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Strateške igre Potezne i real-time strategije...

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Stara 16.7.2009, 14:50   #21
Član od: 17.1.2009.
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Unhappy Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Psycho13 kaže: Pregled poruke
Za ovu igru ce biti potreban non-stop internet cak i u singlel player modu!
Onda da se ja oprostim od igranja...
ELIPS je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 16.7.2009, 23:15   #22
Član od: 21.12.2008.
Poruke: 130
Zahvalnice: 0
Zahvaljeno 19 puta na 14 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Neznam ja mislim da ce moci da ce igra single player bez interneta ali nece onda profil biti validan za online...
Neznam,videcemo sta ce biti.
wlof je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.7.2009, 0:16   #23
Član od: 21.1.2006.
Lokacija: Zemun
Poruke: 1.037
Zahvalnice: 38
Zahvaljeno 49 puta na 45 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

E mislio sam da cu prestati da se igram dok stige C&C4 ali izgleda da sam pogresio

C&C igram od kada sam kupio 486 (tj. od 1996). Meni je vise lezao nego WC/SC (ne volim mikromenadzment).
Mean_Machine je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.7.2009, 3:11   #24
Član od: 21.12.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Da sc je tezi od vecine c&c igara ali su zato c&c igr mnogo brze i dinamicnije
wlof je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.7.2009, 10:15   #25
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 25.8.2006.
Lokacija: Fortress in Transylvania
Poruke: 3.118
Zahvalnice: 1.236
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Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

  • The new levelling system does not mean that high-level players will have superunits compared to the low-levellers. The system has been balanced so that the lower levels have already unlocked enough hard counters to allow them to defeat a high-level player.
  • C&C4 will include upgrades.
  • C&C4 uses the SAGE engine, but "many" enhancements are planned, details of which are to be revealed at a later date.
  • EALA have a team dedicated to improving the pathfinding, which was a sore point in Red Alert 3.
  • There are a lot of units C&C4, but the Crawler is the closest thing to a Kane's Wrath-style Epic Unit.
  • And yes, C&C4 will include base building: "the defence class can indeed lay out a full base, which includes a wide array of different assault and support structures".
Apoc also dropped by to offer some more C&C4 details:
  • "C&C 4 has been in development for well over a year already, so, please put to rest any fears this is a 1-year project."
  • "As of right now, you need to be online all the time to play C&C 4. This is primarily due to our "player progression" feature so everything can be tracked. C&C 4 is not an MMO in the sense of World of Warcraft, but conceptually it has similar principles for being online all the time."
  • "Online all the time won't cause lag for single-player. We've also heavily worked on the online infrastructure such that people with slower connections will not lag other players with faster connections in Multiplayer."
  • "...our infrastructure for this game is unlike any we've produced before and I think you will finally see the culmination of a lot of key leanings from past projects in C&C 4, in this respect."
Isko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 18.7.2009, 14:05   #26
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
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Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Iskreno mislim da ce ovim zestoko pokositi broj ljudi koji ce kupiti igru. Mada meni lichno ne predstavlja neki problem, bolje nego DRM instalacioni limit.
Mislim da ce se dogoditi neshto sllichno poput BF2142 serijala:
U pochetku ste morali biti stalno online, ali su posle ubacili i offline rezim, koji ima sve unlockove koje ste postigli online. Pretpostavljam da ce slichno biti i sa CNC-om...
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.7.2009, 8:11   #27
Član od: 1.9.2008.
Lokacija: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯🍸
Poruke: 2.047
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Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Command and Conquer 4

Nedavno je izdat novi nastavak popularne igre Command and Conquer 4 a ono što je karakteristično za ovaj nastavak jeste činjenica da će igrači morati stalno da budu online i da imaju stalno aktivnu internet konekciju kada god budu igrali igru, čak iako budu igrali kampanju za jednog igrača. Zvanični predstavnik kompanije EA kao glavni razlog za ovakav potez navodi činjenicu da se sve vrti oko napretka igrača kao i njihove želje da sve to bude ispraćeno. On je naveo da C&C 4 nikako nije MMO u smislu igre World of Warcraft, već samo ima slične principe konstantno aktivne internet konekcije.
20.07.2009. u 07h @ >

Hteo da napravim temu, kad ono, vec napravljena.
Schnak3 je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 20.7.2009, 14:16   #28
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 25.8.2006.
Lokacija: Fortress in Transylvania
Poruke: 3.118
Zahvalnice: 1.236
Zahvaljeno 668 puta na 346 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

-Kane contacts GDI after all hope is lost due to the Tiberium contamination, forming the "Tiberium network control", which allows to control Tiberium spread, as well as turn it into an inexpensive power source- but of course, the extremists of both parties don't agree with this shift, sparking a new war
-FMVs won't consist of much asinine babbling in front of bluecsreens, there should be much more action ahead
-Our character will play an important role in the story, but FMVs remain 1st person
-Much more mature and stern tone
-Crawler produces all our units, and is upgradeable as our standard units are
-Lost crawlers are instantly replaced, and you can choose between offensive, defensive or engineer classes
-Tiberium will be collected by refineries you erect yourself at pre-determined spots
-All SP and MP matches will net you experience points to unlock new tech
-Oil derricks as secondary income (Unconfirmed!)

