.It isn't sure if our character will be human
8.We will or we will be able to do some kind of "jobs"
9.We will be able to do some kind of "housing"

1.World is planned to be huge
2.The atmosphere is dark and Science-Fantasy
3.It will be little futuristic at some places
4.There will be mutated creatures
5.Around the world you will find small settlements
6.Elex is a kind of drug that people take, they also use it to make magic( Source: Thread " ELEX Updates)
7.There will be large, lonely creatures similar to trolls
8.Easter Eggs!!
9.There will be dungeons but not as much and not the kind like in Risen
10.There will be factions that reject technology and some that run around with guns (German Forums)

1.Combat will be direct and will have strategic elements
2.You will use modern weapons as well as swords and other medieval
3.Magic will find it's way into the game. Details on that later
4.One handed swords will not be placed on the back, it will be like Gothic 1/2

1.There will be modern and medievel weapons
2.Armours will come in pieces (pants,chest plate,gauntlets, etc.)
3.Developers are implementing books

1.Game is planned to be released late 2016 or early 2017

1.There will be lockpicking system
2.Levelling won't be like in Risen 2/3 (no glory points)
3.Every single chest in the game is handfilled(loot isn't randomly put there)
4.Minimap isn't mandatory( isn't necessary at all cost)
5.There will be different puzzles in quests, dungeons, etc.
6.World will react to our character progression
7.No minigames(drinking, shooting, etc.) like Risen 2/3
8.Quest system will be like in Gothic series where the recordings will be written on 1st person preview.
9.Almost all NPCs will be killable

Poslednja ispravka: Al Capone (4.8.2015 u 21:05)
Al Capone je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 2 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Al Capone na korisnoj poruci:
Dovahkiin (4.8.2015), nesudjeni clocker (5.8.2015)
Stara 4.8.2015, 20:56   #8
Član od: 3.1.2009.
Lokacija: Nis, Srbija
Poruke: 922
Zahvalnice: 345
Zahvaljeno 385 puta na 231 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Ne razumes me. Nisu u pitanju samo prava. Kolko sam ja ukapirao NG "emulira" JW i sve sto su radili. Tako i saradnju sa PB, sto daje nadu da ce u nekoj blizoj buducnosti raditi na novom Gothic-u. Uz to NG ima dovoljno para da im projekti budu po kvalitetu bar jednaki starim JW igrama.
bacacar je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.8.2015, 15:47   #9
Al Capone
Član od: 24.11.2014.
Poruke: 361
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Zahvaljeno 174 puta na 97 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Samo ovo sam uspeo da iscupam. Za sada, ko i Risen.... meh

Spoiler za slike:

There will be modern technology like drones, exoskeletons and a jetpack. Furthermore, there will be 4 fractions. One, the clerics, is living in a strictly medieval style, not using modern weaponry or Elex.
The Berserks are also living in a medieval fashion, but they do use Elex.
Then there are two factions that use modern technology, the Alb and the Bandits. The Bandits are some kind of terror-organisation, while the Alb seem to be some kind of big military force.

The player character will be a former member of the Albs. The combat system is completely new, the dialogs will be less "funny" than in Risen, PB wants to go for a more serious tone. The first estimates regarding playtime is about 70 hours according to Pankratz.

There will be Swords and Bows, but also Lasers and modern stuff.

The new Interface will utilize transparent elements and will not take up an entire seperate screen like it did in Risen 2&3. The inventory for example will pop up in front of the player character like a hologram. (dead space was mentioned as a comparison)

There is a stamina-bar, that starts running out once you start to block. (so the player cant block constantly)

i izgleda da opet nista od nekog novog Khorinisa, drugim recima opet Risen *****e
Al Capone je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Al Capone na korisnoj poruci:
Shobe (5.8.2015)
Stara 6.8.2015, 0:49   #10
Član od: 4.11.2007.
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Zahvalnice: 1.754
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Određen forumom Re: Elex

Ne znam sta da mislim o ovom mesanju sci-fi i srednjovekovnog oruzja i ambijenta.
Krilce je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 6.8.2015, 15:23   #11
Al Capone
Član od: 24.11.2014.
Poruke: 361
Zahvalnice: 449
Zahvaljeno 174 puta na 97 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Ovde se vidi malo pre alpha gameplay.
Al Capone je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Al Capone na korisnoj poruci:
Shobe (6.8.2015)
Stara 7.8.2015, 0:09   #12
Srdjan Novitovic
Član od: 30.10.2007.
Lokacija: Silent Hill
Poruke: 708
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Određen forumom Elex

Ovo pljunuti Risen, imao sam utisak da gledam najavu za 4. deo
Srdjan Novitovic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 7.8.2015, 1:24   #13
Član od: 2.12.2005.
Lokacija: Novi Sad
Poruke: 180
Zahvalnice: 95
Zahvaljeno 61 puta na 22 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Da, bas lici, nazalost :S Ocekivao sam da ce makar nesto malo promeniti. Sve se bojim da ce biti Risen 2/3 samo u drugom ruhu. No, prerano je za bilo kakav sud. Nadajmo se najboljem, pa sta bude Samo da nastave s radom. Prvo me je obradovala vest o jetpacku, ali se sve nesto bojim da ce s njime moci da ide samo uvis i to nesto sporo, nesto kao levitacija iz keca, ali bih vise voleo da to bude i na neki nacin prevozno sredstvo, kao pticica iz treceg dela i jos bolje, da moze da posluzi i za borbu, za napad iz vazduha. Eh, pusta mastanja...

