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Stara 14.2.2006, 4:21   #1
Član od: 13.2.2006.
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Određen forumom FSB Spread Spectrum

Da li neko moze da mi objasni sta u BIOS-u znaci opcija "FSB Spread Spectrum" ?
banesr je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.2.2006, 8:06   #2
Član od: 15.1.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: FSB Spread Spectrum

Zaštita od elektromagnetnih smetnji koje kompjuter proizvodi – grubo rečeno. Kad klokuješ grafičku kartu, to bi trebalo isključiti.

This BIOS feature allows you to reduce the EMI of the AGP bus by modulating the signals it generates so that the spikes are reduced to flatter curves. It achieves this by varying the frequency slightly so that the signal does not use any particular frequency for more than a moment.

The BIOS usually offers two levels of modulation - 0.25% or 0.5%. The greater the modulation, the greater the reduction of EMI. Therefore, if you need to significantly reduce the AGP bus' EMI, a modulation of 0.5% is recommended.

In most conditions, frequency modulation via this feature should not cause any problems. However, system stability may be compromised if you are overclocking the AGP bus. Of course, this depends on the amount of modulation, the extent of overclocking and other factors like temperature, etc. As such, the problem may not readily manifest itself immediately.

Therefore, it is recommended that you disable this feature if you are overclocking the AGP bus. The risk of crashing your system is not worth the reduction in EMI. Of course, if EMI reduction is important to you, enable this feature by all means. But you should reduce the clock speed a little to provide a margin of safety.

If you are not overclocking, the decision to enable or disable this feature is really up to you. But unless you have EMI problems or sensitive data that must be safeguarded from electronic eavesdropping, it is best to disable this feature to remove the possibility of stability issues.

Poslednja ispravka: VojaM (14.2.2006 u 19:02)
semaglig je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.2.2006, 5:56   #3
Član od: 1.12.2005.
Lokacija: Novi Sad
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Određen forumom Re: FSB Spread Spectrum

Spread Spectrum - ukoliko pri radu primetite anomalije kod ostalih uređaja prouzrokovane elektromagnetnim smetnjama koje potiču iz matične ploče, uključite ovu opciju. Pošto garantujemo da vam se ovo nikada neće desiti, ipak je isključite radi veće brzine rada
tako kazu stari ljudi...
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