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Role-Play FRP, RPG...

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Stara 4.5.2010, 21:14   #101
White Ripper
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

nameless1 kaže: Pregled poruke
Generalno, slazem se sa Kuzminim reviewom, s' tim sto bi snizio ocenu na 90.
Ako ovi iz Obsidiana naprave mracniju pricu, atmosferu (nalik na dvojku), i mnogo bolje razrade NPC-eve (glavna zamerka trojci), ovo ce biti bomba.
JA ne znam sta je mnogim vama pa ne biste dali ni jednoj igri ocjenu iznad 90,a i ko da je to neki faktor za bilo sta.
A to za mracnu pricu,vala ne bih volio da me uzbudjenje kroz igru ubije u pojam.U redu je da bude prica ozbiljna ali da me mentalno masira to nikako.To vise nije ni igra niti uzivanje.

Dobar je ovaj interview,ali me nesto sve podsjeca na borderlands,ne znam sto.
White Ripper je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.5.2010, 13:13   #102
Član od: 17.1.2007.
Poruke: 2.388
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Kako se racuna ovo, kao ekspanzija ili cetvrti nastavak Fallouta?
r0nIn je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.5.2010, 13:15   #103
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Ni jedno ni drugo..
nameless1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.5.2010, 17:28   #104
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Psycho13 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.5.2010, 17:32   #105
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

^Da, ako bi smo poredili sa serijama, nova sezona bi bila ekspanzija, a dok bi ovo bio spin-off.
player1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 6.5.2010, 1:04   #106
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Logičnije je ekspanzija nova epizoda, a nastavak nova sezona.
caine je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 7.5.2010, 15:36   #107
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Intervju sa glavnim bajom iza ove igre, koji je takodje radio i na prva dva Fallouta...
nameless1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 12.6.2010, 15:11   #108
Član od: 30.8.2009.
Lokacija: Campbell, CA
Poruke: 495
Zahvalnice: 68
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas
Lars03 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.6.2010, 10:29   #109
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Basicly Fallout 3 s novim lokacijama.
Videcemo da li su poboljsali dialog sistem...
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.6.2010, 10:46   #110
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.791
Zahvalnice: 5.514
Zahvaljeno 4.108 puta na 2.681 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Ko KotOR2 u odnosu na KotOR1.

Il F2 u odnosu na F1.
Mada je F2 bio bar 5 puta bolja igra.
player1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku player1 na korisnoj poruci:
nameless1 (14.6.2010)
Stara 14.6.2010, 13:56   #111
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Datum izlaska:
Psycho13 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 2 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Psycho13 na korisnoj poruci:
nameless1 (18.6.2010), Wastelander (14.6.2010)
Stara 18.6.2010, 16:09   #112
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 23.3.2009.
Poruke: 3.590
Zahvalnice: 2.048
Zahvaljeno 971 puta na 571 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

E3 Demo Gameplay:
Psycho13 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 2 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Psycho13 na korisnoj poruci:
Bascelik (19.6.2010), nameless1 (18.6.2010)
Stara 19.6.2010, 16:38   #113
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 19.8.2009.
Poruke: 6.769
Zahvalnice: 3.089
Zahvaljeno 4.935 puta na 2.298 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Wow, Avellone radi na igri, nisam to znao.
nameless1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.6.2010, 10:05   #114
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
Zahvalnice: 232
Zahvaljeno 251 puta na 170 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Izgleda da nisu poboljshavali VATS sistem.
Animacije novih likova izgledaju ochajno.
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.6.2010, 11:01   #115
Član od: 5.5.2010.
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Potpuno se slazem da su animacije ocajne, a ni grafika mi se ne svidja, gledao sam neke klipove na youtube i razocaran sam.Nadam se da ce ostali delovi igre biti bolje uradjeni ali licno ne ocekujem mnogo od ove igre.
Geralt je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.6.2010, 11:55   #116
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Geralt kaže: Pregled poruke
Potpuno se slazem da su animacije ocajne, a ni grafika mi se ne svidja, gledao sam neke klipove na youtube i razocaran sam.Nadam se da ce ostali delovi igre biti bolje uradjeni ali licno ne ocekujem mnogo od ove igre.
To moze da znachi 2 stvari:

1.Da su otaljali igru samo tako, i da nishta ne valja.

2.Da su vishe paznje posvetili dijalozima, skill i inventory sistem-u, shto je u sushtini bitnije u rpg-u nego grafika.

