Prikaži potpunu verziju : Killzone 2

13.2.2008, 20:13
Otkad je prikazan na E3 sajmu, Killzone 2 je digao ogroman hype.
Mada, sa obzirom kakvu grafiku ima to je i bilo ocekivano.
Na igri rade momci iz Guerrilla Gamesa, poznati po Killzoneu za PS2 i Killzone:Liberationu za PSP.
Igra bi trebala uskoro uci u Beta fazu, a release se ocekuje do kraja 2008.(najverovatnije jesen).
Posto prica nikoga ne zanima, nije ni iznoseno previse detalja o njoj :D
Pored Resistancea 2, i MGS-a 4 ovo je verovatno najiscekivaniji naslov za PS3 2008.Naravno, igra ce imati MP mod, mada o njemu nije iznoseno previse detalja.
Zna se da ce engine koristiti 3-4 od raspolozivih 6 SPE-a.
Ingame screenshots:


Na ovom linku imate gomilu trailera i ingame videa:

16.2.2008, 12:21
Ove shotovi nisu nista slicni igrici bolji su video snimcu

King James
16.2.2008, 13:26
Ja tek prekljuce prvi put upalio Killzone 1,a igru imam vec 1,5 godinu :D

16.2.2008, 13:40
Ove shotovi nisu nista slicni igrici

Da, shotovi su prilicno lose uradjeni.Igra uzivo izgleda mnogo bolje...

16.2.2008, 21:05
Shotovi su screengrabovi, dakle savrseno prenose kako igra izgleda. Ali Killzone 2 je jedna od igara koja ima posebno lepotu u pokretu dok staticno i ne impresionira.
Inace zadnje 3 slike su iz prerenderovanog trailers sa E3 iz 2005.

Licno me vise interesuje Resistance: United we Fall a za ovo videcemo... tehnicki je impresivno ali za gemplay ce mo jos videti.

16.2.2008, 21:16
Shotovi su screengrabovi, dakle savrseno prenose kako igra izgleda. Ali Killzone 2 je jedna od igara koja ima posebno lepotu u pokretu dok staticno i ne impresionira.
Inace zadnje 3 slike su iz prerenderovanog trailers sa E3 iz 2005.

Licno me vise interesuje Resistance: United we Fall a za ovo videcemo... tehnicki je impresivno ali za gemplay ce mo jos videti.

Zar nije na kraju ispalo da je taj prerended trailer ustvari kvalitet grafike na koju devovi ciljaju i koju si na kraju postigli(koliko sam procitao, jedan Guerilla dev je cak rekao da trenutna verzija u nekim segmentima prevazilazi graficki kvalitet tog trailera)?

16.2.2008, 22:06
Zar nije na kraju ispalo da je taj prerended trailer ustvari kvalitet grafike na koju devovi ciljaju i koju si na kraju postigli(koliko sam procitao, jedan Guerilla dev je cak rekao da trenutna verzija u nekim segmentima prevazilazi graficki kvalitet tog trailera)?

Ako ne primecujes igra izgleda totalno drugacije. Tehnicki je mozda isti kvalitet ali stil i izgled je drasticno drugaciji.

16.2.2008, 22:10
Da, primetio sam znatnu razliku u koloritu i samom izgledu igre...
Mada, gledao sam jedan od novijiih ingame videa(mislim da je iz 2007.) i igra stvarno izgleda dobro.

19.2.2008, 0:52
Posto su screenshotovi koje sam prve postovao prilicno ruzni i igru ne prikazuju u punom svetlu, evo jos malo shotova, koji bi trebali da prikazu malo vise lepote ove igre :)


Link za download HD trailera:
http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_...ended_h264.wmv (http://download.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_killzone_e32k7_extended_h264.wmv)

19.2.2008, 13:29
zanima me radnja ove igre

20.4.2008, 15:20
Jos linkova. :)
Duza verzija trailera:

HD Trailer:

Torrent HD Trailer 284,56 MB
http://www.mybtfile.com/torrent/39048526 (http://www.mybtfile.com/torrent/39048526/)

IGN HD Trailer :

Low-Res Trailers :






20.4.2008, 17:00
Ako bog da srece, i ovo chudo mozda zavrshi na PC-ju ^^

20.4.2008, 18:14
Posto je Guerrilla u vlasnistvu Sonya, takav scenario je nemoguc. :)

20.4.2008, 18:33
We shall see ^^, 90% da nece izaci, ali zato sam reko ako bog da srece, jer je jedino bog jachi od Sony-ja :D

20.4.2008, 18:35
We shall see ^^, 90% da nece izaci, ali zato sam reko ako bog da srece, jer je jedino bog jachi od Sony-ja :D
Jedino da Sonyev gaming division propadne, pa da M$ kupi Guerrillu i onda portuje na Win. :D

20.4.2008, 20:40
Neće ni za 10 godina. PS2 ima već 8 godina staža na tržištu pa nije emuliran propisno, a PS3 koji ima 10-15 puta jači CPU od bilo kog koji se koristi u PC evima... male šanse.

@donator - trebalo bi da u prvi post staviš napomenu 64k kill ili tako nešto.

@ontopic - što se same igre tiče, deluje grafički fino (kažem fino jer sam video par mutnih tekstura) a gameplay deluje izuzetno dinamično i interesantno then again, i nemam neku želju da ovo odigram. A, slažem se inače da nema teorije da dođe na PC.

8.5.2008, 1:41
evo i cam snimka sa GDC08. U pitanju je nivo iz cuvenog trailera iz 2005.
Meni deluje fino. Ajde sada analize :D

8.5.2008, 13:37
Mnogo je lepo igrati ovakvu igru bez seckanja.

8.5.2008, 19:21
Neće ni za 10 godina. PS2 ima već 8 godina staža na tržištu pa nije emuliran propisno, a PS3 koji ima 10-15 puta jači CPU od bilo kog koji se koristi u PC evima... male šanse.

Sad će Ocelot opet da mi briše postove. Cell koji se nalazi u PS3 i Cell koji IBM trpa u servere su ko Celeron i Itanium. Procesorska snaga sa vektorima čip kombinacije u PS3 je dobra, u specijalizovanim slučajevima više puta brža od npr. QX9800, alli u nekim drugim slučajevima (aka branching) tek samo tu negde.

8.5.2008, 19:36
Zato je i koriscen u Playstationu 3.
Sonyeve konzole su uvek imale ogroman hardverski potencijal i one svoje pravu snagu prikazuju tek pred kraj zivotnog ciklusa.
Tako ce biti i sa PS-om 3.
Cell je izuzetno snazan procesor ako se koristi na pravilan nacin.Tako je bilo i sa EE-om. :)
A, da, posalji mi na PM specifikacije tog Cella koji IBM koristi, posto nisam uspeo nista o njemu da nadjem. :)

8.5.2008, 21:37
Jbg, govorio sam napamet. Razlikuju se samo klokovi, kes, interna memorija, i to sto PS3 ima samo 7SPE umesto 8, i jedan je rezervisan za OS.

I to sto serveri imaju x^n tih PPE+8SPE komboa na jednoj ploci puta x kutija...

SPE su divni za stream procesing, i tako da je i moguca ta prica o renderingu za KZ2, i to ce na kraju dati PS3 vecu snagu od X360... ali realno, G200 mislim da ce ga brutalno gaziti kada obe dostignu svoje puno iskoriscenje.
A Cell je jako tesko pun iskoristiti. Maltene u labaratorijskim uslovima (tj. situacija koja nikada nikom ne treba :P) je IBM uspeo da nadje program koji iskoriscava jedan PPE 8SPE blok celih 98%. Sa malim i kratkim podatcima SPE predu, dok ih single i double precision vec guse do boga. I branch prediction im ne lezi. Tj. tokom vremena ce PPE i SPE preuzeti gro grafickog i render posla i to je jedini future proof koji PS3 ima. Zvuk fizika i sam game code morace da se velikom vecinom oslone na PPE.

