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Igre za mobilne telefone Igre za obične i pametne mobilne telefone

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Stara 27.5.2013, 21:51   #81
Član od: 26.5.2011.
Poruke: 94
Zahvalnice: 5
Zahvaljeno 2 puta na 2 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

ma bre nije problem telefon,ako ne radi na s4 ja ne znam gde bi radio,nece obb fajl da mi prebaci u android/obb i to je problem i to pitam..
intruder je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 27.5.2013, 22:11   #82
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
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Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Ok ok ok man samo bez neuroze derane a sto neprobas obb fajl da kopiras bilo gde u tel znaci nebitno naprimer u blutut pa ga uz pomoc nekog fajl menadzera(koji imas vec na fonu) katuj u android/obb !Hmmmmm.... ako ni tako nece , mada meni tako uvek upali kad pocne tel da me zeza onda restartuj fon pa probaj opet! U slucaju da nece otvori post na forumu jer to ondak vise nije stvar do igre nego je tehnicke prirode nesto ga j**** a sta pomocice ti vec neko (od cele zajednice) inace nikada nisam imao samsung pa sam slab s njima,mada opet android svi su oni(telefoni) slicni ! Javi jesi uspeo

Sent From My UltraSpeed S.E Xperia Arc S 1,4GHz Gaming Edition
King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.5.2013, 15:03   #83
Član od: 26.5.2011.
Poruke: 94
Zahvalnice: 5
Zahvaljeno 2 puta na 2 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

ma opusteno,nego 3 dana se *****am sa telefonom i ovim igrama buduci da mi je ovo na iphone-u sve glatko islo,ovde na androidu svakakve gluposti pa dok sam se snasao

inace na kraju sam uspeo da pokrenem i radi super,jedini nacin da se prebaci obb fajl u android/obb je preko file managera da prebacite bilo gde na telefonu i prebacite rucno u obb fajl i to je to.
intruder je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.5.2013, 15:12   #84
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

I na Androidu je lako ako ne i lakse kao i na šponu samo nisi navikao! Lepo da si uspeo!

Sent From My UltraSpeed S.E Xperia Arc S 1,4GHz Gaming Edition

Poslednja ispravka: King SRB (28.5.2013 u 16:06)
King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.5.2013, 18:38   #85
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 28.11.2009.
Lokacija: Bladehenge
Poruke: 4.267
Zahvalnice: 5.145
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Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku Sh0m1
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Ne znam ja mogu direktno da prebacim u obb jedino s to sa gloft igrama imam problem,pa moram prvo da instaliram igru i onda da prebacim da se fajlovi, iz nepoznatog razloga, ne bi izbrisali.
Sh0m1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 28.5.2013, 19:23   #86
Član od: 20.11.2010.
Lokacija: Khorinis
Poruke: 2.069
Zahvalnice: 3.730
Zahvaljeno 979 puta na 534 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

@ King SRB
Jos jednom da ti se zahvalim sto si mi preporucio Earth and Legend, igra je naprosto sjajna

Iako ju je kritika ocenila dosta lose zbog pojedinih losih stvari (pre svega ponekad vrlo izrazen grind), ja tu skoro nista nemogu uzeti za zamerku jer je ovo igra za telefon i takva kakva je, vrlo je dobra.

Dodje otprilike kao neka light verzija nekog od velikih RPG-ova, meni najvise lici na mesavinu prvog Fable-a i WoW-a. Imate karaktera, mozete da mu birate pol i izgled, i da budzite vestine s macem, lukom i strelom ili magijama. Prodavci u selu prodaju maceve, buzdovane, sekire, razne vrste oklopa i hranu (postoji hunger lvl - moras stalno paziti da avatar nije gladan, ako jeste pocinju da mu krce creva ). Takodje moze i da se vodi ljubimac, tj. pas.
Cilj da se ubiju cetri elementalna bossa na krajevima, za mobilnu igru, poprilicno velike mape - imate polja, sumu, pustinju, snezne planine, groblja i druga cudesa. Borba i nije nesto preterano zanimljiva u pocetku, samo mlatis macem slabije monstere jer te jaci samelju za sekund, ali kasnije kombinovanjem maca, stita i magije postaje dosta zanimljivije.
A ono sto najvise odusevljava je zvuk (iako NPC-ovi nemaju glasove), pravo je uzivanje igrati sa slusalicama. Ima nekoliko lepih melodija i vrlo dobre efekte kise i borbe sa monsterima.

