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Role-Play FRP, RPG...

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Stara 2.2.2013, 22:22   #41
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Ovo izlazi do kraja ove godine, mozda pocetak sledece. 2015. izbacuju Cyberpunk!
dragomix je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 2.2.2013, 23:12   #42
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Uh ko ce da doceka
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Stara 5.2.2013, 8:28   #43
V.I.P. GNU/Linux
Avatar korisnika voodoo_
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

- open world is 20% bigger than that of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and will take up to 40 minutes to cross on horseback.
- The story, like the world, is not divided into chapters or acts. The open world is enabled by a new streaming technology enabled by the new CDRED Engine 3.
- Protagonist Geralt has recovered all his memories, and probably as a result is not interested in fighting for a faction. Instead, he wanders the world slaying monsters and solving mysteries, as in the books
- The team felt it missed the huge freedom of open-world games like Skyrim
- Proper mounted combat still being tested
- Currently not a definite part of the game
- Horses will be in, though, since they’re important for navigation
- Ships float on the water in true physics interactions
- Team has doubled in size
- No chapters, acts, or any artificial break-points
- Geralt can seamlessly cross from one end of the world to the other thanks to REDengine 3
- No loading screens while traveling in the open world
- Can explore on foot, by horseback, and via boat
- Pursue yor long-lost love, play the game of empires on behalf of the northern kingdoms that still claim independence, and thwart the nefarious Wild Hunt
- Fast travel: instantly revisit any discovered location
- Director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz: “A huge goal is to keep the high quality o four quests, with all the cinematics and impressive events and moments.”
- Point of interest will always be in sight
- Players will be beckoned to explore dank caves, embattled villages, decaying ruins, etc.
- Over 100 hours of hand-scripted quests
- Quests: help villagers, engineer the succession of the Skellige kings, etc.
- Use monster hunting for adventure, incoming, and unique rewards
- There are mini-games based on the area of the world
- Ex: Skellige has knife-throwing
- Gain exclusive rewards from mini-games
- Don’t have to complete mini-games to proceed in the story
- Monsters, bandits, traders, animals, and more will attack anyone they deem hostile
- Enemies don’t scale to the player’s level
- Slaying monsters, fighting hostile humans in the different forms they come in, collecting items, leveling up are in the game
- World 40 times larger than the last game
- Three different aspects to narration
- Lowest level: free-form activities like monster hunting, crafting, individual standalone quests
- Second step: political situation and Nilfgaardian invasion is resolved through the core plotline of the major areas (Skellige, Novigrad, No Man’s Land)
- Each land has its own storyline
- Can abandon the storyline, but will have repercussions later
- Not doing a plotline is a choice the player has
- Main narrative: search for Geralt’s loved ones and conflict with the Wild Hunt
- Multiple branches of narratives that feed into each other
- Don’t have to do anything outside the main storyline to beat the game
- Could have help in a main-line encounter from an ally you gained in the Skellige archipelago if you’ve completed certain quests in certain ways
- Major events in the main storyline are “gates” for the state of the world
- Ex: village threatened by bandits might be abandoned after certain events if the player doesn’t help
- Weather effects are dynamically generated and fully modeled as real volumetric clouds rather than being simply painted on the skybox
- In contrast to the last game, Geralt encounters communities and individuals with monster-related problems that need solving
- There aren’t contract-like assignments this time
- Press the left trigger to turn on Geralt’s witcher senses
- Can glean information from a crime scene upon discovering it
- Within range of a scene of interest, the mechanic conveys clues to the player through the witcher muttering to himself and/or visual depictions of past events that represent Geralt’s reasoning
- Time of day and other conditions determine where monsters appear and their abilities
- Can strike critical areas in combat based on how much you learn about monster anatomy and tactics
- The team is deciding between using a handful of in-combat special moves for particular attacks and a slow-motion quick-time event style
- Monsters you defeat leave otherwise unobtainable alchemical and crafting ingrediants needed for making of unique items, potions, mutagens
- These allow Geralt to gain special powers and upgrades in the new mutation development tree
- These kills serve as the witcher’s primary method of income

Poslednja ispravka: DeCoy (5.2.2013 u 15:40)
voodoo_ je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Stara 5.2.2013, 8:31   #44
V.I.P. Test Play
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Dame i gospodo predstavljam vam Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Spoiler za Gameinformer naslovnica:


Our March cover story gives a world-exclusive peek into the next generation of RPGs with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This standalone sequel takes the fascinating stories and characters, non-linear plotlines, and difficult decisions that the franchise is known for and puts them all in an open world 30 times larger than the previous game – an enormous setting even larger than Skyrim's vast expanse, made possible with the new REDengine 3 technology that developer CD Projekt RED is debuting with the game. Our huge feature dives into everything The Witcher 3 has to offer, and it's a lot: the detective work that precedes deadly combat when monster hunting, storylines that weave and twist together between political intrigue and otherworldly menaces, and a tired hero who wants to set things right but can't put down his swords until his conscience allows – if it ever does.

Coming in 2014 on PC and "all high-end platforms available" (CD Projekt RED isn't saying flat-out that it's a next-gen game, but it's a safe bet that new console announcements in the coming months will define the term "high-end platform"), The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt stretches from stormy islands to war-torn forests and a sprawling dark fantasy metropolis without a loading screen anywhere to be found.

