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Strateške igre Potezne i real-time strategije...

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Stara 11.4.2010, 22:02   #1
Član od: 29.6.2008.
Lokacija: Novi Beograd
Poruke: 1.190
Zahvalnice: 754
Zahvaljeno 219 puta na 151 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku Lich_king2
Određen forumom Empire: Time of Troubles

The year is 1350 AD. The deadly plague that burst out from the center of Asia came to Europe and stopped the wars for some time. When it reached the Crimean cities where the Genoese people lived it moved on to Istanbul and then made its way to Spain. After devastating Germany, France and England the plague spread to the East and came to the Baltic on board of Hanseatic ships which came close to the borders of Russia.

In the outskirts of Europe lay the lands of Russia and Poland which are ready to finally defeat the dominion of the Golden Horde and the Knight Orders. They will hold on in the battle for freedom and independence, and fight for lands stretching from one sea to the other. The die is cast and a new Empire will become glorious and survive these death-filled times.

Empire: Time of Troubles is a turn-based, historical strategy game which covers the events of 1350-1650 taking place in Russia, Poland and the Great Lithuanian Princedom. The game takes place over a large-scale campaign and players will command one of 26 warring factions. By controlling a hero characters which improve their skills in battle the player can win battles and rule their state any way they wish.

Empire: Time of Troubles allows players to have a well thought-out and historically accurate system of building and assigning labor forces in cities, a large selection of scenario based and random missions, an expansive and realistic technology tree, more than 150 types of military units and beautiful graphics and animations which bring the war to life.

* Large-scale military campaign where the player can turn a small principality into a large and powerful empire.
* 3D strategy map of Eastern Europe from 1350-1650 with authentic landscape and military units.
* 26 factions to control: Russian, Polish and Lithuanian princedoms, lands of the Knight Orders and Eastern European monarchies.
* Political, economic and role playing systems showing the intricacies of diplomacy and wars in medieval Europe.
* Dozens of famous historical personalities and hundreds of game characters, each with their own unique specialties including rulers, commanders, priests, alchemists and spies.

Ovo ce izgleda biti zanimljivo Nesto na foru Total War-a i Knights of Honor-a.

Poslednja ispravka: DeCoy (22.4.2010 u 18:30)
Lich_king2 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 12.4.2010, 15:27   #2
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 15.11.2006.
Lokacija: Niš
Poruke: 3.367
Zahvalnice: 795
Zahvaljeno 888 puta na 555 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Empire: Time of Troubles

Na Total War ne a na Knights of Honor lici i to mnogo.
Nestor je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.4.2010, 16:02   #3
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 15.11.2006.
Lokacija: Niš
Poruke: 3.367
Zahvalnice: 795
Zahvaljeno 888 puta na 555 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Empire: Time of Troubles

Izgleda da je poznatija pod drugim imennom.
Reign: Conflict of Nations
Nestor je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 22.4.2010, 16:54   #4
Novi član
Član od: 29.8.2007.
Poruke: 27
Zahvalnice: 11
Zahvaljeno jedanput na jednoj poruci
Određen forumom Re: Empire: Time of Troubles

Možda izađe u maju, bar ovde tako piše.
Gagi174 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.7.2010, 17:29   #5
Član od: 29.6.2008.
Lokacija: Novi Beograd
Poruke: 1.190
Zahvalnice: 754
Zahvaljeno 219 puta na 151 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku Lich_king2
Određen forumom Re: Empire: Time of Troubles

Izasla igra 30 juna.
Lich_king2 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Lich_king2 na korisnoj poruci:
debeli mijat (5.7.2010)
Stara 7.7.2010, 11:52   #6
Stefan 5
Član od: 20.8.2007.
Lokacija: Priboj
Poruke: 1.755
Zahvalnice: 597
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Određen forumom Re: Empire: Time of Troubles

Lich_king2 kaže: Pregled poruke
The year is 1350 AD. The deadly plague that burst out from the center of Asia came to Europe and stopped the wars for some time. When it reached the Crimean cities where the Genoese people lived it moved on to Istanbul and then made its way to Spain. After devastating Germany, France and England the plague spread to the East and came to the Baltic on board of Hanseatic ships which came close to the borders of Russia.

Istanbul?!1350 i dont think so.Pre će biti Constantinopolj.

Poslednja ispravka: Dimo (7.7.2010 u 13:13) Razlog: skraćen citat
Stefan 5 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 7.7.2010, 12:17   #7
Član od: 29.6.2008.
Lokacija: Novi Beograd
Poruke: 1.190
Zahvalnice: 754
Zahvaljeno 219 puta na 151 poruka
Slanje poruke preko MSN-a korisniku Lich_king2
Određen forumom Re: Empire: Time of Troubles

571MB velicina.
Lich_king2 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 7.7.2010, 14:28   #8
Član od: 15.7.2009.
Lokacija: Niksic, Crna Gora
Poruke: 136
Zahvalnice: 4
Zahvaljeno 5 puta na 3 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Empire: Time of Troubles

je li je igrao ko? cini mi se onako kao solidna igra
stavio sam je da mi se skida...
Vujasss je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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