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Stara 14.6.2024, 17:18   #101
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

DA nikad nije bio true open world nego zone tj hub world, i to od pocetka tj DAO a Inkvizicijom su to rastegnuli do max-a. Pitanje dali ce ovo biti takav sistem (hub/zone) ili skroz linearan (aka hodnik).

Iz onog gamepl-eya je teze zakljuciti posto ima dosta cutovanja tokom istog. Uglavnom ocekivanja su vrlo mala soo lets see...jesen nije (toliko) daleko.
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.6.2024, 17:27   #102
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.843
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Exia kaže: Pregled poruke
DA nikad nije bio true open world nego zone tj hub world, i to od pocetka tj DAO a Inkvizicijom su to rastegnuli do max-a. Pitanje dali ce ovo biti takav sistem (hub/zone) ili skroz linearan (aka hodnik).
To da li su mape rastegnute loading screenom ili ne je nebitno. Inkvizicija je bio open world, i u svojoj najgoroj varijanti, sa gomlilom paddinga, koji dosadi toliko brzo da sam u ponovnim prelazime igre, potpuno preskakao neke mape i samo jurio glavnu pricu (i kompanjon kvestove).

Ako je igra samo zabavana ako moras da preskocis pola sadrzaja, nesto duboko nije u redu.

I DA:O, pa cak ni u DA2, nije mi nikad bilo problem da igru 100% istrazim, jel je opcionog zadrzaja bilo taman toliko koliko treba, a ne da bude tu da puni mapu, u budzi prosecan prelazak igre, zbog neke tamo metrike za marketing.
player1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.6.2024, 0:25   #103
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

Veliko meh. Neinspirativno, generičko. Al ajd, videli smo 20ak min gejmpleja. U ovom što smo videli, borba izgleda kao mešavina DA2 i Inkvizšna (vizuelno). Priča i dijalozi liče da su rešili da istaknu najgore komponente priče i dijaloga iz DAI. Ovo što nije open world nego mission based mi deluje kao dobra stvar. Ok, videćemo.
Pandemonium je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Pandemonium na korisnoj poruci:
pentraksil (15.6.2024)
Stara 15.6.2024, 20:58   #104
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

player1 kaže: Pregled poruke
To da li su mape rastegnute loading screenom ili ne je nebitno. Inkvizicija je bio open world, i u svojoj najgoroj varijanti, sa gomlilom paddinga, koji dosadi toliko brzo da sam u ponovnim prelazime igre, potpuno preskakao neke mape i samo jurio glavnu pricu (i kompanjon kvestove).

Ako je igra samo zabavana ako moras da preskocis pola sadrzaja, nesto duboko nije u redu.

I DA:O, pa cak ni u DA2, nije mi nikad bilo problem da igru 100% istrazim, jel je opcionog zadrzaja bilo taman toliko koliko treba, a ne da bude tu da puni mapu, u budzi prosecan prelazak igre, zbog neke tamo metrike za marketing.
Skyrim je ow, Inkvizicija nije ow

Dragon Age: Veilguard | New Discord Q&A Details:

Asked about the world

▪️Takes place 10 years after Dragon Age: Inquisition
▪️The Inquisitor will definitely be part of the story
▪️You can go back to previous locations you visited, do side content, etc
▪️Everything is handcrafted, curated, "not fetch quests"
▪️There is no progression block in Veilguard (unlike Inquisition, which had the power mechanic)
▪️Locations can fundamentally change based on decisions you make
▪️Side quests are all "handcrafted and story focused"

Asked about origins/backstory

▪️Rook's last name in-game is defined by their lineage and backstory
▪️Your origin story will come into play a lot during the course of the game, giving you opportunities to define who your Rook was and is; lots of dialogue options

Asked about crafting and customization

▪️You can improve and customize your gear, though it's different than Inquisition
▪️The team teased a "mysterious entity" that assists players with that (spoilers)
▪️Q: Will there be a transmog system? A: "Hell yeah"

Asked about character creator

▪️"Very, very deep", heavy focus on hair, skin tones, full body customization, customize horns if you're Qunari

Asked about companions and banter

▪️"Most banter we've ever done"
▪️There's new interruptable and resumable banter so you don't miss anything
▪️Lots of moments where all the companions are interacting with each other
▪️You can change companion outfits, "wider range of appearances"
▪️The team is very proud of the companions, 'deepest companion arcs they've ever done', with 'heavy' decisions to make throughout the game
▪️You can do things that anger your companions to where they could disappear for a time

Asked about 3-person party size

▪️The team felt it made for a "much more intimate experience", 2 companions gives them more visibility and focus, more spotlight
▪️Gameplay: Timing and positioning matter a lot, felt like the right balance with Rook's abilities, actively engages your companions more in combat

Asked about mages

▪️Healing spells return for mages
▪️Mages: "Successors" to Fireball and Cone of Cold attacks are in the game
▪️Mage Specializations: Necromancer, elemental, and a combat mage
▪️On using blood magic: "This is spoilery, but let me just say Rook has some real good reasons to avoid blood magic"

Asked about combat, tactics, abilities

▪️The game is "very tactical, increasingly important on higher difficulties"
▪️Cycle between targets both in and out of combat
▪️Pause also gives information on enemies (weaknesses, resistances)
▪️Helps a lot to build your party to have 'detonation synergies', queue up combo detonations
▪️Companions can be specced to revive you if you get KO'd
▪️3 face button abilities each for Rook and each companion
▪️The team emphasized "there's so much more", like an ultimate ability, multiple runes that you acquire that can do things like buffs and other things that act like abilities, etc

Asked about The Lighthouse (base management)

▪️The Lighthouse has a unique purpose and function and will change and evolve over time; you can also personalize some things (more later)
▪️There's no war table but there is a table of some kind for particular reasons


▪️Many accessibility features, will share closer to launch
▪️Varric's hair is more gray than brown, he's much older (only seen him in dark scenes so far)
▪️On DLCs: 100% focused on finishing the full game and make it the most 'complete' single player game they possibly can
▪️You can pet and hug Assan (the baby griffin)
▪️Tavern songs return. Tavern in Minrathous is called "The Swan"
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 3 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku Exia na korisnoj poruci:
Pandemonium (16.6.2024), player1 (15.6.2024), Vladimirus86 (23.6.2024)
Stara 6.7.2024, 1:18   #105
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Član od: 18.6.2011.
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Određen forumom Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

"Dragon Age: The Veilguard's difficulty options will have a toggle that lets you turn off death entirely."

Journalist mode activated...
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 14.8.2024, 23:23   #106
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Određen forumom Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

Dragon Age: Veilguard | Road to Launch

Tomorrow: Release date trailer
8/19: High-level combat and PC spotlight
8/26: Companions Week
8/30: Developer Discord Q&A

September: Month long IGN First coverage
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.8.2024, 8:37   #107
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
Lokacija: Banja Luka
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

Izlazi 31. Oktobra.
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.8.2024, 13:18   #108
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Određen forumom Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

Nema više direktne kontrole nad kompanjonima...nešto što je bilo key party play strategije još od Origins-a.
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.8.2024, 17:25   #109
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 5.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 14.843
Zahvalnice: 5.672
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

Exia kaže: Pregled poruke
Nema više direktne kontrole nad kompanjonima...nešto što je bilo key party play strategije još od Origins-a.
Znaci to je to, Mass Effect-ovali su Dragon Age.
player1 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.8.2024, 18:51   #110
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Određen forumom Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

Ovaj art stile ala fortnite mi je neverovatno odbojan...
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.8.2024, 9:58   #111
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Član od: 9.11.2005.
Lokacija: Beograd
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pravili za decu
polarnimeda je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.8.2024, 19:44   #112
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