Eto nadam se da ce ovaj mini-review navesti nekoga da proba ovo

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King SRB (28.5.2013)
Stara 28.5.2013, 20:18   #87
Član od: 5.9.2011.
Lokacija: Pozarevac/Beograd
Poruke: 59
Zahvalnice: 10
Zahvaljeno 3 puta na 2 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Da li neko zna kako funkcionise igrica EA Football Club,gde trebam da se registrujem i sta da uradim da bih je igrao?
vule1992 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.5.2013, 16:44   #88
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Talking Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Ravensword Shadowlands
Crescent Moon Games (Maj 28, 2013)

Oficijalni Link
King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.5.2013, 20:35   #89
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Thumbs up Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Malo Arma Tactics THD Ina Androidu Nemoze da skodi
Izdavac :Bohemia Interactive a.s.
Release Date : Maj 25, 2013

Malo sam okasnio Al sam je konacno ulovio na G.Play-ju

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King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.5.2013, 20:44   #90
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Arrow Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Za danas dosta na Kraju Poslastica
Fast & Furious 6: The Game
Izdavac: Kabam
Release Date : DANAS

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King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 29.5.2013, 21:01   #91
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 28.11.2009.
Lokacija: Bladehenge
Poruke: 4.267
Zahvalnice: 5.145
Zahvaljeno 994 puta na 697 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku Sh0m1
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Iskreno pored Fast 5 nema sta da trazi. Mozda je grafika malo bolja ali gameplay ne.
Sh0m1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.6.2013, 9:53   #92
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Lightbulb Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Jos jedan pokusaj gemloftovog Multiplayer-a

Gameloft's Zombiewood Maj 31, 2013

Oficialni Link:

Poslednja ispravka: King SRB (2.6.2013 u 10:05)
King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.6.2013, 9:56   #93
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Cool Re: Android igre, nove i stare!


King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 4.6.2013, 23:23   #94
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Thumbs up World of Tanks : WoT Blitz Mobile

A sad Malo Pravih Novosti
World of Tanks WoT Blitz Mobile

(Gas Powered Games)


What minimum Android version that will be supported by World of Tanks Blitz?
Minimum system requirements for both iOS and Android haven't been finalized yet. Android 4.0+ and iOS 5.0+ will definitely be enough. However it's more about the device than OS itself.

What minimum display size supported by World of Tanks Blitz?
From a personal standpoint 7'' devices provide the best user experience for World of Tanks Blitz due to the weight and size. Generally speaking, screen size is a secondary parameter, first of all, the device should be able to run the game itself. We are developing all the screens and UI elements for both smartphones and tablets to ensure comfortable play on any supported device regardless of screen size.

What will minimum device specs (memory, CPU) be?
At this stage it'd be easier to talk about supported devices. On Apple side we support iPad 2 and newer (3, 4, mini), and iPhone 4 and newer (4S, 5). As for Android, it's tricky because of fragmentation, Tegra-3-like devices will definitely be supported.

What's the expected client size (Mb, Gb)?
The main content of the game are naturally tank 3D models and maps that require quite a lot of space, so the client size can easily go up to 1GB and even more. So as to allow players to jump into the game more quickly, we are planning to have a "light" client with the basic client package, while other required resources will be downloaded separately.

Will mobile and PC versions share same account or the current players will have to re-register?
Our current World of Tanks players on PC (and World of Warplanes testers) won't have to register once again so as to start playing World of Tanks Blitz on mobile thanks to ID service.

What distribution model will World of Tanks Blitz use?
Here at Wargaming we adhere to free-to-play. It worked out well for PC game, it works well for mobile these days. So everyone will be able to download the game for free and start playing.

Are you going to use premium account system? What will it be like?
Yes, we are planning to use premium account system in World of Tanks Blitz as well. Sure thing, premium account will speed up the progression. At this stage the exact mechanics is not finalized and it may differ from PC side.

Is World of Tanks Blitz more of an independent game or a port from PC platform?
We regard World of Tanks Blitz not as a downscaled version of "big brother", but as an independent project which is different from PC version in a lot of ways, e.g. content-wise. Of course, the mobile version will get its own unique features.

Will we see companies in release version?
For World of Tanks Blitz we are planning to implement a company mode similar to PC version. Can't give more details on it at this time - a lot can be changed subsequently.

What tank classes will be in game? PC version has LTs, MTs, HTs, TDs, SPGs.. What will we get on mobile?
For initial release version we are planning to add medium tanks, heavy tanks, and tank destroyers. I'm a big fan of SPGs and most likely the list won't be limited to the mentioned classes.