Ali tih 256mb rambusa koliko god bili brzi ce *****ati Sony samo tako kako vreme ide.

8.5.2008, 21:50
OK, a kakve ovo ima veze sa KZ2?

8.5.2008, 22:56
Cell Broadband engine ima jednu PowerPC5 jedinicu i 8 SPE jedinica.
Od tih 8, jedan se koristi kako bi se povecao chip yield(tj. ako se pokaze da je jedan SPE neispravan, taj rezervni ga zamenjuje).
Kada se oduzme jos jedan SPE krajnja cifra SPE-a kojom PS3 rasploze jeste 6, dok primerci u IBM Blade Serverima imaju 7 raspolozivih SPE jedinica.
Cellovi u serverima se ne razlikuju od onih u PS-u 3, osim tog jednog, dodatnog SPE-a.
Dakle, u pitanju je isti primerak Cella.
Dalje, 98% iskoriscenje Cella(ovo mogu i ja da potvrdim, procitao sam istu informaciju) jeste zaista zadivljujuc podatak, kada se zna da Intel i AMD ciljaju na 80% u benchmark programima.
Sto se tice memorije, texture streamingom, streamingom sa hard diska i deljenjem XDR-a i GDDR-a 3, ovaj bottleneck se, maltene, u potpunosti eliminise.
Ovo nema direktne veze sa KZ-om 2, ali posto se zna da igra izuzetno raspolaze resursima kojima ova konzola raspolaze, mislim da je ok reci par stvari o hardveru koji tera ovo cudo.Ukoliko se moderatori ne slazu sa mnom, zamolio bih da ovo prebace u PS3 thread ili thread o iskoriscenosti SPE jedinica posto zaista predstavljaju zanimljivo stivo za citanje. :)
Evo malo screenshotova:


I jedan trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/33691.html).

8.5.2008, 23:40
A evo i sta kaze TTP sa Neogaf foruma:

Demo starts with a bang. Kinda like the E3 demo, you are flying with your comrades towards the war zone. The scale of the scene is amazing. No fog whatsoever hides the busy battleground 200 meters ahead of you. The amount of detail is so high I can barely discern the single elements. As u get close one of the allied flying vehicles ahead of you explodes into a cloud of flaming debris and corpses. You end up flying into it (one of the corpses actually crashes on you vehicles), resulting in a crash landing. Mr Fucking Convoy is first to jump out of the vehicle. You follow and game starts. Before going ahead I looked above me, behind me, towards the other side of the river (I guess it was a river) just to check if there was any less detail around me than there was on the path I was supposed to traverse. There were no such compromises. I could see the buildings standing tall and 3D on the other side of the river. In the sky, there was traffic: vehicles, anti air missiles and stuff.

First thing I noticed graphics wise is the CGI quality of the lighting. It was so non-gamey and realistic it felt real. It's usually easier to impress with dark settings these days, while bright ones look washed out or whatever. Not in this case.

The post-processing muscle of the engine was put to good use with subtle motion blur and the most impressive lens flare effects I've ever seen in a videogame. And when I blowed that bridge with the rocket launcher... WOW. I could see it crumble piece by piece and the dust filling the area, with sun rays raining diagonally through it. It was so realistic in its volumetric authenticity I almost coughed. But apparently that was not enough spectacle for Guerrilla. While the dust was still settling, a flying vehicle came from behind me and went right through it leaving spiralling whirlpools of dust in its trail. That was seriously awesome and a pity most players didn't notice as they where looking in a different direction when that happened. (Note for Guerrilla: add a Gears of War-like press-button X-to-see-cool-stuff-going-on-around-you functionality).

Anyway, I go ahead, graphics keep impressing. Soldiers leave footprints. Animations are smooth and realistic. Detail abound. At one point I was shooting at this Helghast hiding behind a low concrete wall. I could barely see his left shoulder from a corner. I kept shooting trying to hit every bit of Helghast I could spot until it kinda looked like he moved. Is he still alive dammit? I wonder. I look closer and I see a pool of blood expanding on the ground from behind that cover. Yeah, he's dead.

Another detail. Real time shadows. Impressive. Not pixellated anymore and are EVERYWHERE. You see an Helghast shooting from 100 meters ahead? Look closer and u'll notice the muzzle flash sending blinks of his very shadow on the wall behind him. This happens both in dark sections and in light ones. Obviously shadows look more or less dark accordingly.

Fastforward and I'm at the "Sixaxis moment" where I have to rotate a wheel in order to open a steel door. That's a pretty nice implementation of the tilt functionality. You "grab" the wheel by holding both R1 and L1, rotate the controller 45° anticlockwise, release R1 and L1 in order to center your hands on the wheel and grab it again for another 45° anticlockwise spin and you keep doing this until the door is opened. Very nice.

This said, I have a complain to make. While aiming and shooting was spot on, both responsive and with a very good feeling, the controls layout was kinda odd to me. It probably just needs getting used to it, but having the ironsight view on R3 rather than L1 (which is used for cover/crunch) gave me troubles. The good thing is you dont have to keep R3 pressed to stay in ironsight mode. It's on/off stuff. The bad thing is, while pressed behind cover (holding L1), you cannot go straight into ironsight mode by pressing R3. You have to first lean on the top or the side of the cover (meaning having to keep the L stick in the respective direction) and then press R3. This makes sense, and I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I'd have loved to be able to stick to the cover with the press of a button (a la Uncharted/Gears of War) and then pop up in ironsight view with L1. Anyway, controls are still worked on and the option screen seems to allow u to change the layout (default one was "Type A", didn't try Type B or whataver was there to choose from).

Another thing is your companions. When they get hit too much they lay on the ground unable to help you out in the firefight. You can ignore them and keep going or "revive" them by pressing Circle. At times you need them to progress (like you saw at some point in the vids) so revive is not an option but rather mandatory. The thing is reviving them is too fast and easy. You can litterally run by them and press Circle "on the fly". There is no "reviving animation" going on. Hence there is very little risk involved in reviving them. Grated, if they are out in the open it is risky to just reach them, but when they go down they usually do so behind their covers so it's very easy to just run, cure and hide again. They should at least add a brief animation
showing you injecting something in them, so that you are forced to stay exposed for a couple of seconds.

Anyway, other than these very minimal complains, I had a blast. Oh, almost forgot. Frame rate is perfect 99% of the time. Solid 30fps. There are small pauses here and there like you saw in the E3 demo, but they are going to be fixed for sure and they only happen whne game loads next section, never during action. Also noticed some LOD pop-ups on the characters. Not too bad tho. Hopefully they fix this as well. Textures where MUCH better than at E3. Very crisp and detailed.

8.5.2008, 23:43
Zatim su mu neki clanovi foruma postavili pitanja. :)
Pitanja sam boldovao.TTPovi odgovori su obican tekst.

Awesome impressions TTP. IGN & co. could learn a lot from you :)

- Did you get any feedback from staff about AI being X% implemented/easy mode/god mode?

Nope. I assume it was still early. I even cause a bug at some point (an AI got stuck *inside* a tank it was supposed to leave) and had to restart from a checkpoint.

- Did you have a headset? / How are the sound effects?

Yes, headset. Sound was amazing. Just pressing the trigger was extremely rewarding.

- Is there a manual button config?

No idea. First game had it tho.

- Did you get feedback from staffers about the complaints as mentioned in your impressions?

They did pay attention for sure. I think I was the only one complaining while playing http://www.neogaf.com/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Whenever I saw something I didn't like (controls, pop-ins, whatever) I paused the game to tell them. Same with the stuff I liked of course. At the end of my session they thanked me for the feedback.

