Prikaži potpunu verziju : Who are you?

5.2.2007, 2:10
Nosce te ipsum-Spoznaj sebe samoga

Koliki ste idiot? by Ulmawen) (http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=24137)

Who are you? (by Mrka Kapa) (http://dna.imagini.net/friends/)

How Evil are you? (http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/)

Koliki ste geek? (http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nq.php)

Sta cete biti u zivotu? (http://www.jobpredictor.com/index.asp)

Ja ispadoh Hypnotyst.
Salary 9/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 8/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 10/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 38/60
Obratite paznju na "Pulling Power" :)

5.2.2007, 2:21
Interesantno, oduvek sam znao da sam rođen za,... WTF???:eek:

Salary 4/10
Education 7/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 7/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 8/10
Total 43/60

5.2.2007, 2:26
Buhahaha holodoc :p

Inace ovaj sajt je vidovit, meni je pogodio (samo je lose proracunao education):
"a Rally Car Driver"

Description Score
Salary 8/10
Education 5/10
Job Satisfaction 8/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 38/60

5.2.2007, 2:27
Hahhahahaha stjuardesa!!

Ups, građevinac

Description Score
Salary 4/10
Education 4/10
Job Satisfaction 3/10
Community Contribution 7/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 28/60

Holodoc, da se menjamo? :D

5.2.2007, 2:27
Ja sam "a tree surgeon",ma sta to znacilo...

Description Score
Salary 4/10
Education 7/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 9/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 41/60

5.2.2007, 2:46
Sjajno, ja ću biti kuvar! :boodala:
Salary 3/10
Education 8/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 6/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 34/60

5.2.2007, 6:07
Ja sam Quiz Show Contestant :D

Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 8/10
Pulling Power 7/10
Uniform 3/10
Total 30/60

5.2.2007, 9:06
Znao sam da moraju da me povežu sa epskom fantastikom. :)

"a Garden Gnome"
Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 0/10
Job Satisfaction 5/10
Community Contribution 4/10
Pulling Power 2/10
Uniform 8/10
Total 22/60

5.2.2007, 11:26
WTF. mene su totalno podcenili, volim ja automobile ali da nisu malo preterali

"a Crash Test Dummy"
Description Score
Salary 5/10
Education 4/10
Job Satisfaction 2/10
Community Contribution 8/10
Pulling Power 3/10
Uniform 9/10
Total 31/60

5.2.2007, 11:44
Evo i mene :D

"a tree surgeon"

Description Score
Salary 4/10
Education 7/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 9/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 41/60

5.2.2007, 12:18
"a Rally Car Driver"...

ali najzanimljivije je sta bi SK bio u zivotu...

"a Pirate"

Description Score
Salary 8/10
Education 3/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 1/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 9/10
Total 38/60

sto se sasvim slucajno poklapa sa Kuzminim tekstom od pre par godina... :D:D
("a Housekeeper", za "Svet Kompjutera" :opanachke:opanachke:kreza:)

Shang Tsung
5.2.2007, 12:33
Hirurg za drveta.. qq tuge li. Ma bitno je da je zadovoljstvo poslom 7/10, ostalo ko sisa :)

5.2.2007, 12:41
Ja ispadoh:

Salary 0/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 0/10
Pulling Power 0/10
Uniform 7/10
Total 15/60

5.2.2007, 12:50
"a Mad Scientist"

Salary 5/10
Education 7/10
Job Satisfaction 8/10
Community Contribution 4/10
Pulling Power 4/10
Uniform 7/10
Total 35/60

:dzavo: :dzavo: :dzavo:

5.2.2007, 12:50
Holodoce idemo zajedno da trazimo tezgu u JAT-u:D
I ja sam stjuardesa:p

5.2.2007, 12:55
bodyguard!!! :cool:
Description Score
Salary 6/10
Education 3/10
Job Satisfaction 8/10
Community Contribution 5/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 34/60

ljudi, ukucajte holodoc, molim vas :rofl:

5.2.2007, 13:04
ovo je.... ma nemoguce
ukucam 3 razlicita imena(miljko, eclipse, devastatin) i dobijem uvek isto!

