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Strateške igre Potezne i real-time strategije...

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Stara 24.11.2021, 1:21   #1
Deo inventara foruma
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Određen forumom Men of War II

Reveal Trailer

Men Of War II will return to the series’ roots to rebuild and redefine real-time strategy gameplay. The new Front Line mechanic is the bedrock of exciting dynamic encounters, where the push-and-pull of each skirmish directly affects territory borders. Players will manage attritional battles and break through undefended lines to advance the areas of maps under control, digging trenches and supporting troops in newly won territory.
“Assume greater command of the battlefield with the enhanced Direct Vision feature to focus solely on one unit at any time and upgrade, change, or repair equipment on the fly. Level the theater of war with powerful armor and artillery capable of destroying buildings and weapon emplacements, while choosing from an arsenal including 45 battalions and more than 300 vehicles, all painstakingly designed with complete historical accuracy.”
The story will have two story campaigns, playable in single-player or up to five-player online co-op. In these campaigns, commanders will engage in battle on both the Western and Eastern Fronts. Players can take control of the courageous Allied Forces pushing their way through a devastated France. Additionally, they will control the steadfast Soviets defending their lands from the menacing Third Reich army.
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Ichigo222 (13.9.2023), Koreli A. (28.11.2021), Malik Tintilinic (24.11.2021)
Stara 24.11.2021, 10:41   #2
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
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Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Ako bude kao Cold War džabe su krečili...
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laza80 (31.10.2024), Malik Tintilinic (4.1.2022)
Stara 26.11.2021, 11:12   #3
code master
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Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Možda najveći kliše koji se može upotrebiti u reklami za WWII igru je Experience warfare like never before! Ja već iskusio kroz igre kao što su Medal of Honor, Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty, Company of Heroes, Blitzkrieg, Stalin vs Martians.
code master je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku code master na korisnoj poruci:
Koreli A. (12.5.2023)
Stara 4.1.2022, 13:18   #4
Malik Tintilinic
Član od: 14.12.2010.
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Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Nadam se da nece da bude kao Cold war. Jos se snalazim u toj igri. Sto je najjace, cini mi se da sam na pocetku bolje igrao. Igrao sam Soldiers, FoW, MoW...sve, ali CW mi slabo ide. Eksperimentisem, stavim sebe sa 3 heroic AI protiv 1 easy AI i - izgubim(o) 'ladno A nekad pobedim u 1 na 1. Cudna igra.
Malik Tintilinic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 23.11.2022, 22:28   #5
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
Lokacija: From the murky depths I come...
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Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

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Stara 24.3.2023, 17:23   #6
Malik Tintilinic
Član od: 14.12.2010.
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Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Moze da se proba do 27.3. (Steam)
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Stara 12.5.2023, 8:05   #7
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
Lokacija: From the murky depths I come...
Poruke: 28.578
Zahvalnice: 1.642
Zahvaljeno 11.143 puta na 7.123 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Open beta traje do 15.5. sad ima i PvE.
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Stara 12.5.2023, 22:30   #8
Koreli A.
Član od: 1.9.2019.
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Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

code master kaže: Pregled poruke
Možda najveći kliše koji se može upotrebiti u reklami za WWII igru je Experience warfare like never before! Ja već iskusio kroz igre kao što su Medal of Honor, Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty, Company of Heroes, Blitzkrieg, Stalin vs Martians.
Igra moze da baguje na beskonacno mnogo kreativnih i manje kreativnih nacina. Ovo je 2023. zato stvarno moze da se desi da se drugi svetski rat iskusi kao nikad do sada
Dakle dosli smo do toga da ce igra biti neponovljiva i jedinstvena ili dobra i kakva treba da bude.
Moc logike
Koreli A. je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 25.6.2023, 14:08   #9
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
Lokacija: From the murky depths I come...
Poruke: 28.578
Zahvalnice: 1.642
Zahvaljeno 11.143 puta na 7.123 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Izlazi 20. septembra.

