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Simulacije vožnje Auto-moto + simulacije letenja...

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Stara 29.10.2010, 16:01   #1
Član od: 15.12.2009.
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Određen forumom Euro Truck Simulator 2

Nije još zvanično objavljeno ali i na fb strani SCS Software i na njihovom blogu se može videti rad koji uveliko traje na ovoj igri i već je izvesno da će se pojaviti u 2011. godini.

U komentaru slike nazvane ETS2 Vegetation koju su postavili na fb piše:
Vegetation will have several different Level of Detail settings, so it will look great on high-end machines, but even on low-end computers the game will be playable with lowered visual quality. Many of the subsystems were changed to use multi-threading, so on multi-core CPUs the game will run much smoother and faster. Release is still way off, definitely 2011, and definitely not early in 2011.
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Ovo na slikama, za sada, meni izgleda lepo. Ne kao neka revolucija u odnosu na prvi deo ali sigurno je da će biti vizuelno lepša od prethodnika. Još nam ostaje da se nadamo da će i sam gameplay doraditi i dodati neke nove stvari, a za to imaju dovoljno vremena do izlaska igre.
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Borko Motorko (28.1.2011), Diego Milito 22 (29.10.2010), Filip89x (15.4.2014), La.Prestige (30.10.2010), Lucarr (17.6.2015), Mafija2 (29.10.2010), McDobrica (16.10.2013), milosh-96 (5.7.2011), Mungosets (25.10.2011), nikolapfc89 (19.12.2010), RUSuper (5.2.2011), Sh0m1 (30.10.2010), Stranger2 (29.10.2010), Weightlifting (29.3.2014), _Dusan_ (1.11.2010), _NEBOYSHA_ (17.11.2010)
Stara 30.10.2010, 0:06   #2
Član od: 23.1.2010.
Lokacija: Jay-Z and Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind In New York
Poruke: 1.725
Zahvalnice: 413
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

evo jos nekih ss,verujem da su iz euro truck simulator 2,iako su okaceni 22 maja.

Poslednja ispravka: DeCoy (30.10.2010 u 0:11) Razlog: **** te citat
Mafija2 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.10.2010, 12:21   #3
Član od: 24.8.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Auauauauau, konacno nesto za moju dushu.
La.Prestige je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 6.11.2010, 0:49   #4
Član od: 10.8.2010.
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2
Evo jos slika za ets 2
gogi77 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 7.11.2010, 23:35   #5
Član od: 10.3.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Bilo bi lepo da ubace nesto novo u igru. Grafika je lepa, ali morate priznati i vrlo je zahtevna igra.
Drugo mogli da uvedu multiplayer,a de bi vozili zajedno svi igraci, firme saradjivale itd..
Morandi je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 8.11.2010, 17:17   #6
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 9.1.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Morandi kaže: Pregled poruke
Bilo bi lepo da ubace nesto novo u igru. Grafika je lepa, ali morate priznati i vrlo je zahtevna igra.
Drugo mogli da uvedu multiplayer,a de bi vozili zajedno svi igraci, firme saradjivale itd..
Meni je sav ovaj engine ružan i nabacan (tiled) od samog početka i od prve verzije igre.
Novim nastavcima nisu ništa unaprijedili i ne shvatam ovoliki hype oko par screenshotova koji naizgled ne donose ništa novo.

Da se mene pita ja bih uveo poboljšan sistem kažnjavanja, policijske patrole koje bi "ganjale" prekršioca po cesti, alko-testove, striptiz-barove, hotele, kafane i sve ono što karakteriše život jednog šofera al' džaba kad me ne slušaju
LoneWolf je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 8.11.2010, 19:22   #7
Član od: 10.4.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

За почетак би могли да одраде целу Европу, а не неколико држава.
Ghost je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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zvucnjak (19.10.2011)
Stara 8.11.2010, 20:52   #8
Član od: 24.8.2008.
Lokacija: Vienna
Poruke: 1.865
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

I da ima malo vise puteva. A ne 2 puta u jednoj drzavi.
La.Prestige je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 8.11.2010, 23:06   #9
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 9.1.2006.
Lokacija: Kafana
Poruke: 7.666
Zahvalnice: 1.612
Zahvaljeno 2.006 puta na 1.418 poruka
Slanje poruke preko Skypea korisniku LoneWolf
Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Ma čitav taj koncept puteva je glupav, navodno dođeš iz Francuske do Španije za 15 minuta vožnje

Mapa je posebna priča, in-game audio je očajno siromašan, nema priče, nema radnje, nema osjetnog napredovanja osim "kupio sam zadnji nabudženi kamion i sad mogu da se slikam", zahtjevnost igre je neopravdano visoka, neoptimizovana je.