Neogaf topic sa Gameinformer podacima
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Bascelik (5.2.2013), batakpudla (7.2.2013), Dreamfall (5.2.2013), player1 (5.2.2013)
Stara 5.2.2013, 8:38   #45
V.I.P. Test Play
Član od: 1.6.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

voodoo me pretekao dok sam otisao po kafu XD

Poslednja ispravka: dex3108 (5.2.2013 u 8:48)
dex3108 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Bascelik (5.2.2013), batakpudla (7.2.2013), dekidak (5.2.2013), Skenderevo (5.2.2013)
Stara 5.2.2013, 8:39   #46
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

koliko ja vidim ovo ce biti w1>w2>w3
Ekiman je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 9:51   #47
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Odlicno...vidi ti to i oni (posle BW) zele Skyrim-ov deo kolaca u svetu open-world RPG...ho ho jedva cekam bice ovde meseci igranja
Exia je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 10:27   #48
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

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batakpudla (7.2.2013)
Stara 5.2.2013, 10:34   #49
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Jedva cekam! Vidim neki su vec krenuli sa pljuvanjem i vec prognoziraju da ce ovo biti najgora igra iz trilogije, nije vam dugo trebalo.
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filpan (5.2.2013)
Stara 5.2.2013, 10:38   #50
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Auuuu... ovo izgleda nestvarno... ko ce docekati. Kakvi su ovi likovi genijalci. Svaka cast.
Bascelik je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Skenderevo (5.2.2013)
Stara 5.2.2013, 10:40   #51
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Pa i da ispadne najgori dio triologije i takav će biti bolji od polovine drugih izvikanih naslova.Mada čisto sumnjam da će Red Projekt kiksat sa završetkom priče.Nisu oni Bioware i ne visi im EA iznad glave.
Goldfinger je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 10:42   #52
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Posto obicno na GTA temi ljudi odmah pocnu za onakvu grafiku da pricaju kako treba da kupuju nov komp, moram i ja ovde da pocenm!

Dakle, mora ce da se pazari nova grafika da bi ovo radilo kako treba. Izgleda neverovatno.
dragomix je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Stara 5.2.2013, 10:49   #53
Član od: 19.5.2009.
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Mene interesuje samo kako ce odluke iz prethodne dve igre ubaciti u sada open world okruzenje
Bascelik je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 10:55   #54
Deo inventara foruma
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Nece ovo biti open world igra na kakve smo navikli. Prema opisu i onome sto pricaju, svet je potpuno dinamican. Ako ne uradis nesto, dogodice se nesto drugo. Evo npr. oni napisase, ako ne pomognes selu koje ima problem sa banditima, selo ce vremenom da se iseli i ostane prazno.

Dobro je sto se vise ne uzimaju ugovori o ubijanju cudovista, nego vam te kvestove daju NPC-ovi.

Ako od nekoga ocekujem atmosferu u kojoj svaki korak ima neki uticaj na celokupan svet, to je onda CDPR. Kao sto je neko vec napisao, oni prave igru iz ljubavi, a novac dolazi kasnije.
dragomix je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 10:56   #55
Marko Radonjic
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

Ovo ima potencijala da POJEDE Skyrim za uzinu
Marko Radonjic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 10:58   #56
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

- The team is deciding between using a handful of in-combat special moves for particular attacks and a slow-motion quick-time event style
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo!

Sve u svemu, lepi screenovi, ali to je bilo i ocekivano. I open world je bio najavljen. Samo da ne bude previse plastican i ja bice ovo odlicna igra
LoshMeeBre je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 11:04   #57
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

goldfinger kaže: Pregled poruke
pa i da ispadne najgori dio triologije i takav će biti bolji od polovine drugih izvikanih naslova.mada čisto sumnjam da će red projekt kiksat sa završetkom priče.nisu oni bioware i ne visi im ea iznad glave.
А имали извиканије игре од w2 ?
bascelik kaže: Pregled poruke
mene interesuje samo kako ce odluke iz prethodne dve igre ubaciti u sada open world okruzenje
Исто као одлуке из прве игре у другој игри , значи неће имати скоро никакав утицај (легендарни мач који си извадио са дна мора у првој игри у другој вреди5 златника )
jahi je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 11:12   #58
Marko Radonjic
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

jahi kaže: Pregled poruke

Исто као одлуке из прве игре у другој игри , значи неће имати скоро никакав утицај (легендарни мач који си извадио са дна мора у првој игри у другој вреди5 златника )
Sitnice... Odluke iz TW1 su imale uticaja u narednoj igri, ali tesko ce ovo biti trilogija u smislu tih odluka, jednostavno previse varijablli, mnogo je teze to implementirati u igru otvorenog tipa nego tipa TW2. Mozda jedino par krupnih stavki?
Marko Radonjic je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 5.2.2013, 12:11   #59
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

jahi kaže: Pregled poruke
А имали извиканије игре од w2
Ja za izvikanu igru smatram igre od kojih se mnogo očekivalo a malo dobilo (Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age2, Diablo 3) generalno ne vidim po čemu je to Witcher 2 loša igra.Opravdala je očekivanja kao nastavak triologije nije bila spektakularna ali daleko od toga da je iko može smatrati lošom ili precijenjenom
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Stara 5.2.2013, 12:17   #60
Član od: 18.11.2005.
Lokacija: Beograd, povremeno Trebinje
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Određen forumom Re: The Witcher 3

A vidi ga Geralt sto je pustio goatee
Mocko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke

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