"a Chef"

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 8/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 6/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 34/60

5.2.2007, 13:05
Evo i mene :D

"a tree surgeon"

Description Score
Salary 4/10
Education 7/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 9/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 41/60
O pa...De si kolega!??
Kad ce da se uclanimo u Green peace...
@EclipsE Sta da ti kazem,sudbina brate....Znaci mani se kopijutera i hvataj kutlacu u ruke...:kreza: :)

5.2.2007, 13:15
"a tree surgeon"

Description Score
Salary 4/10
Education 7/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 9/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 41/60

5.2.2007, 13:48
Opa,jos jedan....Wlcome to the club...

5.2.2007, 13:59
prvi put Crash Test Dummy
Astrologer drugi put:D
Description Score
Salary 4/10
Education 8/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 2/10
Pulling Power 2/10
Uniform 7/10
Total 32/60

Gordon Freeman
5.2.2007, 16:49
Ja cu izgleda biti kuvar :eek:

Salary 3/10
Education 8/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 6/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 34/60

kao i moji rodjaci koji se zovu isto kao ja:confused:

5.2.2007, 19:59
holodoc, malo si se precijenio...:D
Ja sam, kad sam ukucao "holodoc", dobio zanimanje ulizica...:dzavo:

BTW, ja sam hipnotičar...:tapsh:

5.2.2007, 20:47
sta bi ovo trebalo da znaci?
"anything where you can kiss ass"

Description Score
Salary 6/10
Education 6/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 3/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 31/60

5.2.2007, 20:52
sta bi ovo trebalo da znaci?
"anything where you can kiss ass"

Description Score
Salary 6/10
Education 6/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 3/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 31/60

Auuu brale, imaces ti posla povise:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

5.2.2007, 21:01
Auuuuu..... Ja kad ukucao pravo ime, dobio Hypnotist. A kad sam ukucao nick, dobio ovo

"a foreign legion"
Description Score
Salary 2/10
Education 4/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 5/10
Pulling Power 7/10
Uniform 7/10
Total 31/60

Koliko vidim, nickovi imaju cudne profesije. Kao kod nika holodoc....

5.2.2007, 21:04
sta bi ovo trebalo da znaci?
"anything where you can kiss ass"

Ulizica, tisko, poltron, kako ocesh...;) ;) ;) Ja sam gradjevinac, a na nick 'A CHEF' :):):):)

5.2.2007, 21:17
I ja sam "hirurg"! Next, evo linka za job :D (www.ecotreecare.co.uk/jobs_in_tree_surgery.htm)

5.2.2007, 22:41
Sto sam ja dobio niko nije :dzavo: :dzavo: :dzavo: :


"another Satan !"

Description Score
Salary 1/10
Education 0/10
Job Satisfaction 10/10
Community Contribution 0/10
Pulling Power 0/10her Satan !"

Uniform 10/10
Total 21/60

5.2.2007, 22:54
Sto sam ja dobio niko nije :dzavo: :dzavo: :dzavo: :


"another Satan !"

Description Score
Salary 1/10
Education 0/10
Job Satisfaction 10/10
Community Contribution 0/10
Pulling Power 0/10her Satan !"

Uniform 10/10
Total 21/60

To sam i ja dobio :dzavo: :dzavo: :dzavo:

5.2.2007, 23:05

"a bodyguard"
Description Score
Salary 6/10
Education 3/10
Job Satisfaction 8/10
Community Contribution 5/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 34/60

5.2.2007, 23:06
Ja ću biti princeza!:to_care:

"a princess"

Description Score
Salary 10/10
Education 9/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 8/10
Pulling Power 9/10
Uniform 9/10
Total 54/60

Puna kapa, više ni ne tražim!:to_care:

5.2.2007, 23:07
holodoc, malo si se precijenio...:D
Ja sam, kad sam ukucao "holodoc", dobio zanimanje ulizica...:dzavo:

BTW, ja sam hipnotičar...:tapsh:
Pa tamo lepo piše "Just enter your name" a ne "Just enter your nickname" ;)
Ako ćemo već da se gađamo nickovima tamo ima i "office gophera" i "shop liftera" itd :D

priest (of_the_moon)
5.2.2007, 23:18
"a Topless Model" :rofl:


Description Score
Salary 7/10
Education 1/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 2/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 29/60

5.2.2007, 23:26
Pa tamo lepo piše "Just enter your name" a ne "Just enter your nickname" ;)
Ako ćemo već da se gađamo nickovima tamo ima i "office gophera" i "shop liftera" itd :D
da ali kad unesem ime dobijem neku glupost, a kod nick-ova dobijamo veoma lude stvari:Freddy:

6.2.2007, 6:14
"a Village Idiot"
Description Score
Salary 1/10
Education 3/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 1/10
Uniform 1/10
Total 16/60

6.2.2007, 13:31
jel se to meni cini ili princeza ima najveci score?

6.2.2007, 13:52
"a Playing for a soccor team"

Description Score
Salary 9/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 6/10
Pulling Power 7/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 38/60


6.2.2007, 23:52
"anything where you can kiss ass"
Description Score
Salary 6/10
Education 6/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 3/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 31/60
Daj ne mogu da vjerujem... Ass kisser

7.2.2007, 0:12
jel se to meni cini ili princeza ima najveci score?
Pa naravno! Zar si očekivao nešto drukčije?!:to_care:

SV 84
7.2.2007, 0:47
"a Jungle Explorer"

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 1/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 2/10
Total 23/60

30.3.2007, 18:20
''a Playing for soccer team'' Kako znaju :)


Salary 9/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 6/10
Pulling Power 7/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 38/60

30.3.2007, 19:01
"another Satan !"
Description Score
Salary 1/10
Education 0/10
Job Satisfaction 10/10
Community Contribution 0/10
Pulling Power 0/10
Uniform 10/10
Total 21/60

Edit: A vidi, isti sam ko Stevvan :D Vidimo se na radnom mestu :D

30.3.2007, 19:24
I ja sam another satan :D
Salary 1/10
Education 0/10
Job Satisfaction 10/10
Community Contribution 0/10
Pulling Power 0/10
Uniform 10/10

Zvonko Skener
30.3.2007, 20:04
"a Lumberjack"
Ja ispadoh drvoseča! Čini mi se jedini ovde.
Salary 3/10
Education 3/10
Job satisfaction 7/10
Community contribution 3/10
Pulling power 9/10
Uniform 7/10
Total 32/60

30.3.2007, 20:15
"a Monkey Impressionist"
Salary 2/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 4/10
Uniform 7/10
Total 24/60

Auuuu baš težak posao za moj mali mozak :D

30.3.2007, 22:21
A jungle explorer. Neko vreme sam i hteo da budem to:opanachke

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 1/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 2/10
Total 23/60

30.3.2007, 22:25
Neko me mrzi na internetu.

"a Sewage Worker":paranoia:

Salary 2/10
Education 4/10
Job Satisfaction 3/10
Community Contribution 9/10
Pulling Power 1/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 24/60

Mrka Kapa
30.3.2007, 23:31
Ne vredi, kako god da okrenem isto mi izađe:

"a Topless Model"

Salary 7/10
Education 1/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 2/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 29/60

Ili to ili "Sewage worker" :boodala:

31.3.2007, 0:18
Sta mu ovo znaci???