Isko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Isko na korisnoj poruci:
Wastelander (10.8.2009)
Stara 21.7.2009, 4:44   #29
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 10.11.2007.
Lokacija: Moskva
Poruke: 4.760
Zahvalnice: 2.120
Zahvaljeno 786 puta na 496 poruka
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Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

TW sa novim jedinicama?Opet moramo da cekamo,nervira me sto tako rano najave igru i onda moras da je cekas dok ne izadje :P
RUSuper je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 21.7.2009, 14:43   #30
Član od: 8.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 2.590
Zahvalnice: 924
Zahvaljeno 585 puta na 364 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Isko kaže: Pregled poruke
-Kane contacts GDI after all hope is lost due to the Tiberium contamination, forming the "Tiberium network control", which allows to control Tiberium spread, as well as turn it into an inexpensive power source- but of course, the extremists of both parties don't agree with this shift, sparking a new war
-FMVs won't consist of much asinine babbling in front of bluecsreens, there should be much more action ahead
-Our character will play an important role in the story, but FMVs remain 1st person
-Much more mature and stern tone
-Crawler produces all our units, and is upgradeable as our standard units are
-Lost crawlers are instantly replaced, and you can choose between offensive, defensive or engineer classes
-Tiberium will be collected by refineries you erect yourself at pre-determined spots
-All SP and MP matches will net you experience points to unlock new tech
-Oil derricks as secondary income (Unconfirmed!)
Koji shit , ovo je vec "pisi propalo" za mene.... sta li rade ovde, PA P*****A im M******A samo su uzeli C&C fransizu i uradili nastavak Universe at War , ta igra mi je zesci crap!
Gori su od ..... ma nema reci. A plus i ako dalje furaju onaj izfrizirani i nabudzenu Lord of Rings engine tek onda je igra jadan. Stvarno od silnog bluma nemoze da se razlikuje jedinica od kamena ii drveta.
Ocu StarCraft2 sto pre.... da se nepatim, nisam igra dobru strategiju vec godinama.
zokocx je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledećih 3 korisnika se zahvaljuje korisniku zokocx na korisnoj poruci:
AcMilan91 (22.7.2009), cope05 (29.7.2009), Doolio (22.7.2009)
Stara 22.7.2009, 11:55   #31
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
Zahvalnice: 232
Zahvaljeno 251 puta na 170 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Iskreno da vam kazem, u pochetku sam stvarno bio nalozen na ovu igru, ali sada mi nada da ce ovo biti dobar nastavak, polako jenjava. Eventualno stvar moze da izvuche ta defence klasa, inache nishta od kupovine. Ovo za konstantu online komponentu, ukoliko ne promene da single bude offline isto- veliki minus. Grafika, opet ide u cartoony stilu.
Mikromanagement je izgleda josh veci "smarach" nego u RA3. Aj imamo josh 2 dana, pa da vidimo to mutant chudo .
Ja bi ovu igru nazvao "Dawn of conquer 4"
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 22.7.2009, 16:14   #32
Član od: 8.4.2006.
Lokacija: Beograd
Poruke: 2.590
Zahvalnice: 924
Zahvaljeno 585 puta na 364 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

"Dawn of conquer 4" je dobro ime, ali mozda bi bilo bolje da totalno izbace C&C iz imena onda bi se manje nervirao jer ovo nije vise onaj old school C&C a ja ocu to. Nista tu je RA2 i C&C2 samo da nadjem nacina na igram online.

A u traileru ce sigurno bi vise eksplozija nego nego jedinica sto ce biti u jednoj frakciji u igri.
Bolje da su stavili ime "Univers of Dawned Command & Conquer" :P
zokocx je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 24.7.2009, 9:04   #33
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
Zahvalnice: 232
Zahvaljeno 251 puta na 170 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Trejler za video cinematics(not the actual gameplay)

Ljudi, video izgleda uber-kvalitetno produciran(za igru), ako nishta drugo, ovo vredi imati u kolekciji samo zbog sinematiksa
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Sledeći korisnik se zahvaljuje korisniku Wastelander na korisnoj poruci:
Packy (24.7.2009)
Stara 24.7.2009, 10:55   #34
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 25.8.2006.
Lokacija: Fortress in Transylvania
Poruke: 3.118
Zahvalnice: 1.236
Zahvaljeno 668 puta na 346 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Wastelander kaže: Pregled poruke
Trejler za video cinematics(not the actual gameplay)

