Prikaži potpunu verziju : LittleBigPlanet

8.5.2008, 13:58
Zashto da jedna od najinovativnijih igara koja nas ochekuje nema svoju temu. Infoa o igri zasad ima veoma malo, pogotovo na oficijalnom sajtu :D. Wikipedia se moze uzeti u obzir. Znam da ce donator dosta toga donirati ovoj temi. :D Evo jednog trailer-a za pochetak.

8.5.2008, 15:43
Za pocetak, izlazi u oktobru.
Sony je odbacio da ce igra biti izdata preko PSN-a, i izjavio kako ce biti iskljucivo na BluRay medijima, a takodje ju je nazvao najvaznijom igrom za PS3 u 2008. godini. :D
Igra podrzava 4 igraca istovremeno ili na jednom Playstationu 3 ili internet co-op sa drugim igracima.
Potvrdjeno je da ce postojati neprijatelji i bossovi.
Nisam siguran, ali mislim da su najavili da ce beta verzija biti dostupna za download sa PSN-a tokom leta(kao Metal Gear Online).

8.5.2008, 16:36
Prochitao sam u nekom chasopisu da se igra radi i za PSP i to u 2D :dedica:

8.5.2008, 23:31
Pa, igra ima pogled sa strane, tako da jeste 2D i u verziji za PS3, sa tim sto su likovi 3D(kao Duke Nukem:Manhattan Project), a verzija za PSP nije potvrdjena, to su samo glasine.
EDIT:Evo sta se desi kada ukrsitite lutkice iz LBP-a i Helghast iz Kilzonea. :D


17.5.2008, 14:59
Jos gameplay snimaka:

Part 1: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34172.html

Part 2: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34174.html

Part 3: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34184.html

Can't freakin' wait!!!1!

18.5.2008, 19:27
Da Wii ima hardver kao PS3 ovakav bi bio novi Mario.
Ovde mi se svidja na osnovu starih platformskih igara pokusavaju da naprave nesto sveze. Od svih igara koje su izasle za PS3 i za koje znam da ce da izadju samo bi me ovo interesovalo da igram.

18.5.2008, 19:44
Ovaj LBP bi bio odličan na Wiiu tj sa Wiimoteom :)

18.5.2008, 20:35
E stvarno. K'o da su je za Wii i pravili :)

19.5.2008, 0:26
Jos samo kad bi mogao Wii da izgura sve efekte koje igra koristi... :)

21.5.2008, 17:00
LBP preview sa IGN-a mozete naci ovde (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/874/874746p1.html). :)
[Obavezno stivo!]

21.5.2008, 23:39
More info:
1) How Enemies Work — I kept hearing that each new “LBP” press demo would finally reveal the game’s enemies. But in each demo — including the one I went through last week — they were not in there. I asked Evans about this; what he told me made me realize I had been expecting the wrong thing. The developers at Media Molecule aren’t focusing on giving players pre-made enemies.

Instead, Evans said the game will ship with five or six artificial intelligence brains. He wouldn’t tell me what the AI behaviors would be, but explained that a “LBP” user would be able to apply them to their creations in the game’s editor. Whether or not the AI brains will drive your creations effectively depends on your designs. For example… did you put wheels on the giant attack-llama?

2) Gaming’s Most Impressive Screenshot Tool — You can take in-game screenshots in “Little Big Planet.” Hooray. You can then take those screenshots and apply them to objects. That’s actually… promising. While using the game’s content editor I made a few beams and struts. Then I hopped my character on top of them to pose for a screenshot. I took that shot and applied it as a sticker to one of the beams or struts. I had created an optical illusion, my character standing on top of a beam that looked like an image of him standing atop a beam. Think about how you could use this feature to mess with people: making solid walls look like empty space and fooling them to crash right into them.

3) How “LBP” Music Can Turn Levels Into Rhythm Games — “Little Big Planet” users can place sound objects in the levels they create. The object Evans showed me was a little speaker. We were able to attach it to a block that was resting at the beginning of a level we were making. You can assign music that will play from that speaker when a user’s character walks past it. The music from that speaker can be set to play from any point in the track. I proposed an idea to Evans that he said was 100% do-able: I could line a level with speakers, one set up every few steps — and set them all to play the same song, but queued up from different parts. Doing this, I could make it so that if a player ran through my level at a certain pace, he or she would hear the song play perfectly. Running at the wrong pace would cause the player to hear the song play in a choppy fashion.