How many tanks will each branch have?
For the launch we are going to have 3 factions - USA, Germany, and USSR. Each nation will get 3 tier 10 branches, 1 per tank class. All in all about 90 tanks.

Anything about physics and damage model?
We have managed to make our BigWorld technology work for mobile. This means that we will ensure the safety and security of all transactions as we do on PC. For players, it means that World of Tanks Blitz will take full advantage of tank movement physics (implemented in PC version in 0.8.0 update), accurate penetration and damage models that proved their worth on PC. It doesn't mean there will be no changes, mobile gameplay is somewhat different and some changes may follow.

How many maps will release version get?
Can't give the exact number yet, enough to ensure to diversity of gameplay. We are building maps for World of Tanks Blitz from scratch, this means that location-wise it will be a new experience for current WoT players.

What type of maps will we see in-game comparing to PC (city, open, mixed)?
We are not focused on one single map type, on the contrary we are striving for diversity as much as it is possible. Artisits and designers are experimenting with settings, terrains and heights. Right now we have got a desert map, a city map, and a map based on legendary Karelia from WoT PC, and a couple of others in production. Each location will get its own unique terrain elements providing broad tactical options for players.

What will be the controls?
Controls will use full capabilities of touchscreen devices. That's our main goal to make controls easy and comfortable, right now we are experimenting with different schemes, and doing focus test to shortlist the best option that we are going to show to players. We aslo consider supporting new physical game controllers (bluetooth joysticks) and other devices that have potential.

What's the release time frame?
It will be released when we get the release quality and are satisfied with the result. Right now we are at pre-alpha stage - not ready to show the game to public yet. The development goes as scheduled and we are making good progress.
Bogami bice ovo crnacka godina valja pristedeti za novu mobilnu aparaturu s obzirom sta se sve sprema da izadje !
King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 12.6.2013, 9:53   #95
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Cool Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

I jos malo noviteta

Asphalt 8 Airborne: NOVI Screenshots

Oficial Trailer:

Brothers In Arms 3 Ujeeeee (Datum Nepoznat but Ove Godine )

Gangstar Vegas

Oficial Trailer:

Poslednja ispravka: King SRB (12.6.2013 u 10:10)
King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 12.6.2013, 20:30   #96
Novi član
Član od: 6.3.2013.
Poruke: 7
Zahvalnice: 0
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Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Auuu sto je ovo sa grafikom znaci igre su vrh,cim bude izaslo vadim

Poslednja ispravka: Aibo (12.6.2013 u 21:14) Razlog: Nema potrebe da citiraš post koji je odmah iznad, pa još toliko dug...
Enes01 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 12.6.2013, 20:37   #97
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Negšta negšta biće ultra samo ja cu preskociti neke naslove nazalost ovo moje ćereslo nece bas poterari novi BiA3 nema sanse asphalt ce sigurno al BiA 3 nema šanse , nego zasukati rukave pa duple smene raditi i skupljati za mašineriju nema druge

Sent From My UltraSpeed S.E Xperia Arc S 1,4GHz Gaming Edition
King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.6.2013, 19:56   #98
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Gangstar Vegas (21.06.2013.)

Upravo Taze pa ko ima hardver nek izvoli ja nazalost preskacem ovaj tittle !Slobodno kad je testirate napisite svoje utiske

Gplay Link:
King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 23.6.2013, 1:16   #99
Član od: 25.12.2009.
Lokacija: Behind you
Poruke: 907
Zahvalnice: 445
Zahvaljeno 298 puta na 156 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

ocu moci ja nesto od ovog da poteram na desire hd?
DylaN je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 24.6.2013, 10:13   #100
King SRB
Član od: 2.2.2013.
Lokacija: In Space
Poruke: 422
Zahvalnice: 310
Zahvaljeno 94 puta na 58 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Android igre, nove i stare!

Trebalo bi da mozes probaj nisam siguran tvoj ima vise rama medjutim procesor je slabiji!Ali zanimljivo ovaj moj Arc S je jos uvek u igri ladno igram GVegas za nepoverovati (naravno ima laga tu i tamo razumljivo za ovaj fon al rve se ovaj vec zastareli GPU i s ovim ogromnim naslovom) prosto nisam mogao da verujem da se igram Gvegas na Arc S-u(Nije bas neka grafika ali tera) !!!

King SRB je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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