Uporedite recimo naslov kao što je Max Payne i ovaj naslov pa ćete vidjeti šta je optimizacija (jeste da je pucačina a ne vožnja ali je imala najbolji stepen optimizacije, najljepšu grafiku i vizuelne efekte koji su mogli "u fullu" da se osjete sa 64 MB nVidia karticom koju sam imao te godine kad je izašao).

Da se poradi na optimizaciji, ovo bi se moglo igrati na Pentiumu III sa 64 mb grafikom.
LoneWolf je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.1.2012, 13:06   #10
Član od: 23.1.2010.
Lokacija: Jay-Z and Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind In New York
Poruke: 1.725
Zahvalnice: 413
Zahvaljeno 203 puta na 162 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Koj američki predlažete? Skinuo sam haulin ali nešto ne ide kako treba, mnogo bolesno koči...
Mafija2 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.1.2012, 14:04   #11
Član od: 23.5.2008.
Lokacija: Београд
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Можеш који год од 18 Wheels of Steel: Across America до 18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul. Ја колико се сећам мислим да сам највише времена провео уз Pedal to the Metal.
batakpudla je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Mafija2 (29.1.2012)
Stara 29.1.2012, 18:39   #12
Član od: 24.8.2008.
Lokacija: Vienna
Poruke: 1.865
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Pedal to the Medal i Haulin su mi najvise vremena uzeli.


Haulin nikako ne bi trebao da ti koci. Njega sam igrao sa FX5200 i igra je radila tecno.
La.Prestige je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku La.Prestige na korisnoj poruci:
Mafija2 (29.1.2012)
Stara 29.1.2012, 19:03   #13
Član od: 23.1.2010.
Lokacija: Jay-Z and Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind In New York
Poruke: 1.725
Zahvalnice: 413
Zahvaljeno 203 puta na 162 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Ma loše sam se izrazio, kada vozim kamion pa mnogo loše koči, kao da sam samo pustio gas...
Mafija2 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.1.2012, 19:29   #14
Član od: 27.10.2008.
Lokacija: Novi Beograd
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Koristi motornu kocnicu a ne rikverc

A slazem se,Haulin i Pedal to the metal najbolje po meni.
nikolapfc89 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Mafija2 (29.1.2012)
Stara 3.2.2012, 1:11   #15
Član od: 23.1.2010.
Lokacija: Jay-Z and Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind In New York
Poruke: 1.725
Zahvalnice: 413
Zahvaljeno 203 puta na 162 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Moći ćeš sigurno da igraš, ali da li će ga igra prepoznati to niko ne zna.
Mafija2 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 3.2.2012, 20:57   #16
Član od: 15.9.2008.
Lokacija: VP
Poruke: 217
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

bas me interesuje prezentacija kamiona Volvo,Iveco,DAF da vidimo moguce kabine,ako urade i ove modele kao modele Mercedes i MAN,bice super
ivecorps je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 3.2.2012, 22:00   #17
Član od: 23.5.2008.
Lokacija: Београд
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Хм, налетео сам на једну занимљивост додуше не знам колико је тачна, поготово што званично није објављен датум изласка. Али по немачком Амазону, игра се очекује 27. марта:
batakpudla je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 4.2.2012, 2:20   #18
Član od: 24.8.2008.
Lokacija: Vienna
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ivecorps kaže: Pregled poruke
bas me interesuje prezentacija kamiona Volvo,Iveco,DAF da vidimo moguce kabine,ako urade i ove modele kao modele Mercedes i MAN,bice super
Volvo je predstavljen na pocetku. Ostao je Daf i Iveco.
La.Prestige je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2012, 10:05   #19
Novi član
Član od: 25.10.2011.
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Stvarno su super napravili.vec bi mi igrali da imaju para,ali sta se moze samo da bude ovako ko na slikama.
Mungosets je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 8.2.2012, 19:59   #20
Član od: 24.8.2008.
Lokacija: Vienna
Poruke: 1.865
Zahvalnice: 634
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Određen forumom Re: Euro Truck Simulator 2