Al sudeci po tome da nisu nishta menjali VATS sistem, imam neki osecaj da ce ovo biti teshko shajze.
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.6.2010, 13:04   #117
High life
Član od: 12.9.2009.
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Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Geralt kaže: Pregled poruke
Potpuno se slazem da su animacije ocajne, a ni grafika mi se ne svidja, gledao sam neke klipove na youtube i razocaran sam.

Ovo je RPG.
High life je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.6.2010, 13:54   #118
Član od: 30.8.2009.
Lokacija: Campbell, CA
Poruke: 495
Zahvalnice: 68
Zahvaljeno 142 puta na 95 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas questions answered by the team at Obsidian

Spoiler za Odgovori:
Will perks be available every level, every other level, every third level, etc.?
From OakTable via Bethesda Blog

Josh Sawyer: We have shifted the perk rate to a game setting within the GECK. We currently have it set to one perk every two levels. Internal feedback to it has been mixed, so it's too early to say if we will keep it at this setting.

Will we be able to level past 20? Or 30?
From Justin via Facebook

JS: Our level cap is 30.

I’m assuming that you are reusing some of the animations from Fallout 3. Have you done anything to improve these or are they going to stay the same way that they did in Fallout 3?
From Zearox via Bethesda Blog

Josh Sawyer: We started our animation work by determining what new animations we needed, what existing animations we thought needed revision, and what else we could revise. We have already changed some of the core combat animations (for example, all first-person firearm aim animations have been revised) as well as creature animations (our "West Coast" Super Mutants have new idles, walk, and run cycles).

Can you confirm 'Dogmeat' will be a companion?
From Barry via Facebook

JS: The Mojave Wasteland is full of dogs. Who knows who will want to be your pal this time around?

You hinted at multiple ammo choices being available. How deep are you going with that? Will that only be regular and AP ammo?
From DanishMIKI via Bethesda Blog

JS: What ammunition sub-types are available to the player depends on the base type. Not all ammunition types have standard, hollow point, and armor piercing variants. For example, there is no armor piercing .22 ammunition. In addition to "standard" ammunition, hollow point and armor piercing are the two most common variants. 20 gauge and 12 gauge shotguns have slug variants in addition to the standard (buckshot). Some calibers also have +P (overpressure) rounds, military surplus rounds (bought in bulk, increased power, increased wear on the weapon), or hand loads. Hand loads are always built at reloading benches in the world and can take a number of different forms. For example, you can craft .308 Jacketed Soft Points or .45-70 Gov't Semi-Wadcutters with very "hot" loads.

Energy Weapons and Explosives can also use ammunition subtypes. Some energy ammunition has "over charge" or "bulk" variants, the former being high-powered but damaging to the weapon and the latter being cheap but under-powered. 25mm grenades (used in the grenade machinegun) have a high explosive variant and 40mm grenades have an incendiary variant.

Are the Super Mutants in the screen shots graphical stand ins? Will they eventually have the unique appearance of the Mariposa Super Mutants from FO1 & FO2 (as seen in talking head dialogues), or will they appear as they do in the screen shots, almost identical to FO3 Vault 87 mutants?
From Chadious Maximus via Bethesda Blog

JS: Our early Super Mutant and Nightkin models were placeholders. All of them have been re-textured, slightly remodeled, and re-animated to more closely resemble the Mariposa Super Mutants.

What other creatures are in New Vegas, and is it possible to see concept art of a new creature?
From Richard via Facebook

JS: One of my favorites is the Cazador. Cazadores are mutated tarantula hawk wasps that have found their way north from the Sonoran Desert. They aren't very durable, but their poison is deadly and they are very creepy looking.

Will there be any sort of party involved? A few companions to tag along?
From Rui via Facebook

JS: Yes. The player may have one humanoid and one non-humanoid companion at any given time.

How many new perks are there planned to be included in Fallout: New Vegas?
From Oerjeke via Bethesda Blog

Project Director Josh Sawyer: A lot. We've removed some old perks, modified some existing perks, and added a bunch of new ones. We believe that New Vegas' selection of perks will make the selection process difficult but rewarding for the player.

What type of graphics options will there be? DX 9/10/11?
From @Z999z3mystorys via Twitter

JS: F:NV's renderer still uses DX9.

