Prikaži potpunu verziju : MGS priche...

7.5.2006, 17:10
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==================== a i bio bih zahvalan ako biste ih prosledili na maelstrom_lP@hotmail.com...:Freddy:

7.5.2006, 17:12
MGS 3!
Skinuto sa:


first part

The game starts off with Snake (Jack, or later found to be Big Boss) jumping out of an airplane. As soon as he lands he is breifed on his mission. The soviet union traded a weapons scientist that we had for peace wit Cuba during the Cuban Missile crisis. now with the scientist (Sokolov) a man named colonel Volgin is using Sokolov to build a giant robotic tank capable of firing nucleur missiles to any location in the world. Snake finds Sokolov and attempts to bring him back to the US but Snakes former mentor "The Boss" comes with her wacky "Sons" and takes sokolov back to Volgin. She whoops snake and sends him back home while colonel volgin fires a nucleur missile at Sokolovs old research facility. Back in the US president Johnson receives a call from the president of Russia thinking that the US was responsible for the explosion at the research base. So presisent johnson sends snake back to get Sokolov, destroy the armored tank (the Shagohod) kill Volgin, and his old mentor The Boss. Snake meets a contact named Eva instead of his real contact Adam and she tells him how to get to Sokolov. He reluctantly thanks her and heads out to find her. He ends up by a giant ravine in a fight between a young Revolver Ocelot, but when a bunch of bees swarm out of the ravine snake jumps into it to escape a lot of pain. Ironically thats the name of the next boss who snake kills with smoke s and his pistol. After finding himself at a big warehouse, some drunk russians research facility and fights between a multi-jointed stealth psycho name the fear and an old man named the End. Snake makes his way to some cliffs where he meets up with Eva again. He finds out she is a spy trying to get info from Volgin and she heads down to the huge base where Volgin is hiding while sanke heads under the mountain and encouters/kills a flying flame blasting named the fury.


7.5.2006, 17:13
2nd part

Snake makes his way into the base and finds Sokolov. Unfortunately so does the Boss and Volgin. Volgin kills Sokolov and kicks snakes ass until he realizes he can't get any info about who he is. Revolver ocelot then blows out Snakes left eye. Eva gets ed and helps snake escape through the sewers where he has to jump off a waterfall into a river below. When he wakes up he encounter the Fear. He's a ghost and attacks you with everyone that you killed in the game and then kills snake!!! Fortunately you can take a revival pill and end up at a waterfall where you and eva make a plan involving plastic es to destroy the shagohod. Snake sneaks into the base, straps C2 (or C3, one of them) onto the base around the shagohod when Volgin shows up and attacks Snake. The es are set to go off in 5 mins so snake hurridly and violently uses close-quarters-combat to defeat volgin. He then runs out of the hanger and onto the outer part of the interior of the base. He and eva get on her motorcycle when all of a sudden Volgin shows up inside the Shagohod and trys to kill them.Then probably the best action/chase sequence in gaming history ensues with snake blasting enemy bikes and the shagohod with his m16 and Rocket Propelled launcher util he finally destroys the shagohod and a bolt of f***ing lightning kills Volgin! WTF? Snake and Eva barely escape Volgins force and meet up with the boss in a big flowery field where a fight between snake and the boss insues. Snake wins and the boss dies. Snake and eva head for home when Ocelot goes taliban on the plane and trys to kill snake but fails and jumps off after snake pretty much kills him in hand to hand. Snake wakes up in his apartment with eva nowhere to be found. She had left him a tape recording telling him that she was working for the chinese government to get somet kind of treasure caleed the "Philosophers Legacy" and that the Boss really was on Snakes side and her real job was to help Snake on hi mission and eventually be killed. Snake meets the president and is finally awarded the title "Big Boss" and we hear two men talking about needing a soldier like him (hint hint :P ) and the last shot we see is Snake at The Boss's grave. In a phone conservation after the credits we hear Revolver ocelot talking to the head of the CIA and we find out he was really working for the CIA and that HE was the contact ADAM that Snake was supposed to meet. He says that the Us retreived thePhilosophers Legacy from the chinese and will be using it on a walking tank code named REX obtained from one of the research facilities that snake had visited on his mission.

:p :p