"a Office Gopher"

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 5/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 4/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 21/60

Master Neo
31.3.2007, 0:34
Meni je ispao onaj soccer player. Bar cu imati kintu... :D

31.3.2007, 0:58
:dzavo: "another Satan !":dzavo:

DescriptionScoreSalary1/10Education0/10Job Satisfaction 10/10Community Contribution 0/10Pulling Power 0/10Uniform10/10Total21/60

:icon_evil :icon_evil :icon_evil

31.3.2007, 10:56
"a Hypnotist" jos jedan :)

Description Score
Salary 9/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 8/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 10/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 38/60

3.4.2007, 11:27
Da ne bih otvarao novu temu, samo smo promenili ime ovoj.
Dakle, da li vas je neko (nekada, negde) nazvao geekom ili nerdom? Evo dobrog mesta da to proverite.


Btw. Prilicno sam iznenadjen mojim rezultatom... Nisam ocekivao vise od 60%.
79%: Mid-Level Nerd. Wow, it takes a lot of hard nerdy practice to reach this level.

3.4.2007, 11:33
Ja sam: "a Quiz Show Contestant"

http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/6324/16gy9.th.jpg (http://img175.imageshack.us/my.php?image=16gy9.jpg)

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 8/10
Pulling Power 7/10
Uniform 3/10
Total 30/60

3.4.2007, 12:17
Da ne bih otvarao novu temu, samo smo promenili ime ovoj.
Dakle, da li vas je neko (nekada, negde) nazvao geekom ili nerdom? Evo dobrog mesta da to proverite.


Btw. Prilicno sam iznenadjen mojim rezultatom... Nisam ocekivao vise od 60%.
79%: Mid-Level Nerd. Wow, it takes a lot of hard nerdy practice to reach this level.

48% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
51% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

3.4.2007, 17:36
Meni bilo Jungle explorer za ovaj prvi test i veoma sam razocaran!:(

A za nerdy test mi je ispalo da sam manje nerdy nego sto sam mislio!:eek:

84% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
15% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Not nerdy, but then again maybe not all that cool either.

da iskreno sam radio oba testa

3.4.2007, 21:45
Ja sam novi Pavaroti:D

Salary 7/10
Education 6/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 4/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 36/60

3.4.2007, 23:43
Ako stavim ime i prezime, onda sam "kanalizacionar", a ako stavim samo ime onda sam kuvar!! SHIT I SHIT!!! Bezobrazni sajt... :opanachke

4.4.2007, 2:02
Overall, you scored as follows:

17% scored higher (more nerdy),
2% scored the same, and
81% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

High-Level Nerd. You are definitely MIT material, apply now!!!.

5.4.2007, 23:27
a Hairdresser
Description Score
Salary 4/10
Education 6/10
Job Satisfaction 4/10
Community Contribution 7/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 34/60

KO hoce sisanje???:D

5.4.2007, 23:35
“Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts.”

Quote by Jim Morrison.

Verovatno je redovno isao kod tebe. Rekoh mu ja da ne valja ici kod frizera kojem je Job Satisfaction tako mali. :D

5.4.2007, 23:59
monkey impressionist :(

- Kabal -
6.4.2007, 0:01
Holodoce idemo zajedno da trazimo tezgu u JAT-u:D
I ja sam stjuardesa:p

Znaci ne verujem :rofl: !!! Aj vec kad trazite posao u JAT-u, pitajte da li ima mesta i za mene :rofl:

6.4.2007, 3:27
hahah ja i moja sestra oboje tree surgeoni :D to nam je u krvi :D:D

Red Dragon
23.4.2007, 21:06
Ma daaaaaaaaaaaj:

"a Quiz Show Contestant"

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 8/10
Pulling Power 7/10
Uniform 3/10
Total 30/60

Zelite li da postanete milioner?:kreza:

23.4.2007, 22:55
A jungle explorer :D
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 1/10
Pulling Power 8/10
Uniform 2/10
Total 23/60

Ne znam da li je neko obratio pažnju, ali job predictor izbacuje različite rezultate ako koristite srpske karaktere (Druga šansa za one nezadovoljne pozivom :D )

23.4.2007, 23:01
"a Office Gopher"

Description Score Salary 3/10 Education 2/10 Job Satisfaction 5/10 Community Contribution 3/10 Pulling Power 4/10 Uniform 4/10 Total 21/60