Ljudi, video izgleda uber-kvalitetno produciran(za igru), ako nishta drugo, ovo vredi imati u kolekciji samo zbog sinematiksa

Sta im je sad? Svemirci ih dobro stisli ))
Isko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 24.7.2009, 12:21   #35
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 25.8.2006.
Lokacija: Fortress in Transylvania
Poruke: 3.118
Zahvalnice: 1.236
Zahvaljeno 668 puta na 346 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

CnCSaga added a unit fact sheet today on their site, and it's all about the Crawler, you magical all-in-one unit. Continue reading to learn more about this beast, as translated directly from Saga's article:

The Crawler

The Crawler is CnC4's MCV, production facility and research laboratory rolled into one unit. It can move everywhere around the map, but has to be deployed to train units. To defend itself, it's able to access multiple defensive structures.

Let's move onto the interface details, shall we?

1) Experience points needed for the next level (No popcap it seems, as some have feared)
2) Accumulated funds and trickling rate
3) Tabs for unit/building types
4) List of constructible units

As you can see, the crawler needs experience points to gain levels. A gained level cannot be lost, but experience points that were not spent unitl the start of a new level are. Every level gives access to new units, upgrades and special abilities, and the crawlers appereance also changes with each level. The cap will be level 40, but it's not decided yet wheter you get the full arsenal by then or can choose freely from multiple options.

If the crawler is destroyed, it re-appears in a secured location of the map, where you can make a choice between the offensive, defensive and engineer class.

5) Crawler type
6) Life bar
7) Power and shield strenght (Changes with each level)
8) Deploy/undeploy the crawler

The choice of the crawler will affect its stats; for instance, the defensive crawler will have better shielding and a wider range of turrets, the offensive crawler will pack the most firepower, and the engineer will have reduced building costs.

Games won't be decided by experience points or crawler kills however, and there won't be short matches due to skill mismatch.
Isko je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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Wastelander (10.8.2009)
Stara 24.7.2009, 16:47   #36
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
Zahvalnice: 232
Zahvaljeno 251 puta na 170 poruka
Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Ijaao Boze!!!(shto bi rekao Milan Tarot ). Na shta ce ovo da lichi. Plashim se...
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 24.7.2009, 19:59   #37
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Član od: 10.11.2007.
Lokacija: Moskva
Poruke: 4.760
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I jos niko nije stavio link za sajt?
Nisam gledao dole mozda ste i stavili
RUSuper je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 25.7.2009, 5:42   #38
Član od: 10.2.2007.
Poruke: 1.834
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Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Nove informacije na battlecast primetime-u(dodushe jaaako shture): Lead-story designer Sam Bass, govori o samoj mehanici novog cnc-a(uglavnom sve shto smo do sad saznali, ali nije na odmet pogledati

Napominjem,ko ne zeli da gleda punih 55 minuta, neka skipuje na otprilike 23 minuta, kad Sam Bass objashnjava...
Wastelander je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
Stara 25.7.2009, 17:47   #39
Član od: 21.12.2008.
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Određen forumom Re: Command & Conquer 4, najavljen i prvi screenshoot!

Wastelander kaže: Pregled poruke
Iskreno da vam kazem, u pochetku sam stvarno bio nalozen na ovu igru, ali sada mi nada da ce ovo biti dobar nastavak, polako jenjava. Eventualno stvar moze da izvuche ta defence klasa, inache nishta od kupovine. Ovo za konstantu online komponentu, ukoliko ne promene da single bude offline isto- veliki minus. Grafika, opet ide u cartoony stilu.
Mikromanagement je izgleda josh veci "smarach" nego u RA3. Aj imamo josh 2 dana, pa da vidimo to mutant chudo .
Ja bi ovu igru nazvao "Dawn of conquer 4"

Sto cartoony still,ovo je grafika ist kao u c&c3 a to nije cartoony grafika a i ljudi polako sto se tice grafike ovo je verovatno alpha verzija igre

I meni se nesvidjaju neke stvari ali nemojte odma *****ti,ako ce igra biti zabavna onda kake veze sto su malo iskrivili c&c still...generali su odlicna igra pa nisu bas potpuno ko c&c still.
wlof je offline   Odgovor sa citatom ove poruke
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RUSuper (25.7.2009)
Stara 25.7.2009, 19:34   #40
Deo inventara foruma
Član od: 10.11.2007.
Lokacija: Moskva
Poruke: 4.760
Zahvalnice: 2.120
Zahvaljeno 786 puta na 496 poruka
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Ljudi generali i nisu C&C.To ime je dato Generalima da bi se vise kesa zaradilo jer je C&C ime poznato kao i NFS a to su dva dzokera u EA-ovom rukavu
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