Will there be character "traits" as in the classic Fallout games?
From @TheBearPaw via Twitter

JS: Yes. During character creation, you will have the option to select one or two traits. Traits include some of the classics, like Small Frame (in F:NV it gives a bonus to AG but you break limbs more easily), and new ones, like Four Eyes (bonus to PE while wearing glasses, penalty while not).
Lars03 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.6.2010, 13:55   #119
Član od: 30.8.2009.
Lokacija: Campbell, CA
Poruke: 495
Zahvalnice: 68
Zahvaljeno 142 puta na 95 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Spoiler za Odgovori 2:
What kinds of Companions will we see this time round.
From @Neo_Wolf via Twitter

JS: We have a varied cast of companions ranging from Raul the ghoul mechanic to Boone the ex-NCR sniper to some more unusual fellows. Each of the companions has their own personal conflict the player can help resolve. These conflicts can be relatively simple to address or they can involve major quests that span the Mojave Wasteland.

Will there be anything like Fallout 3's bobbleheads in New Vegas to collect?
From @Neon0x via Twitter

JS: Yes, there will be something similar to bobbleheads in the game, and you'll receive an in-game reward for finding them. That said, they do not give you SPECIAL or skill bonuses when found.

In Fallout 3, it was easy to max out most, if not all, of your skills. Is anything being done to prevent this?
From Ryan via Facebook

JS: We have done several things to adjust the skill point economy. First and foremost, the formula for calculating skill points per level has changed. We are still experimenting with what formula to use, but a 10 IN will likely not boost a character's skills as much as it did in F3.

Most of the skill boosting perks have been removed, which means that method of advancing skills no longer exists. Skill books now give +3 skill points, +4 with Comprehension, but there are far fewer skill books in the world. This both reduces how much of a boost skill books will give overall and reduces the impact of Comprehension on that value (don't worry, Comprehension also gives a bonus to skill magazines, so it has more broad applicability). Our "Bobblehead equivalent" does not give SPECIAL or skill bonuses, so those are also removed from the skill point economy.

Are Bottlecaps the source of currency or will it be poker chips?
From Rob via Facebook

JS: Bottlecaps are the main currency in the Mojave Wasteland. Bottlecaps are a water-backed currency controlled and regulated by NCR merchant caravans. The caravan houses conspired to re-introduce the currency when traders lost faith in NCR money. This loss of faith was the result of the NCR moving from a gold-backed currency to fiat currency due to repeated attacks on NCR gold reserves by the Brotherhood of Steel. Though the transition helped stabilize NCR's economy, NCR dollars are devalued compared to bottlecaps and even more devauled when compared with the third form of currency: Legion coins. Caesar's Legion mints silver and gold coins from captured pre-war material. Despite the NCR's running conflict with the Legion, merchants and citizens throughout the Mojave Wasteland accept all three forms of currency.

Poker chips are used by all functional casinos. Each casino has its own chips that must be used for gambling. Players can exchange any form of currency for chips and can receive their payout in any form of currency. Mr. House doesn't let the ongoing war get in the way of potential profits.

Will we be able to keep playing once we beat the game with this one?
From Sean via Facebook

JS: This is something we really wanted to do, but ultimately we realized that supporting post-endgame content would jeopardize the quality of the ending, which we wanted to tell the definitive stories for all of our major factions, locations and characters. Instead, after the credits roll the game will prompt you to reload a save created just before the endgame sequence, allowing players to go back and complete any quests they may have missed. Additionally, we make it very clear when you're about to reach the end of the main plot, so it shouldn't come across as a surprise.

Demo anytime soon?
From Gavin via Facebook

JS: We have no plans for a demo.

Will I be able to play, and complete, F:NV without killing anyone or anything, except perhaps in self-defense?
From Billy Ocean via Bethesda Blog

JS: Yes. There are ways to win the main plot by killing no one and by killing everyone. It was one of our initial design tenets. You will find it difficult to get by as a pacifist, and you will miss a great deal of content by killing everyone you meet, but it can be done.
Lars03 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.6.2010, 15:25   #120
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
Zahvalnice: 232
Zahvaljeno 251 puta na 170 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Fallout: New Vegas

E shabani, nece da naprave demo, a ladno bi mogli da to urade. Vadjenja za nedostatak demo-a kod fallout 3 da ne mogu da iseku svet na vishe deonica, jednostavno ne stoji, svako sa pola sata chitanja tutoriala moze bez problema da edituje svet i smanji lokacije za potrebe demo-a.
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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