-Coming from one of the most graphical-nitpickiest of all posters on this board, sounds fucking amazing. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif

It is indeed. It was seriously unbelievable.

There was virtually no aliasing at all. And we were playing on 37" screens (maybe less) from like 30cm http://www.neogaf.com/forum/images/smilies/laugh.gif

-It sounds like the cover system is almost identical (in control) to R6:V, which is good for me.


Did/can you jump? How was it?

The lighting/dust filtering. This was one of the things that blew me away about the gameplay videos but I couldn't tell if it was a result of a pre-canned action event or if any smoke cloud caused by the player would yield the same results. For instance; if you throw a grenade and it blows up near those light rays, would the light react accordingly with the smoke and dust or was it pre-canned?


You can jump, with X, freely. I didn't try it much as there was no need to jump anywhere, but it's not like Halo where you can jump over rockets and stuff. I was told if u jump over a small obstacle (like a small wall) it does a vault animation or something like that.

About the light thing, I didn't experiment that much. I only had three grenades and tossed all of them to the Helghasts coming out of the tanks.

17.5.2008, 11:53
Nove gameplay snimke mozete naci ovde (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34176.html).
[Gameplay 1, gameplay 2 i gameplay 3]

19.5.2008, 23:49
Preview mozete naci ovde (http://palgn.com.au/article.php?id=11426&rss=1&title=Killzone+2+Preview).
Fake E3 2005 trailer vs. Real Trailer


21.5.2008, 16:52
Jos slicica. :D


9.6.2008, 12:47
Napomena pre citanja, blind fire je odavno implementiran, reviewer se izgleda zbunio, pa je napisao da blind firea nema u igri, sto nije tacno.
Next gen preview: (http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=10823&Itemid=2)
Guerrilla says that Killzone 2 is living up to impossibly high expectations, but it’s hard not to feel that the game is short on ideas that it can call its own.

Image”The level of anticipation for the 2005 trailer meant that people expected the biggest thing ever to materialize, and what we’ve shown so far, at last year’s E3 and today means that we’re living up to the expectation,” says Steven Ter Heide, Killzone 2’s senior producer. It’s a presumptuous and brash statement given the infamous 2005 E3 trailer, a video that, being predominately composed of prerendered material, made impossible claims for both PS3’s hardware and Guerrilla’s talents. But delivered in Ter Heide’s soft, earnest Dutch accent, it’s almost believable.

And, visually, Killzone 2 looks extremely polished. It doesn’t quite match the unfeasible levels of detail found in that trailer, but it’s certainly smooth. Buddies feature an array of facial expressions and body animations that reinforce their characters on the battlefield. Illumination and smoke effects are subtle and dynamic, too; the lighting allows the muted grey palette to just about avoid monotony, with surfaces exhibiting careful texture and form, while Guerilla’s idiosyncratic take on lens flare adds delicate Technicolor highlights. But it’s the smoke that soon proves the star, billowing thickly and forcing some difficult decisions: explosions tend to hide the enemy away for brief but crucial periods.

The demo, comprising Corinth River, the second level of the game, begins with a dramatic cutscene, based on the one seen at last year’s E3, in which a squadron of airborne landers makes its way through enemy fire towards a landing zone on the outskirts of a shattered city. Once on the ground, the player is engaged in a battle to take the control room for a huge gate that on opening will allow a convoy of allied tanks to progress.

The battlefield itself is designed to instill a sense of chaos and confusion, with blasts detonating all around and a dense soundscape of shouts and gunfire, much in the manner of the Call Of Duty series. Similarly, its aim system feels very similar to COD’s square view down the sights, and encourages the same careful stop-start aim-and-move approach to encounters. It’s with this realization that Killzone 2’s blood and thunder begins to wane: from this demo there’s very little that this game attempts that Call Of Duty 4 hasn’t already achieved with significant success.

But, challenged with the idea that COD4 has come to form a new standard for the FPS, Hermen Hulst, MD of Guerrilla, says: “I’m not going to sit here and talk about the competition. COD is a game that virtually everybody in the office has played through and completed. We know where our game stands, and we’re up for it, definitely.”

Indeed, Killzone 2’s feature list is a checklist of modern shooter stalwarts. The cover system is called ‘lean and peek’, a capability apparently taken from Killzone: Liberation, Guerrilla’s isometric tactical action title in the series for PSP. L1 snaps the player to cover, with the chance to line up shots by peeking before popping up to take them. Strangely, there’s no blindfire option.

A buddy help system à la Army Of Two allows allies to boost the player to otherwise inaccessible places, with wonderfully animated sequences as the player-character pulls his way up, remaining in firstperson throughout. Though they can’t be ordered around, allies can be revived if they fall in battle, with the player accompanied by a squad for most of the game. Context-based chatter from allies and enemies is taken straight from Halo. “So players can understand the context in which the action is going on,” explains Ter Heide. “If you’re standing next to a barrel you’ll hear the Helghast say, ‘Shoot that barrel’, and you know it’s a good idea to move away.”

The action spills into a warehouse, with AI gamely taking cover among its bounties of crates and walkways, but it doesn’t show much propensity for teamwork and flanking, at least on the easy setting that our demo was apparently jammed on. Shooting itself, while powerful to the ears, doesn’t have quite the precision and feedback of Halo 3, nor the swift decisiveness of Call Of Duty, but is otherwise effective. How it sets a rhythm within the full game remains to be seen.

A firstperson view is retained throughout the demo, including the introductory cutscene, part of a careful policy for the game. “We feel that the immersion is very important in this game. It’s you that’s in charge of your actions, not this arbitrary character that’s on the screen,” explains Ter Heide. Again it’s perfectly effective, but does little more than other games, including those in the Call Of Duty series, have already accomplished.

In fact, perfectly effective is the phrase that seems apt to describe all of Killzone 2’s features. The game takes no risks, neither in design nor tone. The explosive barrels, the crate-filled warehouse, the vision blur as damage is incurred, scripted sequences of Helghast fast-roping through roof-lights, the lights that blow out when shot at, the brightly colored wireframe boxes that show the locations of mission objectives; they’re all proven pieces of FPS and 3D world design, and taken together in the context of this much-vaunted game, it’s hard not to come away feeling that Killzone 2 is short on ideas that it can call its own.

12.7.2008, 13:09
Novi gameplay video. (http://kotaku.com/5024527/new-big-explodey-killzone-2-clip#viewcomments)

Pored toga što bolesno dobro izgleda, sviđa mi se i kako su uspeli da dočaraju osećaj opšteg haosa.

12.7.2008, 13:44
Igra deluje stvarno neverovatno...Moram priznati da sam stekao pogresan utisak o igri pre nekoliko nedelja.Sve sto vise citam i gledam klipove Killzone 2 , to mi se vise svidja.
Ali ima jos puno da se ceka dok ne izadje...

12.7.2008, 13:51
Nekako mi smešno zvuče komentari okolnih jedinica, kao da nisu u sred bitke :D
To mi jedino kvari utisak, sa grafičke strane je super, a ovako nemam pojma kakva je igra tako da nemam šta da pričam :D

12.7.2008, 19:00
To mi jedino kvari utisak, sa grafičke strane je super, a ovako nemam pojma kakva je igra tako da nemam šta da pričam. :D
Gameplay mehanika je slicna onoj iz Gears of War-a, dakle stop&pop.
Naravno, ovde je to donekle drugacije uradjeno.
Stanete iza nekog zaklona, zatim se "nakritivite", pucate, pa ponovo se vratite u zaklon.
Grafika je nesto najbolje sto su konzole ikada videle(4 SPE sa koriste za rendering i 4xAA, a engine je napisan od nule, kako bi se prilagodio koriscenju Cella za pomaganje RSX-u prilikom renderovanja grafike, i kako bi se zaobisli neki bottleneckovi, pa tako engine koristi deffered rendering i tehniku koja koristi Cell-ove SPE procesore za shading, tkzv. SPE shading).
Ima dosta "destructable" predmeta, kao sto se i videlo iz ovog videa(btw u 720p rezoluciji izgleda mnogo bolje, nego na ovom videu koji je Ocelot postavio, i tada se vide neki sitni detalji, koji se savrseno uklapaju u igru, kao sto je krv koja po realnim zakonima fizike tece iz mrtvog aliena i slicno).
Demo koji je prikazan na proslom E3 sajmu(jedan nivo) je zauzeo cak 2GB, pa tako ni ne cudi izjava jednog od clanova Gerile koji je rekao da je BluRay potreba, a ne luksuz.
Sto se tice multiplayera, ne zna se mnogo, ali Gerila obecava da ce biti vrhunski i da ce se po kvalitetu meriti sa onim iz Call of Dutya 4(priznao je da su svi iz tima igrali tu igru i da je ona imala prilicno visok stepen uticaja na Killzone).Jos nije poznato da li ce u multiplayeru biti dostupna vozila, iako ta mogucnost, zasad, nije iskljucena.
Igra je u razvoju od 2005. i predstavlja jedan od najvaznijih naslova za PS3 u 2009.(zajedno sa FF-om, GoW-om i GT-om ) i bice Sonyev flagship u prvoj polovini 2009.
Tim koji radi na igri je holadnski Guerrilla Games, koji je dosad radio na Killzoneu 1(FPS koji je trebao da bude Halo killer, ali je ispao prosecan) i Killzone: Liberation(jedna od boljih igara za PSP).Trenutno je u Sonyevom vlasnistvu.
Release date je nekoliko puta pomeran i sada je postavljen u februaru 2009.
Tim je posebnu paznju posvetio oruzju, koje je izuzetno detaljno modelovano, a animacija obiluje raznim grafickim efektima.U igri ce biti oko 20 razlictih oruzja.

22.7.2008, 16:53
Evo nov gameplay video. . . ova igra ce konacno pokazati razliku izmedju PS3 i drugih konzola...samo gledajte tu grafiku , a i AI je dodatno ''ispeglan".


22.7.2008, 19:36
Za AI su zaposlili jos nekoliko inzenjera, kako bi i taj segment igre doveden do perfekcije, bas kao i sto je to uradjeno sa grafikom. :)

22.8.2008, 14:06
Botovi potvrdjeni za offline multiplayer:
Awesome. :D

JeuxVideo, 7 minuta singplayera
http://www.jeuxvideo.fr/gc-killzone-...tu-157094.html (http://www.jeuxvideo.fr/gc-killzone-gameplay-exclu-actu-157094.html)


11.9.2008, 20:39
Flamethrower ce biti u igri. :D

Ever since Killzone 2 was demoed at E3 2005, skeptics and fans alike have been clamouring for proof that the pre-rendered video on display was actually possible. After getting some hands on time with the game at E3 2008, we can say that Guerrilla software has managed to come closer to that lofty goal than anybody could have possibly imagined.

Obviously, the first thing we noticed about the Killzone demo is how insanely good the graphics were. Environments are detailed, lived in, and destructible. The weapons models are so detailed it seems like you could reach into your TV and grab one. Guerrilla promises that the game will run at 720p at 30 frames a second. This was easily the graphical showcase to end them all at E3.

The game takes place directly after the events of Killzone: Liberation for the PSP. The evil Helghast race have made off with a huge stack of nuclear weapons, and have set up shop on their home planet. While the previous Killzone titles have taken place on neutral territory or ISA worlds, this time the ISA is taking the fight to Helghan. The game begins with a massive aerial assault as seen in the latest real time trailer. It seems that the Helghast have found a strange new source of power derived from the planet itself, so the ISA is tasked with capturing the Helghast capital city.

Those looking for tools of destruction will be happy to wield the twelve tools of destruction on display here. The arsenal is varied, but still includes the standard assault rifles, shotguns, and flame throwers. Guerrilla is promising a few extra surprises in this area as well.

Multiplayer is a huge focus of the Killzone 2 experience, and there is a large variety of games types and modes available. Competitive multiplayer will feature up to 32 players in both free for all and squad based modes, with a class based system. There will also be objective based assault modes which will demand teamwork and co-ordination between teams. Players will be given badges of honour for proficiency in different classes such as medic or heavy armour. The game will also undoubtedly support Sony’s new trophy system. Finally, there will also be co-op support for the game, although it is unclear whether the co-op mode will be split-screen or online only.

While the game played great at E3 and seemed nearly ready for release. Guerrilla seems to be taking the heavy hype for the title to heart, and is ensuring that the game is as polished as possible for a February 2009 release. Killzone 2 picked up GamingExcellence’s choice for Best Graphics and Best Overall PlayStation 3 game of show.


26.9.2008, 22:15
Pocela je beta, EU PS3 owneri dobijaju emailovi sa kodovima za betu (*checks Gmail* --> *cries*).
Dobili smo 2 fotke (ceo TV je slikan, znaci nisu framebuffer capture fotke, tako da nemate pravo da se zalite na kvalitet istih : P):


Sad se nadamo da su u betu upali likovi sa Kuroima. :D

7.10.2008, 21:05


7.10.2008, 21:32
Idi bre , gde je februar... Meni multyplayer deluje kao da ce biti veoma dobar ... A i igra mi deluje bas ispolirano na osnovu svih snimaka koje sam video ...

28.10.2008, 22:18
Helgan trailer izasao, MUST SEE:

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y247/Wollan/2aak7qu.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y247/Wollan/27yoopk.gif http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y247/Wollan/2cs6s5d.gif

Da se thread ne pretvori u broadband gtfo, slicice mozete naci ovde (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=13390229&postcount=1) i ovde (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=13403174&postcount=566).
Februar je predaleko, btw. :(

che daboli guz
29.10.2008, 16:14
Februar je predaleko, btw. :(

Da da,ali je zato Socom Con. veoma veoma blizu ,pitanje dana(32€ bez i 62€ sa BT)!

29.10.2008, 16:23
SOCOM Confrotation je izasao u SAD-u, koliko ja znam, i igru su najstrasnije napljuvali, jer su serveri ultra nestabilni i cela igra lici, bar za sad, na betu.
Valjda ce izaci neki normalan patch u skorije vreme.
Eto sta se desi kad oduzmes fransizu od tima koji ju je stvorio...

29.10.2008, 23:14
SOCOM Confrotation je izasao u SAD-u, koliko ja znam, i igru su najstrasnije napljuvali, jer su serveri ultra nestabilni i cela igra lici, bar za sad, na betu.
Valjda ce izaci neki normalan patch u skorije vreme.
Eto sta se desi kad oduzmes fransizu od tima koji ju je stvorio...
Trenutno je igram i nije uopste tako lose...izasla su dva patch-a oko 500 mb tako da se stvari popravljaju na bolje...8 vs 8 ide glatko premda malo zeza kada se igra 16 vs 16...btw kako je izasao 1.20 patch nisam probao 16 vs 16 tako da je moguce da sada ide glatko i sa 32 igraca

6.11.2008, 1:03
Upao sam u betu. :D :D :D
Utisci cim skinem.