24.4.2007, 16:35

http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/7245/twistedsi6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Znaci, jos ima nade. :)

Dr Zoidberg
24.4.2007, 17:11
LoL bas sam zao :dzavo:


Red Dragon
24.4.2007, 17:42

24.4.2007, 18:25
I ja sam samo malcice poremecen...
Ima li iko normalan ovde? :)

A evo i drugog rezultata :paranoia: http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/insane.htm :D

24.4.2007, 18:49
Hi Stefan Guzvica, thanks for using JobPredictor to get your career back on track, after seconds of analysing Stefan Guzvica we have todays ideal job for you, and it is...

"a Shoplifter"
Description Score
Salary 1/10
Education 4/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 1/10
Pulling Power 3/10
Uniform 2/10
Total 18/60


24.4.2007, 19:59

Sajt me proglasio za lopova! cak mi je i prigodnu slicicu dao! :rofl: :rofl:

24.4.2007, 20:33
Jes za ono prvo sam bio Another Satan! a sad ovo:


24.4.2007, 20:38
You are Angelic


24.4.2007, 20:40
Auuu ljudi ja ispadoh pure evil...

24.4.2007, 20:52
Za mene izgleda nema nade :D

24.4.2007, 21:00
"another Satan !"

Description Score
Salary 1/10
Education 0/10
Job Satisfaction 10/10
Community Contribution 0/10
Pulling Power 0/10
Uniform 10/10
Total 21/60

a ovde sam jos bolji

You are Pure Evil

24.4.2007, 21:14
Sewage Worker

Salary 2/10
Education 4/10
Job Satisfaction 3/10
Community Contribution 9/10
Pulling Power 1/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 24/60

Bryan Fury
2.5.2007, 21:13
Kao ime sam uneo "aaa" i evo rezultata: a Dentist

Description Score
Salary 8/10
Education 9/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 8/10
Pulling Power 2/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 39/60


Mrka Kapa
20.5.2007, 0:44
Da ne otvaram drugu temu, naslov ove se prilično uklapa u ono što želim da pokažem svima.

Ovde (http://dna.imagini.net/friends/) je simpatičan personality kviz, preporučujem ga. Rezultate, naravno, ne morate da postujete. ;)

20.5.2007, 0:54
Ja ispadoh Soccer Player :D

Description Score
Salary 9/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 6/10
Pulling Power 7/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 38/60

20.5.2007, 1:00
pa ispalo je nesto tako! super stvar, prilicno zanimljivo i mastovito! samo mogli su na jos par mesta da stave komp i naravno dvostruki izbor! kako ce ostali da prodju?

20.5.2007, 1:05
Da ne otvaram drugu temu, naslov ove se prilično uklapa u ono što želim da pokažem svima.

Ovde (http://dna.imagini.net/friends/) je simpatičan personality kviz, preporučujem ga. Rezultate, naravno, ne morate da postujete. ;)

Zaci ne mogu da verujem, potpuno su me pogodili! :eek:
Personality: Easy rider
Fun: Thriller
Habits: Back to basics
Love: Nice 'n' cheesy

Au pa moze i link da se stavi :D:
pa da se malo bolje upoznamo :)

Mrka Kapa rep+ :)

Dr Zoidberg
20.5.2007, 1:30
Extra :D

Mood: Dreamer
Fun: Thriller
Habits: Junkie Monkey
Love: Love Bug

They Got Me Good :)

20.5.2007, 1:37
Mrka Kapo, moram da ti odam priznanje jer nisi otvorila novu temu zbog ovoga. Definitivno najbolji Personality Test koji sam radio. Sve je skoro potpuno tacno. :)

Mood: Dreamer
Fun: Conqueror
Habits: Junkie Monkey
Love: Home Soul


edit: Inace, sada u prvom postu ove teme imate sve testove koji su do sada postavljeni.

20.5.2007, 13:10
Marko (Djordje) Kradzic is a President.