Пази, има смисла. Видео игрице се ионако не праве за прдоње од 40 година.
sp01 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 17.8.2024, 2:11   #113
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

izmedju 12 i 40 godina ima mnogo godina.
plus nije da tona igara nije i za uzivanje ljudi od 80 godina.
polarnimeda je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 17.8.2024, 3:43   #114
Član od: 3.12.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

polarnimeda kaže: Pregled poruke
izmedju 12 i 40 godina ima mnogo godina.
plus nije da tona igara nije i za uzivanje ljudi od 80 godina.
Ja imam utisak da je ovo problem za celu gejming industriju uopšte. Mi smo (meni je 50) prva generacija koja je odrasla uz video igre. Kad smo mi bili klinci, bilo je relativno lako, ciljni uzrast je bio 13-23 godina (recimo). Relativno lako napraviti nešto što će da zahvati solidan deo te grupe. Danas je to uzrast od 10-60 godina. Plus, generacija kojia ima sredstva, a to su ljudi 40+ sa odraslom decom, je dosta izbirljiva, jer su odrasli uz video igre, i znaju šta ih zanima.
mvasic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 17.8.2024, 4:20   #115
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Član od: 9.11.2005.
Lokacija: Beograd
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Zahvalnice: 1.859
Zahvaljeno 992 puta na 614 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

prosecan gamer, po google-u ima 35 godina, pa oni nek racunaju koliko ce vise komada igre prodati sto spustaju limit po pitanju godina, a koliko kupaca u isto vreme izgubiti jer im likovi izgledaju ko gumene bombone koje pritom ne mogu ni da se ostete. ne pije to vodu za ovakvu igru, barem ako mene pitas, ali ajde. ne znaci da ce igra biti losa, ali znaci da je svakako mogla biti bolja.
polarnimeda je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 19.8.2024, 15:42   #116
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises


There are four playable races to choose from: human, elf, dwarf and qunari.

Character appearance is fully customizable, with more options than in past games. In addition to face customization, there are now body-sliders between body types as well as individual sliders for specific body parts. The sliders are not tied to the voice or pronouns in any way. In fact, gender and pronouns are also separate categories. Available pronouns include she/her, he/him and they/them. There are preset appearances for each race for people who wish to use them.

The character creator offers different lighting options to reflect what the character will look like in various lighting conditions. Character appearance can also be changed at any time during the game after exiting character creation.

There are four voices to choose from: two feminine and two masculine voices, one British and one American for each. There is also a pitch shifter that further lets you customize Rook's voice.

Starting gear and casual wear, which differ depending on class and starting faction, can be previewed in the character creator, as can "aspirational armor," meaning mid-to-late game armor.

The three standards class, Warrior, Rogue and Mage, return, each with three specializations.

Three specializations are available per class. While specializations can be previewed during character creation, they are not available at the beginning of the game. You'll unlock your specialization as you progress through the game. Each specialization is associated with one of the six starting factions.

Reaper: uses night blades to steal health from foes, risking death to gain supernatural abilities.
Slayer: uses two-handed weapons for simple but strong attacks that have increased damage.
Champion: uses weapon and shield, focusing on tactical defense and tanking hits from enemies.

Duelist: uses two blades for rapid strikes and has the fastest movement of the rogue specializations, focusing on dodges and parries.
Saboteur: uses traps and tricks to turn the tide of battle.
Veil Ranger: uses a solely ranged style of combat to hit enemies from afar with a bow.

Death Caller: uses necromancy magic.
Spellblade: uses melee attacks infused with magic.
Evoker: uses elemental fire, ice, and lightning magic.

You can pick Rook's faction when making your character. Each faction has its own set of casual clothing and gives you three distinct buffs, such as bonus damage against a certain enemy type or the ability to carry more potions. There are six factions to choose from.
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Exia na korisnoj poruci:
player1 (19.8.2024)
Stara 24.8.2024, 19:05   #117
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Određen forumom Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 4.9.2024, 7:31   #118
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Određen forumom Re: Dragon Age: The Dread Wolf Rises

22 Minutes of Gameplay

I dalje ih forsiraju da koriste Frostbite...
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 13.9.2024, 13:59   #119
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
Lokacija: Banja Luka
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dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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player1 (13.9.2024)
Stara 13.9.2024, 15:31   #120
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Одлично су одрадили гриву
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