6.11.2008, 12:24
Upao sam u betu. :D :D :D
Utisci cim skinem.
E to je stvarno dobra vest :alealeee:...pozuri sa komentarom

7.11.2008, 0:59
Igrao sam dosta sa jednim likom sa Bencha veceras.
Utisci su... hm... fantasticni. :D
Igra je izuzetno fluidna, gunplay je apsolutno neverovatan, ceo multiplayer je jako dobro osmisljen (vidi se ko su im bili uzori), grafika je nenormalno dobra.
Iako u pokretu, kao u vecini FPS-ova, ne mogu da se vide oni sitni detalji, sokovi koji se desavaju kada se npr. neko spawnuje pored tebe, pa provalis koliko je model likova deteljan su vrlo, vrlo brojni i prosto te teraju da razmislis koliko ostale igre lose izgledaju u odnosu na ovo.
Netcode je jako dobar, lag je prilicno mali, i sve vrlo fino radi.
Zvuk je mindblowing, posebno muzika u meniju.
Nisam se jos previse udubljivao u klase i celu ti pricu, to moram sutra malo detaljnije da proucim, posto nisam danas uspeo previse stvari da otkljucam (nabio sam par rankova i otkljucao SMG i sacmaru).
Moar info tomorrow.

7.11.2008, 14:05
Treba docekati februar 2009...btw kako si upao na betu?Sreca ili znanje?

Boris Lozac
7.11.2008, 14:19
Ja sam upao tako sto sam skinuo KZ2 MP temu sa PS Store-a, sa njom dobijas sansu da te pozovu u Betu. Mene bas u*ralo :) , ne igram skoro uopste online, samo skidam demoe sa Store-a, ali nanjusili su da mi je ovo jedna od najiscekivanijih igara..

Inace, utisci su fantasticni za sad, mrzi me da se ponavljam sa Bencha, ako nekog nesto konkretno zanima nek pita, mada odigrao sam samo dva sata za sada, posle posla nastavljam...

20.11.2008, 10:48
IGN Australia Killzone 2 preview:

And now you've thrown this beta our way – surely yet another wily piece of propaganda, you trickster dickster! Sure, we're pushing buttons, wiggling analogue sticks - and stuff is happening on screen as a result – but this isn't the actual game, surely! There's no way a console game can look this good, right - what sort of foul wizardry is this?

This can't be real. It simply can't be. Sony and Guerrilla Games (http://games.ign.com/objects/572/572208.html) couldn't have created an end result that (almost) matches the infamous target footage revealed at E3 all those years ago. Could they?

28.11.2008, 20:41
Iz askthedev threada sa official Playstation foruma:
- Custom music u multiplayeru
- Znacajna poboljsanja u odnosu na Betu, grafika, teksture, lag, balans oruzja, zvuk itd..
- nece biti nikakvog co-opa
- igranje protiv botova online i offline

I sto je najvaznije, Beta2 je presla u phase 3, a testiranje je produzeno do 7. decembra. :D:D:D

29.11.2008, 23:10
Nadao sam se pozivnici za Killzone a dobio sam za Home :boodala:

30.11.2008, 10:18
pa ovi iz ps-a stvarno nisu fer.Bio sam veoma aktivan na PSN-u proslih mesec dana jer sam cesto bio prehladjen.Poskidao sam sve sto ima od R2 , K2 i nisam dobio pozivnicu.

A neko ko nije skinuo nista,nije nikad online je dobije??Pa po kojom logikom oni salju?Pa daj meni kod za home ako ti neces :)

30.11.2008, 11:44
KZ2 pozivnicu su dobili clanovi ugasenog Playstation Undergrounda.
To je poslednja beta koju su clanovi PSU-a dobili, jer je on sad ugasen.

9.1.2009, 21:07
Izaslo je nekoliko novih trailera, od kojih se izdvaja Ballet of Death, verovatno najlepsi trailer ikada napravljen za bilo koju igru:


:O :O :O

Invasion trailer:

Details trailer (detalji poput toga da zastave mogu da gore itd.):





11.1.2009, 0:24
Izasao je novi intervju sa momcima iz Guerrile, ali, posto je na holandskom, necete dobiti link vec transkript. :D

- After completion of Killzone 1 the team consisted of around 55 people. It's around 140 people now.

- Most people who worked on killzone 1 are still working at Guerrilla. And for many of them Killzone 1 was the first game they worked on, and even their first job. Talks a bit about how there was virtually no game-development education in the Netherlands.

- Internally they were pretty pleased with killzone 1, but they recognize there was much to be improved. The bad points of killzone 1 were a consequence of a lack of skill of the team back then (see above).

- Skill improved by making more games (Shellshock, Liberation), learning from past mistakes. Bringing in external people/expertise (Sony) helped contribute to the progress.

- Biggest challenge was to meet the benchmark.

- Team is looking forward to the reviews. Previews not so much. They like the positive feedback from press/game communities. They feel the press/game communities understand what kind of fps they're trying to make.

- Talks about first party and how it's supposed to get the best results from the hardware. They want to make benchmark titles, so its a good fit. That was important for them when they were in discussions about selling the company.

- Talks about the benefits of 1st party relationship - good contacts with other 1st (and 2nd) party developers (Polyphony, Naughty Dog, Insomniac etc) and the good facilities (highlights mo-cap).

- The helghan planet is (also) awesome from a creative standpoint. Talks about the wind physics. Throw a grenade and the wind can blow it back to you. It influence your walking/running speed as well. Depending on wich way the wind blows ofcourse. In short, wind affects combat.

- In killzone 2 other planets are involved/referenced to flesh out the story of your buddies. Says the killzone universe is big and diverse enough to make another trilogy so to speak. An option could be to take the battle to Earth (oh fuck yes!).

- Killzone 2 is a good foundation for new (killzone) titles. A lot different than how it was with killzone 1. They got plenty of ideas for the next killzone title. Most important thing is making the production processes more professional.

- They want to appeal to as many people as possible with MP. Talks about the deep customization options - amount of players, character classes, badges, maps, missions etc.

- Keeping the same high standard of graphics in MP was important (and challenging). Especially to keep the framerate playable/stable.

- Talks about bot-matches and how this is important for people who, for instance, dont have an internet connection, or are intimidated by other online players.

- Bot-AI are reasonably good. Three difficulties : Easy, Medium and Hard. Internal testers had problems with Hard difficulty. Seems bots on Hard are very proficient in making headshots

MOAR info iz jednog podcasta:

"Every expectation I had of this game, was blown away. It's that good. Awesome from beginning to end."

"They polished the hell out of the game the last couple of months"

"It's crazy that this is on a console. There were several times I said out loud, Holy shit!"

"Soundtrack is phenomenal"

"Even from a technical standpoint. I've never seen a game look this good on a console."

"Come to think of it, I don't really have a proper complaint about this game"

"I love Call of Duty 4. And like I said, that's the one that many people use as the litmus test against other fps. I would take Killzone 2 over COD4 any day of the week."

"I was just in awe of the game"

"This is the one that's going to set the bar for every console [technical standpoint]"

"No game is for everyone, but If you were on the fence about pre-ordering this game. Get off the fence and pre-order it. It's that good. It's not hype. It exceeds every expectation I had, and that's the truth."

Release je 25. februara u Evropi. Demo stize 5. februara.

11.1.2009, 12:32
Cini mi se da sam negde procitao da Killzone 2 koristi samo 60% PS3 snage ...

Nece biti jos godinu dana dok neka igra ne iscrpi sve sto PS3 moze da ponudi.

Jao ko ce cekati jos mesec dana ...

I na netu su se pojavile glasine da ce kasnije biti izbacen online CO - OP kampanja.

11.1.2009, 14:44
Jedan developer iz Guerrile je izjavio da i tokom najzescih okrsaja opterecenost SPE jedinica ne prelazi 60%.
To ne znaci da su iskoristitli 60% snage, jer se ovo odnosi samo na Cell, a dodatnim optimizacijama ova cifra se moze smanjiti.

Inace, trebalo bi uskoro i Collector's Edition da bude najavljen.

12.1.2009, 0:39


Official guide to Warzone and Campaign:


12.1.2009, 0:53
Jao, koliki si hype podigao... :)
Bude li failovalo... :D

12.1.2009, 2:04
ja sam obezbedio ucesce u beti 8) a ako nekog interesuje kako nek mi se javi (inace beta/demo je america al to i nije tolko bitno)

12.1.2009, 10:14
Beta je bila pre mesec dana ??