Description Score
Salary 10/10
Education 9/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 9/10
Pulling Power 6/10
Uniform 6/10
Total 47/60


Iron Maiden
20.5.2007, 13:37
Lumberjack. Good luck in your new job.
Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 3/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 9/10
Uniform 7/10
Total 32/60

10.7.2007, 10:19
Evo (http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=24137) jednog krajnje zabavnog testa za dokone koji pokazuje da li ste idiot. :D

P.S.-Najtoplije preporučujem da upisujete šifre na prelasku između nivoa, pošto je nemoguće ne ispasti idiot ni jednom. :D

10.7.2007, 12:12
Evllness test



Nerd test
6% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
93% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Supreme Nerd. Apply for a professorship at MIT now!!!.


10.7.2007, 17:17
Hey thanks for your query, I have checked out everything about you and I perdict that your ideal job s is anything where you can kiss ass. Good luck in your new job.

Description Score
Salary 6/10
Education 6/10
Job Satisfaction 9/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 3/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 31/60

4th Dimension
10.7.2007, 19:08

10% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
89% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
High-Level Nerd. You are definitely MIT material, apply now!!!.

che daboli guz
10.7.2007, 19:58
-Who are you? (Brought to you by Mrka Kapa) (http://dna.imagini.net/friends/)

-How Evil are you? (http://home.att.net/~slugbutter/evil/)

-Koliki ste geek? (http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nq.php)

-Sta cete biti u zivotu? (http://www.jobpredictor.com/index.asp)

Prvi test me je do gole koze skinuo....drugim recima 100% ispucao sliku o meni.

Drugi fifty-fifty < 100% evill(70%).

Overall, you scored as follows:
60% scored higher (more nerdy),
2% scored the same, and
38% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
Not nerdy, but definitely not hip.

I pod 4ti:
Ime,pisano(ovjereno)ime i prezime(mijenjajuci druge drzave,nije uticalo na ishod konacni).
1. Village Idiot,:mad:
2.Playing for a soccor team,:(
3. a Quiz Show Contestant.:):D

4th Dimension
10.7.2007, 23:31
Meni je prvi poptuno promašio. Ja mlatio onu sliku sa kompjuterom, a ispalo da je to asocijacija za posao :boodala:

7.8.2007, 2:20
Professional Tramp


Salary 0/10
Education 3/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 1/10
Pulling Power 1/10
Uniform 1/10



7.8.2007, 9:38
Kao Ivan ispoadoh Rally Car Driver...
Kao M.Silenus ispadoh Hypnotist...

Prvi link je najzanimljiviji ( između ostalog ispadoh Love Bug (!?) ). Hm...

12.8.2007, 16:16
Znači ne mogu da verujem!!!!:n-cc2::(

Professional Tramp


Salary 0/10
Education 3/10
Job Satisfaction 6/10
Community Contribution 1/10
Pulling Power 1/10
Uniform 1/10

Total 12/60

12.8.2007, 22:53
Nosce te ipsum-Spoznaj sebe samoga

Koliki ste geek? (http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nq.php)

82% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
17% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Not nerdy, but then again maybe not all that cool either.

Aj em not a shtreber. :D

Iron Maiden
13.8.2007, 13:15
0% scored higher (more nerdy),
0% scored the same, and
100% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!
sta reci...

13.8.2007, 20:06
Sewage Worker

Salary 2/10
Education 4/10
Job Satisfaction 3/10
Community Contribution 9/10
Pulling Power 1/10
Uniform 5/10
Total 24/60

Ne znam da li je moglo jadnije.

12.9.2007, 0:13
Evo jos nekoliko Sta ste, Ko ste testova...

What Age Do You Act? (http://www.blogthings.com/whatagequiz/) Ispalo mi 25 god, skoro pa tacno. A bas sam mislio da sam nezreliji:p.

Which Action Hero Would You Be? (http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=92013) Ovde sam ispao Indiana Jones:p.