No, evo par monstera na linku:

Shobe je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 8.8.2015, 15:59   #14
Član od: 17.10.2012.
Lokacija: Na brdu!
Poruke: 823
Zahvalnice: 11
Zahvaljeno 79 puta na 56 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Ideja se cini zanimljivom.
Videcemo kako ce je realizovati.
Kusta je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 9.8.2015, 18:45   #15
Član od: 14.7.2012.
Poruke: 146
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Određen forumom Re: Elex

Krilce kaže: Pregled poruke
Ne znam sta da mislim o ovom mesanju sci-fi i srednjovekovnog oruzja i ambijenta.
Zato što je Fallout baš loše prošao sa sličnim kombinovanjem.
Machinaeguns je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 9.8.2015, 21:04   #16
Član od: 13.6.2014.
Lokacija: Iza oblaka
Poruke: 80
Zahvalnice: 11
Zahvaljeno 39 puta na 23 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Ako je ovo igra koju su pirane cekale da naprave vec 8 godina ili kako vec kazu onda ja mislim da bi trebalo da ocekujemo dobru igru.

Inače,iako će biti 4 frakcija,jednoj frakciji nećemo moći da se pridruzimo.
Bezimeni je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 10.8.2015, 13:43   #17
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 18.6.2011.
Lokacija: off the grid
Poruke: 7.346
Zahvalnice: 498
Zahvaljeno 3.137 puta na 1.317 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

PB nije napravio dobru igru jos od Gothic 2...nisu oni sposobni da naprave novi Gothic rpg kvalitet, a ovo izgleda kao copy paste poslednja dva Risen-a...mediocore.
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 10.8.2015, 13:54   #18
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 31.7.2007.
Lokacija: filpan=oldSKULhardcoreALFA
Poruke: 3.982
Zahvalnice: 2.956
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Određen forumom Re: Elex

Prethodna dva Risen-a su blago receno bili (makar meni) katastrofalni. U poslednjih 10 godina su izbacili jednu zglavnu igru - Risen (prvi deo).
Leonida je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 10.8.2015, 20:58   #19
Član od: 19.9.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 543
Zahvalnice: 52
Zahvaljeno 226 puta na 122 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Nove informacije.
  • In development since ~ 1,5 years
  • Third-person RPG like Risen or Gothic
  • Post apocalyptic, people having different levels of technology ( a bit like Horizon)
  • Enemies won’t level with you
  • One big continent instead of Islands like in Risen
  • Going to have of different regions (desert, woods, ice and swamp mentioned)
  • Player is going to have a Jetpack!
  • Every player starts at the same place (in Risen apparently players could start at different Islands, didn’t played the Risen games so I can’t comment on that)
  • Elex is a Substance from space and came to the world because of a meteorite
  • Game plays hundreds of years after crash
  • Elex changed fauna and flora
  • By consuming Elex you get stronger and Magic abilities, But you “degenerate” and Loose Emotion, acting more like machine (acting based on logic, not emotions) than a human being. Elex consumers also have different skin color (white/gray)
  • Wrong usage can result into mutations
  • Thats why Moral System is not simply about whether you are good or bad, instead it’s about whether you are a human or more like machine. Beeing more like machine isn’t necessary a bad and being human a good thing
  • In the word of the game Elex is a wanted resource, you consume it or put in machines ( eg. Jetpack) the Some guild can use it without the side effect and calls it Mana. Elex is essential and you have to youse it in some way
  • Is inspired by Star Wars (by having Fantasy and Sci Fi Elements)
  • Player was someone who heavily consumed Elex, was a commander in a military Group which are Elex users. before the game starts his glider got shots and he lies some were for three weeks, so without Elex he is more human again when the game starts. For the first time he feels Emotions and sees the world different, similar to the Movie Equilibrium
  • Normal people don’t like him because he fought against them when he was part of the military group, but he also have problems to connect with his old group
  • Learning point system is back, which is the system they used in Gothic 1-3 and risen 1
  • Factions will again be very important, and like in gothic 1, they are hostile/unfriendly with each other, they mentioned two of three:
  • clerics: high tech religious group but refuse to use elex
  • outlaws: mad max like bandits, use cannons and chainswords etc.
  • It will have romancable NPCs
  • Player will have a base
  • Many killable NPCs and stealing and killing pas permanent consequences, as in hostile NPCs (this was one of risen 3s bigger flaws)
  • Target Q4 2016 PC/Xbox One/PS4
Dzigi je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 2 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Dzigi na korisnoj poruci:
Dovahkiin (11.8.2015), nesudjeni clocker (10.8.2015)
Stara 11.8.2015, 11:54   #20
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 26.4.2011.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 4.600
Zahvalnice: 2.080
Zahvaljeno 1.638 puta na 1.357 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku sale94
Određen forumom Re: Elex

Nemam pojma zbog cega se brinete kad ima jos mnogo da se radi na igri dok ne izadje, neke od ovih spekulacija su blago receno veoma pesimisticne.
sale94 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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