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Stara 29.9.2014, 17:34   #101
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Poruke: 16.746
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Od sutra mozete da vezete Steam nalog sa UPlay nalogom i nema vise potrebe za logovanjem prilikom pokretanja Steam verzija igara.

A Uplay PC maintenance will take place tomorrow September 30th, 2014 at 08:00AM UTC. It will last at least 1 hour.
During this time, you may lose connection to Uplay PC services (party & chat conversations,friends and statistics) for a few seconds.

Tomorrow, we will also release version 4.8 of Uplay PC. The following changes will be applied:

Automatic login from Steam
Link your Steam account to Uplay in order to seamlessly start your games from Steam.

- Talk with your teammates while in a party to conquer the game.
- Support for one to one conversations directly in the client.
- Push 2 Talk functionality.


EA Origin support
- You can now start your EA games from Uplay much faster and more smoothly.

- Fixed an issue when using "Go offline", "Go online" or "Change user" that would close the Uplay client if you are using Windows XP.
- Fixed an issue when unlocking a Uplay Reward on PS4 or Xbox One that would close the Uplay PC client.
- Fixed an issue with the maximum length of the chat message.
- Fixed an issue with not being able to start a private online session in Trials Evolution.
- Fixed an issue with the option "Delete all game installers" on a newly created account that would cause the Uplay PC client to become stuck.
- Fixed an issue with title length for Twitch for our Twitch feature.
- Fixed the possibility to change several options that normally would be unavailable during broadcast for our Twitch feature.
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 3.10.2014, 13:26   #102
Roronoa Zoro
Član od: 5.12.2005.
Lokacija: Mihajlovac City
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

i gde je ta opcija da se linkuje steam nalog, update odradio, ali uplay se i dalje startuje
Roronoa Zoro je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 3.10.2014, 13:30   #103
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Poruke: 16.746
Zahvalnice: 300
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

To je napisao Community menadzer.

1 - I logged out of Uplay by using the "change user" option and then closed the Uplay launcher
2 - I loaded up steam and launched a Uplay game I own on there
3 - Uplay loaded up to the login screen asking me to enter my login details, on this same screen there was a check box that asked if I wanted Uplay to automatically use my login details when loading a game from steam.
4 - I entered my login details and ticked that box
5 - Uplay logged in and my game started.
6 - I closed my game then closed Uplay.

To check that it worked, I then tried loading up Uplay without using steam and Uplay did not remember that I was logged in (this is as expected). I then closed the launcher and tried running my game through Steam; Uplay loaded up, remembered my account and connected me to my game (this is as expected).

Basically, this means that any time you start your game from Steam, Uplay should automatically log you in and you won't need to remember your Uplay login details, the same way it was possible already to log in to the Uplay website using Facebook or PSN details.

If you ever want to unlink your Steam account from your Uplay account, you can do that through the Uplay website. Just log in and go to your account details page and you'll see buttons at the bottom of the page to unlink any Facebook, Steam, PSN or XBOX LIVE accounts that are linked to your Uplay account.
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 3.10.2014, 13:37   #104
Roronoa Zoro
Član od: 5.12.2005.
Lokacija: Mihajlovac City
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Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku Roronoa Zoro
Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

pih, ne vidim nikakvu novinu od pre. jer linkovanjem sam mislio da se uplay posle neće pokreteti, ali prc. uplay je cancer i njega je teško odstraniti
Roronoa Zoro je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 3.10.2014, 13:42   #105
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Pokrene se ali automatski tako da se moze koristiti Big Picture mod bez problema. Barem olaksavaju upotrebu Steam korisnicima.
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.10.2014, 16:25   #106
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Poruke: 16.746
Zahvalnice: 300
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Od danas mozete da promjenite Username na UPlay nalogu.
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 17.11.2014, 15:28   #107
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
Lokacija: From the murky depths I come...
Poruke: 28.570
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Nisam do sada imao previše potrebe da se bakćem oko uPlay-a jer iako se pokretao to je Steam obavljao automatski, ali zadnjih par dana mi je trebao i jednostavno moram da kažem: Koje je ovo đubre od "klijenta"
DeCoy je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 30.11.2014, 16:41   #108
Roronoa Zoro
Član od: 5.12.2005.
Lokacija: Mihajlovac City
Poruke: 2.506
Zahvalnice: 0
Zahvaljeno 243 puta na 183 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku Roronoa Zoro
Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

trebalo im je koliko 3-4 godine? da odrade da se uplay klijent pošalje u tray umesto da je uvek na taskbaru, ali bar nešto i pozitivno kod ovog klijenta
Roronoa Zoro je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.12.2014, 16:09   #109
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Poruke: 16.746
Zahvalnice: 300
Zahvaljeno 8.595 puta na 4.061 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Sansa da osvojite igre i popuste!/en-GB/news/A...41218_37531557

Fellow Uplay Gamers,

With the holiday season upon us we wanted to join in on the festivities just that little bit more. 'Tis the season of giving after all, and that's just what we plan on doing.