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Stara 25.6.2023, 21:16   #10
Malik Tintilinic
Član od: 14.12.2010.
Poruke: 1.383
Zahvalnice: 324
Zahvaljeno 372 puta na 264 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Samo da ne bude problema sa sejvovima kao sto zna da bude.
Malik Tintilinic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 9.9.2023, 18:10   #11
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
Lokacija: From the murky depths I come...
Poruke: 28.578
Zahvalnice: 1.642
Zahvaljeno 11.143 puta na 7.123 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Odloženo za 2024.

After carefully analyzing your feedback, that we’ve gathered throughout public playtests, and running some additional QA rounds, we’ve made a tough decision to postpone the release of Men of War II to next year.

At this point, Men of War II is content and feature complete and includes 3 narrative and 2 historical campaigns, Conquest and Raid dynamic campaigns, each playable in 4 variations of competing nations, 15 PvP and 8 PvE multiplayer modes with over 20 maps and more. The dev team has been working tirelessly, but it’s a lot of content and features to polish, especially given that BestWay employees have to deal with difficult conditions in their home country of Ukraine. We simply need more time to fix bugs before we release the game. Thank you so much for understanding and for your continuous support of Men of War II !

Maxim Kamensky, Producer of Men of War II at Best Way, explains:
“We loved working with our dedicated community of fans during multiple Playtests and we gathered immense amounts of data and feedback. In fact, we received so many great suggestions we decided to implement, that the original schedule did not allow us to iron out all the bugs and issues in time for the September release. We feel that our fans deserve to receive a game in a completely polished and bug-free state and ask them for just a little more patience to allow us to deliver such a high quality product.”
DeCoy je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 24.9.2023, 10:49   #12
Malik Tintilinic
Član od: 14.12.2010.
Poruke: 1.383
Zahvalnice: 324
Zahvaljeno 372 puta na 264 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Inace, pitam se zasto SK nije ocenio Call to arms i CTA Gates of Hell Ostfront
Malik Tintilinic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 15.5.2024, 20:54   #13
Intel Inside
Avatar korisnika DeCoy
Član od: 1.11.2005.
Lokacija: From the murky depths I come...
Poruke: 28.578
Zahvalnice: 1.642
Zahvaljeno 11.143 puta na 7.123 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Izašlo danas...
DeCoy je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 27.10.2024, 16:27   #14
Malik Tintilinic
Član od: 14.12.2010.
Poruke: 1.383
Zahvalnice: 324
Zahvaljeno 372 puta na 264 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Sa offline modom izmedju ostalog.
Steel rain update
Malik Tintilinic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 10.11.2024, 20:38   #15
Malik Tintilinic
Član od: 14.12.2010.
Poruke: 1.383
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Zahvaljeno 372 puta na 264 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Men of War II

Odigrao tutorial i prve dve CCCP misije u Thwarted Blitzkrieg. Igram na easy, ali mi je mnogo lakse nego u prethodnim MoW. Brzo sam ih presao i ne trudeci se da napravim save, jer sam video da i pored vecih gubitaka, a i bez potrebe da preturam po lesevima da bih se naoruzao do zuba, zavrsavam zadate ciljeve.
Nisam nasao neki info da li se dobijaju nagrade i kad se igra u offline modu, a presao bih na to, jer sam imao situaciju da, posle druge misije cekam deset minuta da krene treca. Pisalo je waiting for response dok nisam izgubio strpljenje i klinkuo na cancel, a onda u meniju izabrao da nastavim sa trecom misijom.
Malik Tintilinic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.12.2024, 10:46   #16
Malik Tintilinic
Član od: 14.12.2010.
Poruke: 1.383
Zahvalnice: 324
Zahvaljeno 372 puta na 264 poruka
Lightbulb Re: Men of War II

Izasao update sa nesto novih stvari. Jos mi ovaj MoW ne prevazilazi neke prethodne, a verujem i da nece.
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