Zaštita Virusi, anti-virus programi, firewall... |
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22.10.2009, 14:17 | #1 |
Član od: 7.12.2008.
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antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
koji antivirus treba da se instalira na prastari komp koji ima jako malo memorije, valjda radi na 256, ili tako nesto? koji bi radio najbolje, a da ne trosi puno i to malo memorije koja postoji?
22.10.2009, 14:50 | #2 |
V.I.P. Phone Zone
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku JovanK na korisnoj poruci: | ||
neko_drugi (22.10.2009) |
22.10.2009, 14:56 | #3 |
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
I Avira je stedljiva.
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Picard na korisnoj poruci: | ||
neko_drugi (22.10.2009) |
22.10.2009, 20:26 | #4 |
Član od: 2.11.2005.
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Ne znam bas kakav je norton po pitanju memorije, ali cini mi se da mu treba nekoliko stotina MB na hardu. Posto starijim kompjuterima cesto manjka i prostor na disku norton mozda i nije tako dobro resenje.
Avira (koju i sam koristim) je prilicno stedljiva po pitanju memorije, mada zna da zauzme prilicno prostora u Page fajlu (trenutno je kod mene preko 80MB, a u memoriji samo 3.8 (ove velicine se cesto menjaju)). Mozda bi bolje resenje bilo AVG, koristio sam ga pre mesec dva i bio je izuzetno stedljiv, jedino nije stedeo na skeniranju diska (sto je ponekad dosta kocilo). Dakle biraj izmedju Avire i AVG-a. |
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku nighthawk na korisnoj poruci: | ||
neko_drugi (22.10.2009) |
22.10.2009, 21:32 | #5 | |
Član od: 7.12.2008.
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
ovo sam pitao za jedan drugi, isto stariji... hvala u svakom slucaju |
22.10.2009, 22:58 | #6 |
V.I.P. Phone Zone
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Vjerovali ili ne, Norton 2009 trosi manje od 5mb rama, e sada koliko zauzima prostora na hdd ne znam tacno, a i sa ugradjenim novim opcijama je ekstra brz u skeniranju.
22.10.2009, 23:38 | #7 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
uzmi nod32
23.10.2009, 1:15 | #8 |
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Ne znam gdje si ti gledao koliko Norton koristi radne memorije, ali apsolutno nije tacno da koristi 5 mb. Svaki antivirusni program ima procese koji nisu vidljivi u task menadzeru i oni ne zauzimaju "5 mb". Sto se tice postavljenog pitanja, u svakom slucaju ESET Smart Security.
23.10.2009, 1:31 | #9 |
V.I.P. Phone Zone
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Sto se tice zauzetosti na hdd-u, najbolji je nod, pa avira, avg, kasperski, avast, norton... Norton uzima 116mb. Takle tim redom.
Sto se tice rama, ovakvo je stanje, norton 5.38mb, avast oko 22, kasperski 25, avira 28, nod oko 33... Ovo su podaci koje sam koristio za specijalisticki rad. |
23.10.2009, 20:35 | #10 |
Član od: 2.11.2005.
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Zanima me kako si dosao do ovakvih podataka, tj. kako si sa takvom preciznoscu odredio zauzece harda i memorije. Zauzece hard diska moze da se promeni (i cesto se menja) posle svakog apdejta, a norton 360 3.0 beta zauzima 300 MB http://www.sk.rs/2009/03/sktr08.html. Ne secam se tacno, ali cini mi se da je jednom clanu foruma zauzece harda bilo preko 500 MB posle nekoliko meseci koriscenja, norton nije brisao stare baze posle apdejta, vec je samo dodavao nove.
Ukupno zauzece memorije je zbir zauzeca RAM-a i Page fajla. Po startu deo aplikacije odmah ide u PF, a ako se kasnije ne koriste onda se veci deo premesta u PF. Posto AV stalno nesto radi ovaj odnos se stalno menja, kao i ukupno zauzece memorije. Kod mene Avira (gledam samo avguar.exe) trenutno zauzima 7.5MB RAM-a i 84MB PF-a, sto je razlicito od vrednosti u prethodnom postu i sto je dosta vise od 28MB. Kolona Peak Memory Usage u TM-u pokazuje 83MB, znaci u jednom momentu Avira bas toliko zauzimala. Nego da se ne bi previse rasplinjavali, Avira i AVG su dobra resenja za slabu masinu, ESS takodje nije los jer predstavlja sveobuhvatnu zastitu i sigurno je stedljiviji od posebnih aplikacija. Nod po mom iskustvu nije previse stedljiv (oko 30MB RAM-a i pedesetak PF-a). |
23.10.2009, 20:39 | #11 |
Član od: 13.3.2007.
