Prikaži potpunu verziju : Ericsson Application Award (prijave do 28. februara 2011.)

19.11.2010, 16:19
Welcome to the Ericsson Application Awards 2011 – an opportunity for developers to gain exposure within the telecom world, a chance to reach out to customers via Ericsson distribution channels and a chance to win €15,000 in prize money.

In cooperation with

Who can join the competition
The competition is global and open to both students and small/medium sized enterprises (< 100 employees). There are two categories: one for students and one for companies. For more details see Rules and Terms & Conditions.

Develop an application based on the Android platform (Web or Native) that addresses the theme "Connected Things" and makes use of at least one Ericsson Labs API (http://www.ericssonapplicationawards.com/api-overview).

The awards for each category (Students and Companies) are as follows:
1st place: €15 000 and phones from Sony Ericsson
2nd place: €10 000 and phones from Sony Ericsson
3rd place: €5 000
4th and 5th place: Honorary Diplomas
The prize money will be shared equally among the registered team members. The winning teams will be contacted to ensure payment of prize. Winners will be announced at www.ericssonapplicationawards.com (http://www.ericssonapplicationawards.com/)

Deadlines 2010/2011
November 15 – Stage 1, Best Team presentation and slogan
December 10 – Stage 2, Most promising business opportunity
January 24 – Stage 3, Most innovative solution proposal
February 28 – Last date for Team registration and submission of Demo-video
March 31 – Last date for submission of application
April 14 – Announcing Student and Company category semi-finalists (top 5)
April 14 – Start of evaluation process & Beta-test
May 28 – Announce finalist teams (top 2)
The winning team of each stage (Stage 1-3) will be awarded with mobile phones. Details about the Stages will be posted here. (http://www.ericssonapplicationawards.com/stages/)
The 1st and 2nd place winners from each category will be awarded at the Ericsson Application Awards ceremony in June 2011

Evaluation Process
The top 5 entries from each category will evaluated both by a jury (panel of experts) and by end-users globally. End-users globally will review the submitted demo-videos and evaluate the submitted applications.

Evaluation criteria
The submitted applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Application based on at least one Ericsson Labs API
- Addresses the theme “Connected Things”
- Working application prototype
- Innovative solution
- Business potential


6.12.2010, 14:05

Prva faza nagradnog konkursa za studente i mala i srednja preduzeća (do 100 zaposlenih) Ericsson Application Award 2011 na temu „Povezanost“ koji je kompanija Ericsson pokrenula širom sveta uspešno je završena i proglašen je pobednički tim Snow Bugs. Srpski tim Grifon je u jakoj konkurenciji od ukupno 259 učesnika iz više od 40 zemalja uspeo da se kvalifikuje za drugu fazu konkursa.

Od timova se očekuje da u vidu prezentacije jednog poslovnog rešenja povežu različite vrste uređaja koristeći hardverske i softverske komponente iz paketa mobilnih širokopojasnih modula (Mobile Broadband Module Developers Kit) koji obezbeđuje Ericsson. Moduli podržavaju sve mobilne standarde - HSPA, WCDMA, EDGE i GSM - i mogu biti integrisani u bilo koji uređaj koji se oslanja na mobilnu širokopojasnu vezu poput netbook i notebook računara, fiksnih bežičnih terminala, personalnih navigacionih uređaja, foto-aparata i dr. Detalji u vezi sa prijavama za drugu fazu nagradnog konkursa mogu se pogledati na http://www.ericssonapplicationawards.com/team/blog/start-stage-2.

Rok za prijave u drugu fazu konkursa je 10. decembar. Za ovu fazu mogu se prijaviti timovi koji se do sada nisu prijavili, što znači da se timovi iz Srbije koji se prijave na konkurs do 9.decembra 2010. mogu takmičiti za vredne nagrade. Kompanija SonyEricsson obezbedila je i Smart Phone za sve članove pobedničkih timova, a deset timova će u drugoj fazi dobiti Mobile Broadband Module Developers Kit.

Prezentaciju pobedničkog tima prve faze možete videti na http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDXRH_75uUs.

Spisak učesnika po zemljama se može pogledati na http://www.ericssonapplicationawards.com/team/profile/all.

Neke od najboljih aplikacija mogu se pogledati na http://www.ericssonapplicationawards.com/team/blog/stage-1-honorable-mentions.

6.12.2010, 15:29
Zaslužuju ljudi i pare i telefone, bez obzira ko god osvojio date nagrade, ljudi "oćoraviše" pred monitorima i crkoše od posla :tapsh: