Prikaži potpunu verziju : eMule podešavanja!

15.9.2007, 17:31
Jel moze neko detaljno da mi opise kako da podesim eMule P2P program kako bi mogao normalno da ga koristim i da mi objasni na koju foru radi ovaj program?

unapred hvala!!!!

15.9.2007, 17:52
evo ovako... ja dok sam ga koristio ovako mi je bio podesen i radio je odlicno.

a. Click on the Servers button in the top toolbar; the server list will come to view.

b. Select and delete all the servers (or right click and choose Remove All).

c. Insert "http://corpo.free.fr/server.met" or "http://www.gruk.org/server.met.gz" in the Update server.met from URL and press Update – do NOT update from any other server lists; these are the only reliable ones from which you can update.


d. Select DonkeyServer No1 (IP=, DonkeyServer No2 (IP=, DonkeyServer No3 (IP=, BiG BanG 9 (IP=, Bye Devils (IP=, Bye Devils (IP= and Byte Devils (IP= and BiG BanG 11 (IP=, right click them, and set their Priority to High.

e. Load the eMule Options, select the Server tab, and make sure only the two options in the screenshot below are enabled.


You should allow your eD2k client a limited upload of 75% to 80% of your max upload so that it does not slow your downloads. You should also consider setting your Max connections to something like 200, as if you keep it to 500 for example it might make your browsing or any other internet activity extremely slow, or your router might not even be capable of handing the 500 connections in the first place. If you are on a 56k connection, you should put the Max Connections value to something like 60.
Remember that connection rate is usually displayed in kbps, b as in bits not bytes (kB/s), so when calculating make sure you convert kbps to kB/s, eg if you have a 256kbps upload connection you should divide it by 8 to get the value in kB/s, 256kbps / 8 = 32kB/s, then 80% of 32kB/s = 32 * 0.8 ~ 25kB/s.

Using an IP-Filter to minimize corrupt chunks and improve security

What is an IPFilter and a corrupt chunk?

What we basically do here is an attempt to protect eMule from receiving corrupt or fake chunks from other suspicious and harmful clients. An IP-Filter is simply a list of IP ranges created (and regularly updated) by various security experts that we trust in the eD2k community. This IPFilter restricts any connection to or from your client to other clients on these ranges via eMule. It is possible to use these IPFilters on a global scale using security apps such as ProtoWall, meaning that restriction is not only via eMule, but via all internet connections on your operating system. Our prime concern however is to focus on eMule protection by integrating that IPFilter into eMule, which is fortunately a very easy task.

15.9.2007, 17:52
How do I configure an IPFilter?

In the eMule options, click the Security tab. There you simply need to copy/paste one of the two IPFilters links (see below) in the Update from this URL: field, then press Reload/Update or just Apply if it's the first time. The filter level should remain at its default value 127. Make sure that Filter Servers too is enabled. You should consider updating your IPfilter (pressing 'Reload/Update') every 2 or 3 weeks.

Note: Enable Protocol Obfuscation as shown in the screenshot – eMule communication becomes hard to distinguish from random data, thus it bcomes harder to detect the eMule protocol. This helps a lot against ISPs that try to throttle or block your internet connection.

The paranoid 'pip' ipfilter should be the most important for those who are very concerned about security (not a guarantee but it helps a lot against getting busted and such). If security is not a major concern, the normal ipfilter (nipfilter) will do just fine; it's actually much more friendly in downloads than the panaroid one.

Bluetack's Paranoid IPFilter (Highest Security): "http://www.bluetack.co.uk/config/pipfilter.dat.gz"
Bluetack's Normal IPFilter (Recommended): "http://www.bluetack.co.uk/config/nipfilter.dat.gz"


i ako imas adsl mogao bi da forvardujes port:)

nadam se da je ovo dozvoljeno? :paranoia: :rolleyes:

15.9.2007, 18:18
Pa imam adsl ali ne znam zasto mi je ovako los protok? Svega 2,5 kb/s! Zasto?

15.9.2007, 18:27
Pa imam adsl ali ne znam zasto mi je ovako los protok? Svega 2,5 kb/s! Zasto?

ako imas adsl kod telekoma uradi i ovo i podesi e-mule kako sam ti napisao gore...

ako imas huawei modem ono sto treba da uradis je sledece:
1.start meni pa run i kucas cmd,kad se otvori prozor ukucas ipconfig i procitas ip adresu i zapamtis je(192.168.1.x zadnji broj u zavisnosti da li si prikljucio modem preko usb-a ili lan-a);
2.odes na adresu pass i user:admin;
3.kliknes na basic pa na nat;sad selektujes DMZ i ides na new;
4.ukucas svoju ip adresu i klik na submit;
5.sad save all,pa na tools/save & reboot oznacis reboot i submit.
6.modem se restartuje i to je to.
ja sam samo to uradio i torrent ide odlicno i ona mala ikonica dole pozeleni 10-ak sekundi po ukljucivanju torrenta btw koristim utorrent.

e sad, mozda ti je brzina mala zato sto fajl ima mali broj "izvora" (sources)? a i emule-u obicno treba malo vremena da krene max dl ;)

15.9.2007, 18:33
pa nema bas malo izvora! Jel znas jos neki dobar P2P programa?

15.9.2007, 18:35
pa nema bas malo izvora! Jel znas jos neki dobar P2P programa?

ne znam :paranoia: :D

odgovoricu ti na pm, prosli put kad sam naveo p2p programe dobio sam kaznu...

12.12.2007, 22:20
Koliko mazgi treba dok ne počne da skida?

Koliki je optimalan broj izvora da bi normalno skidao?

12.12.2007, 22:51
sve zavisi, kod mazge za razliku od torrenata moras da cekas da dodjes na red. Znaci najbitnije je da imas javnu IP adresu, da uopste ne iskljucujes program i da seedujes sve sto skines, tako stices neku vrstu kredita koji je bitan kad cekas u redu:)

Sto se tice broja izvora to nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa brzinom skidanja, bitna je jedino upload brzina izvora.

12.12.2007, 23:36
Ova mazga je lame... nista bez torrenta! Evo sad pokusavam nesto da skinem ali nece pa nece... ne kapiram ko je ovde seeder? Kako da vidim koji sam u redu? Kad ce da krene itd itd...

Sun Tzu
13.12.2007, 0:52
Ova mazga je lame... nista bez torrenta! Evo sad pokusavam nesto da skinem ali nece pa nece... ne kapiram ko je ovde seeder? Kako da vidim koji sam u redu? Kad ce da krene itd itd...

http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/6570/emulelo3.th.jpg (http://img141.imageshack.us/my.php?image=emulelo3.jpg)

Evo ti ovako:
1 - seederi. Onaj je zelen zato što od njega trenutno skidam. ;)
2 - njihov broj tj. koliko ih ima i od koliko trenutno skidaš. Da piše 16/20 značilo bi da nije još uspostavljena veza s ostalih četvoro.
3 - koji si ti na redu. Znači ima još 36, 83, 97... ljudi pre mene.

Ako si podesio da imaš high ID, seeduješ dovoljno i ostale stvari pre ćeš doći na red...

Ja najviše koristim eMulu za pojedinačne pesme... ;) Legalne, naravno...:rolleyes:

13.12.2007, 11:13
Ovo je gore nego '92 kad je covek trebao da kupi mleko (salim se naravno da nije gore)...

17.12.2007, 17:28
pokusavam nesto da skinem ali nece pa nece... ne kapiram ko je ovde seeder?

*Podesi dobro portove tako da dobijes visok ID (zelene strelice na ikonici)
*Ukljuci KAD
*Seederi su svi, cim skinu dio fajla
*Ne pokusavaj da ukljucujes/isljkucujes eMule da bi download krenuo - to ti daje kaznene poene.
*Sto vise uploada, to vise poena, a sa tim i bolji prioritet na mrezi.

17.12.2007, 17:47
Probao ali me nervira.... drzim se i dalje NetLoad-a. Skidam 150kb po sekundi uz povremene kratke pauze i nema da me boli glava...

13.1.2008, 19:30
zanima me kako da ostavim ukljucen firewall,a da mi rade portovi na emule?

unapred zahvalan

13.1.2008, 22:04
zanima me kako da ostavim ukljucen firewall,a da mi rade portovi na emule?

Tako što podesiš firewall da dopustis konekciju na portovoma koje koristi eMule. Postupak podešavanja zavisi od firewalla koji koristiš. O opcijama ćeš naći portove koje treba da otvoriš, kao i dugme za test konekcije.

14.1.2008, 16:09
Imam klasican firewall koji se dobija u paketu sa xp i mislim da nema tu opciju.
Sta bih mogao da uradim pa da prevazidjem ovaj dosadan problem?