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Taj norton 2009 ima da ubije k`o zeca taj komp sa 256 MB RAM i verovatno nekim slabijim jednojezgarnim procesorom. Video sam kako isti ubija u pojam i dvojezgarne intele (jeftiniji neki doduse intel- ne secam se tacno) sa 2 GB RAM, a to je bila neka brend masina, mislim Lenovo, sa instaliranom Vistom i tim strasnim Nortonom u full paketu sa backup-ovima nekim i sl. Kada smo nekako uspeli da deinstaliramo tih 10 nortonovih pomocnih programa komp progledao. Posle kazu ne valja Vista. A da nije tih brend masina koje ga prodaju u paketu, ozbiljno pomislim da li bi iko i kupio taj Norton.
Nego savet za temu NOD32 i vozi. P.S. Od Nortona cenim Norton Ghost i nista vise. |
24.10.2009, 20:27 | #12 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Probaj i AVAST. Kod mene je uvek zauzimao malo memorije
Poslednja ispravka: nighthawk (24.10.2009 u 21:17) Razlog: hvala ;) |
27.10.2009, 15:18 | #13 |
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
1.11.2009, 11:15 | #14 |
V.I.P. Video/TV softver
Član od: 24.12.2005.
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Naidjoh pre mesec-dva na neki tekst o zauzeću memorije pojedinih antivirusa (još da se setim gde). Tekst je prošlogodišnji.
Ono što sam zapamtio je da PC Tools Antivirus 5 troši najmanje memorije, oko 5,5MB. U Top 5 su i Kaspersky 2009, Norton 2009 i Avira. NOD v3, AVG 8 i Avast cepaju 30+MB. AVG 7.5 je trošio daleko manje od AVG 8. Što se tiče tvrdjnje da stariji AV zauzima manje memorije od novog, netačna je bar u slučaju Nortona. |
1.11.2009, 13:20 | #15 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 15.4.2006.
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
1.11.2009, 15:36 | #16 |
V.I.P. Video/TV softver
Član od: 24.12.2005.
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
To stoji. U većini slučajeva kompanije izmene i strukturu baze u novijoj verziji pa se starije verzije ne mogu apdejtovati.
Poenta mog posta je, medjutim, bila ta da su neke kompanije zabrljale stvari ranije i da su se vremenom dozvale pameti. Primer je Norton, koga su ljudi masovno prestali da koriste zbog ogromnog zauzeća memorije i sporosti. Razvojni tim, poučen time, optimizovao je novije verzije. Da ne zaboravimo i Vistu i Windows 7. |
1.11.2009, 17:21 | #17 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
norton 2010 je lak. trosi ~20mb rama
13.11.2009, 21:24 | #18 |
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 14.3.2008.
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Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Boga mi, Avast mi trenutno jede oko 70-80 MB sa svim servisima... Ne bih preporucio za masinu sa malo RAM-a... Ali, opet, Avast sam vidjao da radi odlicno i na masinama sa 128 MB RAM-a...
25.11.2009, 15:54 | #19 |
Deo inventara foruma
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
30.11.2009, 9:42 | #20 |
Re: antivirus na komp sa malo memorije?
Postojo mogućnost da "uštrojiš" AVG, tako da isti koristi vrlo malo resursa. (Time donekle smanjuješ i zaštitu.)
