
By advertising in "Svet kompjutera" your message reaches tenths of thousands potential buyers.

Advertisement Prices
Type of advertisement Price
1/1 page 700
1/2 page (horizontal) 380
1/3 page (vertical) 285
1/4 page 190
1/8 page 95
1/1 page, page 5 750
1/1 page, page 3 800
1/1 page, inside back cover 825
1/1 page, inside cover 875
1/1 page, back cover 1,000
Double page 1,250
Double page, pages 4-5 1,350
Last modification date: September 5th, 2008

All prices are in Euros and VAT is not included.
For payments within Yugoslavia you can use our Price List in Serbian currency.

Advertisements deadline is 15th of the month for the next month's issue.

For detailed information about advertising rates & discounts and magazine in general, please consult our Media Kit 2015 (PDF, 966 KB)
Media Kit 2015

Contact: Marketing department

Type of advertisement dimensions (h. x w. mm)
1/1 page, full size untrimmed: 219 x 301
(trimmed: 216 x 298)
1/2 page, horizontal 195 x 135
1/3 page, vertical untrimmed: 69 x 300
(trimmed: 66 x 297)
1/4 page 195 x 65
1/8 page 95 x 65
1/16 page 45 x 65 or 95 x 30
1/32 page 45 x 30

"Svet kompjutera" is prepared for printing by direct engraving of printing plates from computer. Therefore, we are not able to accept film separation for advertisements, only a file.

A file should be:
• EPS with fonts converted to curves and CMYK graphics/bitmaps.
• Bitmap CMYK, TIFF or JPEG, 300 dpi.
• CorelDRAW 7 (or newer) document, with fonts converted to curves.
• PDF made with Acrobat 4 or higher (PDF1.3+), all fonts embeded, no subset.

For additional technical information and detailed instructions for preparing advertisement files, please contact editorial.

Files can be delivered on floppy disk(s), CD-R, ZIP cartridge or via e-mail. Due to our low bandwidth, please use e-mail after prior announcement to our Marketing department.

General information
Content of "Svet kompjutera"
Content of "Svet igara"
Contact information