Beginning from the 23rd of December through until the 6th of January you will be able to claim daily gifts via our 15 Days of Uplay gifts page. These gifts range from free Reward unlocks for some of your favourite games to huge Uplay shop discounts, Avatar customization and more. In addition to that, we have a huge giveaway prepared at the end of the 15 days where 40 lucky people will get their hands on an entire year's worth of Ubisoft PC games.
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 19.12.2014, 9:27   #110
Član od: 9.11.2005.
Lokacija: Beograd
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

#onokad Ubisoft ima bolji event od Steama...
3LANCER je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 23.12.2014, 10:53   #111
Član od: 4.3.2011.
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Pocelo je, ja dobih ovo:
Priložene slike
Kliknite na sliku za veću verziju

Ime:	untitled.JPG
Viđeno:	83 puta
Veličina:	86,7 KB
ID:	51220  
Žexonije je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 23.12.2014, 11:32   #112
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
Lokacija: From the murky depths I come...
Poruke: 28.570
Zahvalnice: 1.640
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

To svi dobijaju, ako imaš "sreće" dobićeš neku igru.
DeCoy je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 23.12.2014, 19:40   #113
Član od: 25.10.2005.
Lokacija: Beograd
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

DeCoy kaže: Pregled poruke
To svi dobijaju, ako imaš "sreće" dobićeš neku igru.
Ala su se otvorili, da barem svakom dele nesto razlicito za igre koje ljudi vec poseduju na svom nalogu
Ivan1981 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 26.12.2014, 20:42   #114
Smrtonosna Šorka
Član od: 11.5.2014.
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

aj pomozite meni ćoravom (očigledno). Dakle kupljen na steamu Far cry 3, kliknem play u steamu on me dalje odvuče do uplaya, na istom odem redeem code, pojavi mi se igra u Games, kliknem na nju i ne vidim nigde PLAY. Ima gomila stvari overview, rewards achievements itd. itd a nema play.
Smrtonosna Šorka je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 26.12.2014, 21:24   #115
Član od: 20.6.2011.
Lokacija: Beograd
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Smrtonosna Šorka kaže: Pregled poruke
aj pomozite meni ćoravom (očigledno). Dakle kupljen na steamu Far cry 3, kliknem play u steamu on me dalje odvuče do uplaya, na istom odem redeem code, pojavi mi se igra u Games, kliknem na nju i ne vidim nigde PLAY. Ima gomila stvari overview, rewards achievements itd. itd a nema play.
Ako si igru aktivirao na uplayu, kliknes na igru u tvojoj biblioteci i u novom prozoru iznad toga sto pricas review, overview imas Play. Odmah iznad tih opcija koje si naveo.
Evo da ti bude lakse

singularity je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 26.12.2014, 21:30   #116
Smrtonosna Šorka
Član od: 11.5.2014.
Poruke: 581
Zahvalnice: 105
Zahvaljeno 43 puta na 32 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Evo rešilo se tako što sam izašao iz steama i uplaya pa ušao ponovo i pojavilo se, inače mi sve vreme pisalo u steamu da sam u igri iako nisam bio. Pa eto kad sam sve izašao pojavi se play, inače kada kliknem na desktop ikonicu FC3 kreće steam i ispisuje onaj redeem code, tako da znači tim putem ne ulazim nego pravac uplay i tamo idem play.
Smrtonosna Šorka je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 25.1.2015, 15:09   #117
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Poruke: 16.746
Zahvalnice: 300
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Izgleda da je Ubisoft poceo da uklanja igre kupljene kod neovlastenih distributera.
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 26.1.2015, 17:26   #118
Član od: 13.2.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

gorgilije je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Stara 26.1.2015, 18:07   #119
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
Lokacija: From the murky depths I come...
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Zahvalnice: 1.640
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

DeCoy je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Sh0m1 (26.1.2015)
Stara 26.1.2015, 21:20   #120
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Određen forumom Re: Ubisoft Uplay Client

Шта се одве догађа?

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