14.1.2008, 16:53
Imam klasican firewall koji se dobija u paketu sa xp i mislim da nema tu opciju.
Sta bih mogao da uradim pa da prevazidjem ovaj dosadan problem?

Naravno da ima tu opciju :)
Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Exceptions -> Add Port ;)

14.1.2008, 19:22
Ovo je vise strasno:mad: opet isto:mad:

Please wait while the ports of your eMule are being tested... http://porttest.emule-project.net:81/spacer.gif

Testing IP: (

Starting TCP connection test...
http://porttest.emule-project.net:81/result_err.gifTCP test failed! UDP test will not be performed.

Connection test finished.

Results in detail:

TCP connection test failed.
It was not possible, to establish a TCP connection to your eMule.
Other users will only be able to connect to you with the help of a server, resulting in a low ID for you. While eMule still works, this will give you several disadvantages. Therfore it is highly recommended to solve this problem.How to resolve port problems... Something is interfering with your network communications. There are two main reasons for this:</B>

If you are using a firewall, ensure that your firwall don't block the required ports! You might need to set a rule to allow the ports to be available.
If you use a router, make sure that your router forwards the required ports to your local IP!

14.1.2008, 21:22
molio bih za detaljnije uputstvo u vezi portova za emule.

Marko 0401
11.3.2008, 20:22
Ovo je vise strasno:mad: opet isto:mad:

Please wait while the ports of your eMule are being tested... http://porttest.emule-project.net:81/spacer.gif

Testing IP: (

Starting TCP connection test...
http://porttest.emule-project.net:81/result_err.gifTCP test failed! UDP test will not be performed.

Connection test finished.

Results in detail:

TCP connection test failed.
It was not possible, to establish a TCP connection to your eMule.
Other users will only be able to connect to you with the help of a server, resulting in a low ID for you. While eMule still works, this will give you several disadvantages. Therfore it is highly recommended to solve this problem.How to resolve port problems... Something is interfering with your network communications. There are two main reasons for this:</B>

If you are using a firewall, ensure that your firwall don't block the required ports! You might need to set a rule to allow the ports to be available.
If you use a router, make sure that your router forwards the required ports to your local IP!

Imam isti problem i ne mogu da ga rijesim!
U Firewall-u (Comodo) sam "odobrio" portove koje koristi eMule ali opet ista stvar :mad:

Vidim da je ovaj program dosta komplikovan, da ima cekanja, sticanja "kredita" i jos dosta toga :boodala:
Jel ima neki jednostavniji program za download mp3 muzike? Lime Wire mi ne radi ne znam zasto, uvjek izbaci poruku
da nije konektovan i da nece izbaciti rezultate dok se ne konektuje sto se dogodi nikad!

Ajde pomazite :)

11.3.2008, 22:16
Za Comodo probaj:

Common tasks > Define new trusted applications i ti nađi putanju do eMule.

Nije komplikovan program, samo zahtjeva nešto strpljenja u početku. Poeni zavise od toga koliko fajlova dijeliš/kakvu vezu imaš/kakav ti je upload/kakav je prioritet. Kazneni poeni se dobijaju za pokušaj sticanja prioriteta na mreži: česta promjena servera, brza konekcija/diskonekcija.

Postoji brži metod za skidanje pjesama... Samo psssssst, to je legalan način! Odeš na neku web prodavnicu i kupiš za 1$ i odmah skineš. :opanachke

11.3.2008, 23:20

A glavna fora u je u tome sto :

Remember to add these rules before the blocking rule(BLOCK IP IN FROM IP ANY TO IP ANY WHERE IPPROTO IS ANY). Because the network rules are searched from top to bottom.

Isti postupak manje-vise vazi i za bilo koji p2p klijent-razlika je samo u broju portova ;)
Naravno pre svega ovoga moras da forwardujes port(ove)

6.9.2008, 12:51
LJudi pomagajte. podesio sam sve kako treba inace to sam uradio sa nekog foruma nebitno kojeg. kada pokusam da se konektujem na server kliknem na connect ali on nece da se konektuje. ne pokazuje nista po ceo dan stavim ali on nece samo pokazuje kao da se konektuje. U cemu je problem

19.9.2008, 16:16
Sigurno ti je server lista prazna, snimi server listu u netepad i tako neces morati da brines da li ces je izgubiti ili ce je obrisati antvirus sto se meni desilo. A sada kada nemas server listu updatejes je sa sajta koji je u nekom od prethodnih postova napisan.