12.1.2009, 11:11
Mozda su produzili :D

Boris Lozac
12.1.2009, 12:38
ja sam obezbedio ucesce u beti 8) a ako nekog interesuje kako nek mi se javi (inace beta/demo je america al to i nije tolko bitno)

Na sta mislis, beta je gotova ima vec mesec dana, da li mislis na demo koji se spekulise za pocetak februara?

12.1.2009, 13:59
Jao, koliki si hype podigao... :)
Bude li failovalo... :D

Aj da nisam igrao betu, pa i da sumnjam u igru...

ja sam obezbedio ucesce u beti 8) a ako nekog interesuje kako nek mi se javi (inace beta/demo je america al to i nije tolko bitno)

Ako ostane jedan slot, ja bih ga uzeo. :D

Mozda su produzili :D


Na sta mislis, beta je gotova ima vec mesec dana, da li mislis na demo koji se spekulise za pocetak februara?

Misli na demo.
A kako ga je dobio - nemam pojma.

12.1.2009, 14:14
Aj da nisam igrao betu, pa i da sumnjam u igru...

Ako ostane jedan slot, ja bih ga uzeo. :D


Misli na demo.
A kako ga je dobio - nemam pojma.

Prvi sam ga pitao :) , vec si igrao BETU ...

A demo (ranije) dobijaju oni koji ga preorderuju sa GameSpota ...

12.1.2009, 14:17
Zato sam i napisao "ako ostane jedan slot"...

Boris Lozac
12.1.2009, 14:33
99 % je da ce biti free for all evropski demo za pocetak februara, nema potrebe da se gurate bezveze :)

12.1.2009, 18:26
nemam pojma ja mislim da bise beta, al kako god gamestop mi salje kljucic 2gog februara

12.1.2009, 20:03
Nije beta, demo je.

12.1.2009, 23:49
Intro je real-time , ne CGI - http://www.gametrailers.com/player/44192.html (intro)

KillZone 2 has no CGI-Animation, everything is Real-Time

Back in 2005, Sony showed the world 'that Killzone 2 video', everyone was stunned, many people doubted the video as being 'fake'.

Killzone 2 has come a very long way but one question is still remaining… are all the cutscenes CGI-Animated?

The short answer is no. Guerilla Games recently confirmed on the US Official Playstation forums that there will not be any CGI based cutscene's in the game. Everything you see will be rendered in real time.


13.1.2009, 0:36
Intro nije CGI, ali sve ostalo jeste. :)

No the intro is not real time, its CGI, mostly using in game assests, intro Visari is a higher detail version of the in-game one.

In the game all cutscenes are 100% real time, no captured, pre-renderd or CGI ones.

13.1.2009, 1:00
Easy with the hype :)

Igra deluje overall super, ali nije da nema mana (seckava animacija tj tranzicija, što se lepo vidi na onom ballet of death snimku, čudna eksplozija, takođe se vidi na snimku, lightning kao iz Q3, i, na details snimku, WTF, vojniku trepti puška u ruci :S?!). Daleko od toga da pljujem igru, samo kažem, kao objektivni posmatrač (nemam PS3, ali planiram da uzmem, a bo'me i KZ2), da ne ispadne posle "'teli smo više" ;) (in b4 "neće tako biti". Ja sam samo moje mišljenje rekao :)

13.1.2009, 1:12
Gledati trailere na monitorima i LCD TV-ovima su 2 razlicite stvari.
Igrati samu igru na LCD TV-u je nesto potpuno drugo.
Just saying.

Meni igra ne izgleda nista posebno kad gledam jadne Gametrailers trailere na monitoru.
Na TV-u izgledaju znacajno bolje.
A sama igra... ^_^

Boris Lozac
13.1.2009, 1:29
lightning kao iz Q3,

Ajde sve ali ovo :icon_scra Cak i Crysis geek-ovi priznaju da je osvetljenje za dva koplja ispred bilo cega.. :)

13.1.2009, 1:30
Mislio je na lighting gun.

13.1.2009, 6:22
^Upravo, i na sam "efekat" struje :) A, da, zaboravih da pomenem, u ballet of death, vidi se da krv nije tolio bogata FPSom ;P Ali ok, to je slow-mo, u dinamici to je neprimetno, kao i većina stvari koje sam pomenuo :)

@ Donator, pa ono, ja kažem kako meni izgleda. Uostalom, neću je skoro zaigrati na HDTVu or smt. Samo prenosim moje viđenje stvari ;)

Still, expected to be nice.

13.1.2009, 10:41
Haha gledajte izraz lica klinaca na oko 3:15 , sve govori kako killzone 2 izgleda:


13.1.2009, 13:43
Haha gledajte izraz lica klinaca na oko 3:15 , sve govori kako killzone 2 izgleda:





13.1.2009, 13:47
Found this, might be interesting...

"Contact shadows are a form of ambient occlusion. These are the sort of shadows you get where object come near each other (hence the "contact" part). Image-based ambient occlusion is a hot topic in the graphics industry off-late. We are researching a number of techniques but we're unsure if we're going to put it into Killzone 2.

We are also researching dynamic radiosity which does indeed mean real-time radiosity lighting. We have got some ideas, but if it works it'll be so late that we can't put it into this game, as we're steaming ahead in full production.

The PlayStation 3 does definitely have the horsepower to do all this though. If it won't be in KZ2 it'll definitely be in other titles from us or other PS3 developers. There's a lot of performance in the PS3 left to be untapped..."

There you have it. Hope this helps, and please note, we are not certain these techniques will be in Killzone 2, so take this as informtation, not news.

Seb Downie - QA Manager - Guerrilla Games


14.1.2009, 22:17
Evo sta OPM UK ima da kaze o KZ2:

"'Sony's flagship shooter pwns all'. Indeed, in the 'info box' they say the game is like 'Call of Duty set in double-gravity space, directed by Ridley Scott and rendered by God'."

Mislim da su mu dali 9.5 ocenu ...

Jao jedva cekam ... :to_care:

19.1.2009, 14:29
Killzone 2 review

Graphics: 20
Sound: 19
Playability: 19
Longevity: 20
Overall: 20
final score description (roughly translated):
When compared to all other console titles - while on PC Crysis remains only true competitor regarding graphics - Killzone 2 takes every of it's moment to justify it is the first true and pure Next-Gen title in every mean imaginable.

(max score is 20)

Killzone 2 review

Graphics: 5 (out of 5)
Playability: 5 (out of 5)
Lasting Appeal: 4 (out of 5)
Music / sounds: 5 (out of 5)

Overall: 9.7 (out of 10)

"Killzone 2 is one of the most gorgeous and atmospheric FPS ever released, surprassing easily everything the PS3 has to offer. It's easily one of the best games of 2009. What will happen with the franchise in the future? We hope that it will be successful, reaching heights of happines never reached before and bringing a real conclusion to the unfinished saga. When and how it will happen? Only God knows - he likes to be called Guerilla Games nowdays"

5char for the lulz.

20.1.2009, 3:32
99 % je da ce biti free for all evropski demo za pocetak februara, nema potrebe da se gurate bezveze :)
ako je pocetkom februara znaci ne brinite cim pocne skola nedeljud 2 dana i eto vam igre i posle svi kecevi:D:D:D

20.1.2009, 6:01
opening, into i ulazak u prvu misiju. 20 sec samog gameplaya (vezovatno zbog NDA)
Dakle, WOW. Ne mogu da verujem da je ovo na konzoli!

20.1.2009, 19:31
Jbt, ovo je prebolesno. Jooj, da mi je jedan PS3. Steta samo sto mora preko gamepada da se igra. :D

20.1.2009, 20:08
alt link, posto je prvi otperjao

20.1.2009, 20:09
Jbt, ovo je prebolesno. Jooj, da mi je jedan PS3. Steta samo sto mora preko gamepada da se igra. :D


20.1.2009, 20:22
Mora, ne moze preko tastature i misa, a preko gamepada savrseno funkcionise za razliku od nekih igara.
Vec na default podesavanjima imate osecaj da igra savrseno reaguje na pomeranje pecurkica i ceo osecaj pomeranja lika i reagovanja igre na kontrole je vrhunski.

21.1.2009, 10:42
Zasto mora???? preko xfps-a samo promenis kontrole da su na tastaturi kao na gamepadu i voila.

21.1.2009, 14:19
Zasto bi to radio? :)
Pazi, ja kapiram koliko je to bolje, ali je KILLZONE 2 toliko prokleto dobro napravljen da ces imati osecaj kao da ti savrseno kontrolises svog lika.
Ne mogu da objasnim osecaj, ali je KILLZONE 2 napravljen bolje od bilo kog konzolnog FPS-a koji sam ikada igrao.
Znaci, nemojte da se smarate sa tim adapterima, KZ2 savrseno funkcionise sa gamepadom.

22.1.2009, 11:47
Ma verujem, ja sam samo napomenuo da nije jedini nacin preko gamepada. Inace taj adapter bih kupio zbog ostalih pucacina jer ipak nije to to preko gamepada. Za KZ2 eto neznam, ali npr BF bad company definitivno je bolja tast+mis.

22.1.2009, 15:47
Probaj da kod Bad Companya spustis osetljivost na minimum.
Dosta pomaze.

25.1.2009, 13:03
Svi dosadasnji reviewovi:

OPM US: 5/5
OPM UK: 9/10
OPM Aus: 10/10
OPM Spain 9.5
OPM Netherlands: 91 (only reviewed SP)
MegaGames.com: 9.9
576Kbyte: 9.7
Gameplay: 20/20
Gamepro: 5/5
MAXIM US: 3.5 (<--- 50 Cent igri su dali 4/5, a Street Fighteru 4 3/5 lolz)
PSX Extreme: 95%
Hobby Consolas: 9.4
Level 8/9

25.1.2009, 18:14
Jedini od ovih je bitan Gamepro. OPM se ne rachuna jer je njihova igra a ovi ostali jedno veliko LOL. Prvi put cujem za vecinu...MAXIM, casopis koji zaradjuje na polugolim ribama :D

25.1.2009, 18:21
To što ti prvi put čuješ za neki od njih uopšte ne utiče na njihovo umeće ocenjivanja. Za Alfonsa iz Španije, SK ne znači ništa jer nikad nije čuo za njega, pa se opet ne može reći da je u pravu.

Što se OPM tiče (ili bilo kog drugog Official magazina) opet grešiš. Svi oni itekako znaju da ocrne igru, bez obzira čija je. Naravno, uvek treba uzeti u obzir i određenu dozu hypea koji dolazi uz igru.

25.1.2009, 20:00
Jedini od ovih je bitan Gamepro. OPM se ne rachuna jer je njihova igra a ovi ostali jedno veliko LOL. Prvi put cujem za vecinu...MAXIM, casopis koji zaradjuje na polugolim ribama :D

Za sve OPM gresis . Haze je dobio ispod 60 , Motorstorm 2 i Resistance 2 je takodje lose prosao , pa se malo bolje obavesti pre nego sto krenes da '' Lolas'' .

Od svih tih reviewa jedino se ozbiljo ne moze shvatiti MAXIM , kritike koje su upitili na racun KZ2 su nebulozne,a i dovoljno je reci da su 50 cent igri dali 5/5.

Najbolji kriticari su oni koji su igrali BETU , i svi tvrde da je to jedna vanserijska igra.

30.1.2009, 13:52
Jedini od ovih je bitan Gamepro. OPM se ne rachuna jer je njihova igra a ovi ostali jedno veliko LOL. Prvi put cujem za vecinu...MAXIM, casopis koji zaradjuje na polugolim ribama :D

To verovatno znachi da je KZ2 losh, a Halo 3 najbolji fps ? :d

30.1.2009, 21:05
Nikad nisam rekao da je igra losha a Halo3 je teshki trash. Nego mi bila smeshna lista casopisa za koje 90% nije ni culo. A da se ne lazhemo, pored hype i odlicne grafike, KZ2 je idalje ko i svaki drugi FPS, tako da necemo sada delimo neke preterane kompimente sem da su uspeli da naprave to sto su hteli i pokazali srednji prst svima koji su milili da je trailer iz 2005 nedostizhan.

30.1.2009, 21:38
U kom smislu je KZ2 kao i svaki drugi FPS?
Multiplayer je apsolutno fantastican, zbog nekih stvari koje su u njega uspesno implementirane, o singleplayeru nisam dosad prituzbu cuo (osim od siteova koji su kao negativnu pojavu proglasili cinjenicu da je skriptovana, iako su to isto nahvalili kod CoD-a 4), grafika je nesto najbolje vidjeno na konzolama, a zvuk je 7.1.
Ne kapiram, jel' BAS SVAKA igra mora da donese neku revoluciju da bi usla u rang fantasticnih?
Killzone 2 spada u sam vrh AAA igara. Igra je u pripremi vec dugi niz godina, sve je ispolirano do bola, i nema nikakvih problema kakve su imale neke druge igre (kao npr. lag u multiplayeru kod GeoW-a 2). Jedino sto neki siteovi mogu da koriste kao prigovor je taj famozni nedostatak co-opa, jer je to jedino sto moze da igri da degradira ocenu.

31.1.2009, 11:09
Naravno da ne mora da svaka igra donese novu revoluciju u gaming-u. Ja nista nisam rekao protiv grafike,zvuka ili animacije likova. Ali ako ces vec da prichash o igri kao da je nesto do sada nevidjeno, jbg ipak idalje najobichniji FPS koji je ispoliran do bola. Ko ima PS3 treba ovo def da ima u svojoj kolekciji. Samo mi smeshno kad ljud krenu da pricaju o igri ko da je nesto konkretno drugacije odradila a ustvari same shit different package...u ovom slucaju golden package :D

1.2.2009, 23:12
Nikad nisam rekao da je igra losha a Halo3 je teshki trash. Nego mi bila smeshna lista casopisa za koje 90% nije ni culo. A da se ne lazhemo, pored hype i odlicne grafike, KZ2 je idalje ko i svaki drugi FPS, tako da necemo sada delimo neke preterane kompimente sem da su uspeli da naprave to sto su hteli i pokazali srednji prst svima koji su milili da je trailer iz 2005 nedostizhan.

Ja ne znam shta si ti gledao, ali bash ono shto je dobro je to shto Killzone ne lichi ni na jedan fps i ima atmosferu/fiziku/zvukove kao ni jedan do sada. Dobra grafika je samo bonus.

2.2.2009, 13:45
Jel neko dobija kodove za demo koji ce moci da se skine od ovog cetvrtka :) ...

2.2.2009, 14:58
U EU ce biti pusten na PSS i demo za koji nisu potrebni kodovi.


2.2.2009, 15:15
Da , sad sam i ja nasao za to :)


Gledao sam komentare na forumima i svi su tvrdili da demo izlazi 26-og za EU pa mi bilo malo cudno ...

Jos samo 3 dana !!!

2.2.2009, 15:18
Sto, moras da probas igru pre nego sto odlucis da li ces da je kupis? :D

Guardian review (nije previse bitan, ali cu ga ipak preneti):

Killzone 2 - the best PS3 game yet?
Still LittleBigPlanet for me, but Sony's new shooter is mightily impressive"

Reflexes at the ready?

Awful name, very good game. Yes, I've been playing a lot of Killzone 2 over the last month. The PS3 first person shooter is out on the 27th Feb and is definitely worth the wait. Heck, it almost banishes memories of the pre-rendered/in-game footage fiasco of E3 2005. Almost.

Initially, however, the game feels underwhelming. The art design and settings are tediously reminiscent of Halo and Gears of War – think monosyllabic muscle-bound marines firing rockets around grey alien landscapes. Ok, you won't yawn but you may think "is this it?". Luckily things get a whole let better, primarily because the action itself is so intensely exciting.

It takes a few minutes to realise that running and gunning will get you nowhere – Killzone 2 is surprisingly tactical. Ok not, say, Rainbow 6 levels of strategy but Killzone 2 certainly involves more use of your brain than you may have expected. The enemy AI is worrying clever, up there with the best. Forget basic cover and shoot - enemy Helghast will use smoke grenades, flank you and generally give you no time to give peace a chance.

A quick glance at screens or trailer does the game a disservice – Killzone 2 is a gorgeous looking game. You won't have the time or inclination to gawp at the scenery Oblivion-style – although there are some very special set-pieces – but it's the attention to detail that really impresses. For example the lighting and particle effects give the landscapes a lived-in, realistic feel.

Despite a sad lack of co-op play – don't they know co-op is the future of gaming?! - multiplayer is clearly the long-term option. On paper it sounds great – different classes, role-playing-game levels of customisation - but it will take until full release to get a real feel on how successful it will be. Chances are, given the PS3's relative paucity of top-notch shooters, the answer will be "very".

In many ways Killzone 2 feels like a shooter designed by Blizzard. No, sadly you can't shoot Night Elves with a rocket launcher. Rather it takes all the conventions of the first-person shooter genre – weaponry, locale, cover/control mechanics – and polishes them until near perfection. Ok, maybe not perfection, but you get the point. Killzone 2 is a very pretty, very polished first person shooter.

Killzone 2 won't win awards for originality or narrative. And chances are in 15 years time when you dig your dusty PS3 out of the loft and start reminiscing it will be the likes of LittleBigPlanet that stir the greater memories. But in 2009 Killzone 2 is a state of the art first person shooter and a great way for the PS3 to start the year.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology.../01/sony-games (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2009/feb/01/sony-games)

2.2.2009, 16:51
Izgleda da su moje pretpostavke o prodaju Killzone 2 ispale glupost. Ako je verovati HipHop gameru GameStop je sakupio vise od milion preordera za Killzone 2. I to je samo gamestop. Freaky.

2.2.2009, 16:57
Ako je to tacno, Sony ima novi Gran Turismo...

2.2.2009, 17:20
Samo da im ne bude trebalo opet 3 - 4 godine da naprave nastavak ...

Inace jel picimo uvece R2 lageru :) ?

2.2.2009, 17:24
Tesko, veceras cu ga uzeti nazad, ali me ova hemija upropastava, nema sanse da igram veceras. >_>
AKo budem nasao neko parce slobodnog vremena, ocekuj me online. XD

Sto se tice Killzonea, ne verujem da im treba 3-4 godine da naprave nastavak.
Killzone 2 je u punoj produkciji od nekog trenutka u 2006. sto znaci da je u produkciji najvise 3 godine.
Za nastavak im treba manje vremena, jer imaju ceo engine i gomilu drugih stvari spremne.

5.2.2009, 18:04
Demo je postavljen, 1207MB. :D

6.2.2009, 13:12
Demo nije iz finalne verzije igre ...

7.2.2009, 17:53
:D :D :D
Dobio sam novinarsku verziju igre (potpuna verzija, samo bez pakovanja). :D:D:D

Sve sto mogu da kazem zasad jeste da je bolji intro verovatno nikada nisam video. :D
Eto toliko, vidimo se za 5 dana. :D

7.2.2009, 19:18
:D :D :D
Dobio sam novinarsku verziju igre (potpuna verzija, samo bez pakovanja). :D:D:D

Sve sto mogu da kazem zasad jeste da je bolji intro verovatno nikada nisam video. :D
Eto toliko, vidimo se za 5 dana. :D
Kako si to uspeo da nabavis?

7.2.2009, 20:53
Preko jednog lika sa Bencha. Podeljeno je 8 kopija clanovima Bencha, a ja sam bio jedan od tih osmoro.

7.2.2009, 22:00
Slihtaro :a_bleh:.

7.2.2009, 22:04
Dobio bi i ti svoju kopiju da nisi prodao PS3. :p

9.2.2009, 11:19
Dobio i ja, prc :)

Nisam mogao mnogo da igram, ali posle 3 nivoa, ovo je neshto shto nigde nije vidjeno, i potpuno drugachije od ostatka igara iz tog zanra, i posle ovoga se ne moze nishta u zanru igrati.

9.2.2009, 11:35
Ja sam probao juce Resistance 2 da igram. Nije islo. :D

11.2.2009, 14:02
Zavrsio sam igru, trebalo mi je nesto vise od 10 sati na Hard tezini.
Vecinu mojih utisaka mozete na Benchu procitati, posto sam ih tamo pisao, jer vise ljudi ima igru.
tl;dr verzija:
Fantastican singleplayer, na momente apsolutno ocaravajuci, vrlo, vrlo pametan AI, bozanstvena grafika i dosta tezak zadnji nivo. Zvuk i posebno orkestralna muzika su apsolutno fantasticni. Ne secam se kada sam zadnji put cuo ovako dobru muziku u igri.

Ako vas nesto konkretno zanima, pitajte.

11.2.2009, 16:31
Zavrsio sam igru, trebalo mi je nesto vise od 10 sati na Hard tezini.
Vecinu mojih utisaka mozete na Benchu procitati, posto sam ih tamo pisao, jer vise ljudi ima igru.
tl;dr verzija:
Fantastican singleplayer, na momente apsolutno ocaravajuci, vrlo, vrlo pametan AI, bozanstvena grafika i dosta tezak zadnji nivo. Zvuk i posebno orkestralna muzika su apsolutno fantasticni. Ne secam se kada sam zadnji put cuo ovako dobru muziku u igri.

Ako vas nesto konkretno zanima, pitajte.Sta si presao killzone ili ressistance 2?

11.2.2009, 16:32
I Killzone 2 i Resistance 2.
Svrati za vikend, ako hoces da igras. :D

11.2.2009, 16:37
Dobio i ja, prc :)

Nisam mogao mnogo da igram, ali posle 3 nivoa, ovo je neshto shto nigde nije vidjeno, i potpuno drugachije od ostatka igara iz tog zanra, i posle ovoga se ne moze nishta u zanru igrati.

Zavrsio sam igru, trebalo mi je nesto vise od 10 sati na Hard tezini.
Vecinu mojih utisaka mozete na Benchu procitati, posto sam ih tamo pisao, jer vise ljudi ima igru.
tl;dr verzija:
Fantastican singleplayer, na momente apsolutno ocaravajuci, vrlo, vrlo pametan AI, bozanstvena grafika i dosta tezak zadnji nivo. Zvuk i posebno orkestralna muzika su apsolutno fantasticni. Ne secam se kada sam zadnji put cuo ovako dobru muziku u igri.

Ako vas nesto konkretno zanima, pitajte.

E pa gde ste drugari, Bane R ovde (sa bencha), izgleda da sm mnogo glup, pa ne znam ovu igru da igram. Ko mi predje poslednji nivo (na medium), platicu mu :).
Samo mi je bitno da odgledam outro :).

King James
12.2.2009, 4:04
Evo ovde ima walk pa koga zanima...


14.2.2009, 16:01
Probao sam malo igru kod drugara, moram reći da je atmosfera odlična, a i dizajn je na visokom nivou.

27.2.2009, 22:35
Srpski klan je formiran, ko hoce pristup, prosto me dodajte na friends listu (Lagspike_exe) i napisite u zahtevu da hocete clanstvo.