4) Just Add Water — The game features an impressive content editor. It integrates all its objects within a certain style of calculated physics. Objects teeter and roll with mathematical precision. But there’s one element that’s not in the game yet — liquids. I can’t flood a level with water and watch how that affects everything I generated. Instant non-purchase? No way. Evans told me liquids are possible: “If people want that, we can do it.”

5) The Gifts That You Can Give — Not only can you use “Little Big Planet” to create any imaginable gaming object that would fit in a 2D playing field, but you can also make the blueprints for any such object. Those blueprints — really, the object itself — can be uploaded to other gamers. Better than that: you can make the blueprints a collectible item in the levels you create. Better still: you can associate such objects with leaderboard requirements. So I can challenge the world to score a certain number of points in a level I’ve made and then automatically reward anyone who achieves that mark with a trophy object that I made myself. I wonder what I could force people to receive if they play my level poorly…


I learned all of the above at the demo last week. I should point out that I had a chance to play “LBP” again this week in New York City. But I turned down the Sony reps offering me that chance. I didn’t think I could handle anything more — not this soon.

http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2008/...-enemies-work/ (http://multiplayerblog.mtv.com/2008/05/21/5-incredible-little-big-planet-details-including-how-enemies-work/)

11.6.2008, 18:56
Uticaj God of Wara na LBP je ovom slikom potvrdjen :D:

Kako su krenuli, ubacice sve vaznije likove iz Sonyevih igara u LBP u obliku lutkica. :D

30.8.2008, 0:02
Americki boxart (levo) i evropski boxart (desno)
http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n95/Kninjaman/dgn_little_big_planet_boxart.jpg http://www.threespeech.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/LittleBigPlanet_PEGI_WM0001.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/2ng9y00.jpg

7.10.2008, 9:11
Anyway, igra je usla u opet betu i utisci su uglavnom ultra-pozitivni za sad. :D
Vecina ljudi se slaze da je igra fenomenalna.

Jedan od zanimljivijih nivoa, made by Quaz51 (counting pixels since 1903.®):

i make an "electronic" 8bit calculator (not "mechanical" calculator). it can do Add and Sub. this calculator use:
650 magnetic switches
550 Wires
470 pistons

level name: Little Big Computer
PSN: upsilandre

youtube video


Ovo je samo jedan od brojnih nivoa koji se zaista isticu prema necemu, vec je napravljena i gomila Super Mario nivoa, gomila nivoa gde se borite sa ogromnim zmajevima i slicno. :)


9.10.2008, 10:38
Zahvaljujuci driveru, dobio sam LBP Beta key.
Velicina downloada je oko 900MB.
Igra ti stavlja osmeh na lice, nisam mogao da prestanem da se smejem dok sam je igrao.:D

20.10.2008, 9:38
Ova igra je fantasticna! Gledao sam jedan duzi gameplay video i odusevila me je. Usudjujem se da kazem da ps3 vise vredi kupiti zbog ovoga nego zbog MGS4.
A razlog zbog cega je pomeren release date je zaista zanimljiv. :)

20.10.2008, 9:42
Gameplay filmovi ne stvaraju ni priblizno jak utisak na gledaoca u odnosu na igranje ove igre.
Ja sam mislio da ce me igra smoriti nakon 10ak minuta, a kad sam poceo da igram betu, nisam mogao da se skinem sa nje. :D

20.10.2008, 9:57
Jer si probao da igras sa nekim co-op?

20.10.2008, 21:30
Probao sam sa nekim likom iz SAD-a, ali posto je beta USA-only, tamo su i serveri locirani, pa je lag bio previsok, cak i za ovakvu vrstu igara.
Pretpostavljam da u beti netcode nije bio do kraja ispeglan.

che daboli guz
13.11.2008, 18:07
Vrlo vrlo otkacena igrica,interesantno je za spomenuti ukoliko pricate na headset usta vaseg protagoniste se pomeraju .
Ono sto zna ici na zivce jeste inercija tj. svi oni koji su imali priliku da igraju Terry`s Big Adventure sa C64 mogu sa 100% sigurnoscu ocekivati izlive tako lijepo zaboravljenog osjecaja :opanachke!

Nesvidja mi se momenat kad moram "vrecicu" povuci od sebe ili prema sebi da bih promenio "stazu",sto zna ponekad biti vrlo iritirajuce kad je u pitanju nivo sa vremenskim ogranicenjem.
Da sada sam igrao sa jednom osobom iz srbije i nije bilo lega sem na momenat dva.Spajanje je proslo veoma glatko.A takodje sam pokusavao sa jednim poznanikom iz UK i nonstop je dolazilo do neke greske u spajanju:mad:,steta.

U svakom slucaju .... :cool: