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Stara 16.12.2009, 21:11   #1
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Član od: 30.11.2008.
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Određen forumom Enermax Introduces PRO87+ and MODU87+ PSUs with Dynamic Hybrid Transformer Topology

ENERMAX is stepping up to the need of energy and money-saving products with these two desktop PSU series with models in 500, 600, 700 and 800W. PRO87+ is the native cable series, while MODU87+ is modular. Both will complement ENERMAX' running 80+, 82+ & 85+ PSU series and incorporate the latest technologies with a major breakthrough: DHT, Dynamic Hybrid Transformer Topology, to improving the efficiency all manufacturers concentrated on the DC stage, up to now. But the technology used in the DC stage (during and after conversion of AC to DC) has come to the maximum and achieving 87+ efficiency is the very limit of this approach. To achieving 87+ or even higher efficiency with good performance needs additional innovations on the AC stage. ENERMAX has invented three innovations bundled into the new DHT-topology

The innovations center around the adoption of dynamic frequencies, voltages and conversion instead of traditional static ones. These dynamic optimization designs not only push the efficiency up to shocking 92%, but also improve stability and performance to new heights without sacrificing any safety or regulations. Moreover, the incorporation of a 13.9cm Twister bearing fan with the patented SpeedGuard fan control bring PRO87+ and MODU87+ to unprecedented silence @ 50 degrees C.

More details on the technology will be made available during the coming days and weeks.
PRO87+ & MODU87+ will be available from the end of December 2009 / beginning of January 2010 onwards (depending on markets and shipping time).

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galebns (14.1.2010)
Stara 14.1.2010, 14:52   #2
Deo inventara foruma
Avatar korisnika Picard
Član od: 30.11.2008.
Lokacija: NI
Poruke: 11.835
Zahvalnice: 718
Zahvaljeno 4.344 puta na 3.586 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Enermax Introduces PRO87+ and MODU87+ PSUs with Dynamic Hybrid Transformer Topology

MODU87+ 700W
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galebns (14.1.2010), jozvan_Kg (15.1.2010), starx (15.1.2010)

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