Letter to the Community
Dear friends of truck simulation games,

I have news about the Euro Truck Simulator 2 release: finally, we are ready to commit to a specific release time.

This piece of good news may however be mixed with a bit of disappointment, especially for the less patient among you.

We have been working on the game for almost two years, sticking to the proverbial "when it's done" planning all this time. Now, at last we are confident that the status of "good enough to be proud of the achievement" is on the horizon.

We have set the release time to first week of August 2012.

We are aware that waiting almost 6 more months is a lot for many of you. We haven't announced any release date ourselves until now, but some of our distributors have been working with speculative time-frames for the release, raising hope among you of an earlier release.

Taking 30 months to develop a game is a tough decision to arrive to. It is testing the patience of you - fans of our games, it is testing the patience of our distributors, and it is definitely testing the dedication of the development team. However we are confident that it was The Right Thing to do - we needed enough time to re-factor the graphics engine at the core of the game and to develop the cool effects on top of it, we needed the time to build the high-detail 3D models to populate the virtual world with, it took considerable effort and time to establish industrial and commercial relationships that will elevate our games to a new level. Giving in to time pressure would only result in us having to make too many compromises. We have just one chance to make a good first impression.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 will bring a massive improvement over our previous games, but in fact, it will "only" be a major milestone along a long and windy road ahead. There are many cool features that we would like to add, but lots of things will have to wait for a future game or games. Our wish list is very long, and you are constantly helping us grow it even longer with your input and feedback. It would be a dream scenario to be able to pack all those features in - season changes through the year, cities teeming with pedestrians, other types of big vehicles to drive, being able to get out of the cabin and explore the world on foot, vehicle damage from collisions, real brands for everything in the world, loading and unloading cargo from the trailer, multiplayer, covering all of Europe from Iberian Peninsula to Ural mountains, from polar circle to Asia Minor, and then going beyond the confines of Europe to both North and South America, to Africa, Asia and Australia, the list goes on and on. Euro Truck Simulator 2 should be a solid step towards the goal of the ultimate truck simulator, but only the first such step (well, second actually). With your continuing help and support, we want to continue the effort beyond the release of the game and take the remaining steps in the years to come.

Many of you may question why we are taking so long, and why we are not able to grant more of your wishes for features to include, why we are not covering more European countries. The answer is the same that we have always offered - truck simulation games are far from mainstream, and limited sales of our past games can only support a small development team. With ETS2 we have taken a bold step to grow the team size, from 5-7 to a bit over 10 people, but compared to AAA driving games productions with hundreds of people on payroll, we are tiny. We are trying to punch above our weight, putting in as much content and features as we humanly could manage to produce, but to build even more, we will have to rely on profits that should hopefully come from future sales of our games. If you want more features, bigger world and more vehicles in our games, all I can say is this: If you consider our games worth playing, consider them worth buying, too. Recommending them to friends wouldn't hurt either.

Your wait for something new from SCS Software doesn't have to take full six months though. As you have learned with the release of Trucks & Trailers, there are actually two internal teams at SCS Software now working in parallel. While the bigger team is still toiling on our opus magnum - Euro Truck Simulator 2, the smaller team is now taking advantage of a new opportunity arising out of our cooperation with the transportation industry. Very soon, you can expect an announcement about an exciting project that's under way in our labs, project which should be out even before ETS2 hits the stores. These smaller projects turn out to be significant contributors to pursuing the dream of the ultimate all-encompassing truck sim, and while they deserve merit on their own, we hope that you can understand that they are not delaying us from working on ETS2, but rather helping us finance its development and broaden its feature set.

Imamo jos da cekamo...
La.Prestige je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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