Ovo sigurno radi, ali uglavnom svedeno na manualno skeniranje. LINK: The new AVG8.0 Antivirus Free Edition is now out. I've installed it on both XP and Vista, and it seems to work fine, however unfortunately as is the trend with security products (especially free security products), the latest version seems to contain more intrusive and annoying things than before. The interface itself is OK: However there are a range of things you should pay attention to while installing and configuring AVG8.0. First make sure to uninstall AVG 7.5 Free if you have it on your system. Then: 1. After downloading the AVG setup file, right-click on it and select 'Create shortcut'. Now right-click on this newly created shortcut and select Properties, then in the Target box, one blank space after the last character, enter the following text exactly as shown: /NOAVGTOOLBAR /REMOVE_FEATURE fea_AVG_SafeSurf /REMOVE_FEATURE fea_AVG_SafeSearch Run this new shortcut and it will start the AVG setup file with the parameters specified above. This will prevent AVG from installing the Linkscanner feature, AVG Security Toolbar and related web-browsing protection, all of which can result in increased CPU usage and slower web browsing. These features cannot be properly disabled from within AVG, so they need to be removed using this method. If you've already installed AVG then you can still follow this step and it should remove these components from your system. More details about this method can be found in this AVG FAQ. 2. During the installation of AVG, make sure to select the Custom option, and I recommend unticking the 'Email Scanner' and 'Plugin for Microsoft Office' components, as I feel they are unnecessary. Note: More recent versions of AVG also may have a Linkscanner option, untick this as well (if Step 1 doesn't already remove it). 3. Once AVG has installed, start it and go to the Tools menu, then select 'Advanced Settings'. I recommend the following settings: - Under the Appearance menu untick the 'Display system tray notifications' box to remove the unnecessary AVG icon in the System Tray/Notification Area. - Under the Linkscanner menu untick all available boxes. - Under the Scans menu you should tick all boxes except 'Automatically heal/remove infections' in each case - this ensures that should AVG detect a false positive, it won't automatically delete it from your system. - Under the Schedules menu untick every available option - instead I recommend updating prior to doing a manual scan at a time of your choosing. - Under the Resident Shield menu untick the 'Enable Resident Shield' box to disable this background functionality, as it can and will interfere with other programs and may reduce overall performance and stability. 4. While the changes above will reign in most of AVG's intrusive and problematic behavior, in addition to these changes, it is also recommended that you take some additional steps to disable unnecessary/intrusive components. To start with, AVG installs an active Windows Service called 'AVG8 Watchdog'. While this service needs to be left at Automatic for AVG 8 to work, it actually runs two separate files in the background: avgwdsvc.exe (for the Watchdog Service) and avgrsx.exe (for the Resident Shield service). If you've disabled the Resident Shield feature of AVG, then it is also recommended that you to go to your \Program Files\AVG\AVG8 directory and rename the avgrsx.exe file to something else; this will prevent it from starting up in the background without affecting AVG scanning capabilities. 5. Now run Autoruns (see the Startup Programs chapter) and under the Everything tab, untick the following AVG startup components which are unnecessary if AVG is configured as above: - AVG8_Tray - this item just relates to a tray icon which has no real benefit. - Linkscanner - this item shouldn't be shown if AVG is installed as above, but if it exists, untick it. - AVG Safe Search - this item shouldn't be shown if AVG is installed as above, but if it exists, untick it. - AVGMfx86.sys - this item is related to the Resident Shield functionality. - Avgrsstx.dll - this item is related to the Resident Shield functionality. - All incidences of AVG8 Shell Extension - this removes the 'Scan with AVG Free' context menu entries. Once all the steps above are completed, reboot your system and start AVG. You will see one or more red warning prompts from AVG - you can safely ignore these. Click the 'Update Now' tab to run the web updater to ensure that AVG is up to date. If there are any problems, recheck the procedures above, and if nothing else works, uninstall AVG and reinstall it, then only follow steps 1-3 above this time. To start a manual scan of your system with AVG click the 'Computer Scanner' tab and then select 'Scan whole computer' to scan everything, or 'Scan specific files and folders' and then specify the particular folder(s) you wish to scan. I strongly recommend running the AVG Updater by clicking the 'Update Now' tab before doing any scan, to make sure the virus definitions are always up to date. Manually scanning your entire system once a week, and always scanning potentially harmful files which you have downloaded before you open or launch them is strongly recommended and more than adequate when combined with some common sense if you want to ensure your system remains clear of major malware. Note that AVG 8 has a known incompatibility with the 'immunize' function of certain other malware products like Spybot, and this will result in excessive false malware detection in such cases. Note: This may have been fixed in more recent versions. I don't know how much more effective AVG8.0 Free will be - reports are that it's quite good (based on the paid version) - but I hope an update to the program allows users to disable the resident shield service within the program's normal settings because it serves absolutely no purpose when resident shield is disabled. I don't like being forced to have any form of background scanning active. |
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