Slut-o-Meter (http://slut-o-meter.com/)
Promiscuity: 26.98%
No comment:D

Mrka Kapa
12.9.2007, 0:17
Slut-o-Meter (http://slut-o-meter.com/)
Promiscuity: 26.98%
No comment:D

Naš'o si na kom testu ćeš da varaš, čekaj žena da ti vidi ovo. :p

12.9.2007, 1:24
Evo jos nekoliko Sta ste, Ko ste testova...

What Age Do You Act? (http://www.blogthings.com/whatagequiz/) Ispalo mi 25 god, skoro pa tacno. A bas sam mislio da sam nezreliji:p.

22 godine... Ma znao sam da su me zamenili u bolnici sa nekom bebom... :)

BTW, slabo radim ove kvizove, ne volim ove velike. Ovaj je bio manji pa ajd' da ga rešim.

12.9.2007, 23:04
Evo jos nekoliko Sta ste, Ko ste testova...

What Age Do You Act? (http://www.blogthings.com/whatagequiz/) Ispalo mi 25 god, skoro pa tacno. A bas sam mislio da sam nezreliji:p.

Which Action Hero Would You Be? (http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=92013) Ovde sam ispao Indiana Jones:p.

Slut-o-Meter (http://slut-o-meter.com/)
Promiscuity: 26.98%
No comment:D

20 god. i Captain Jack Sparrow. :cool:

Treci test je ispod moje casti... :D

12.9.2007, 23:18
22 godine... Ma znao sam da su me zamenili u bolnici sa nekom bebom... :)

Kuku lele. Mlađa sam od tebe godinu dana... Verovatno to ima veze sa tim što sam Indiana Jones u duši. :D

12.9.2007, 23:28
Kuku lele. Mlađa sam od tebe godinu dana... Verovatno to ima veze sa tim što sam Indiana Jones u duši. :D

Meni ispade 26! :n-cc2: Ispadoh još matoriji nego što jesam....a i ponuđeni odgovori su crap! :cool:

Bar je ovaj drugi kviz cool....ispadoh James Bond a po % imam isto koliko i Neo iz Matrixa(75%). Za dlaku nisam Indiana Jones (73%). :to_care:

12.9.2007, 23:57
A šta ja treba da kažem...ispade da imam 21 godinu...doduše da me neko prvi put vidi teško da bi mi dao više:D

A u drugom kvizu ispadoh kombinacija Zoroa, Terminatora i Betmena:confused: Na šta li to liči:D

13.9.2007, 0:06
Geez, ispade da sam ja ovde najneodgovorniji... Kaljam ugled kapetana Sparrowa... :D

13.9.2007, 0:19
54% za Batmana i James Bonda. Na kraju je ipak prevagnuo Batman.

Mrka Kapa
13.9.2007, 0:22
Lara Kroft, druga opcija Maximus, cool. :)
Ali sam zato u duši tinejdžer... Jedva punoletna. :kreza:

13.9.2007, 0:22
30 godina, (Master) Neo, 25%. Pffffffffffffffff...


Imamo jednu zajedničku crtu: onu na donjem delu leđa.

Sun Tzu
13.9.2007, 0:34
Svi se poklonite pred Dark Knight-om - BETMEN 71%:n_klanja:
a da imam 22 godine - nemam...
Slut-o-meter pokazuje 14,33%...

13.9.2007, 1:30
Ne mogu da verujem. Ispade da imam 18 godina a imao sam do pre 1:29 min! Precizno, nema sta.

13.9.2007, 1:45
Kuku lele. Mlađa sam od tebe godinu dana... Verovatno to ima veze sa tim što sam Indiana Jones u duši. :D

Heh, ja sam ipak Neo, "izabrani". ;) 71%

A Indiana Jones sam sa 53%. Iskreno, ne vidim neku poentu u ovim kvizovima osim da se izgubi i ono malo vremena što se ima. :)

Master Neo
13.9.2007, 2:14
Heh, kao sto sam i mislio: Neo, The One 75% :cool:

13.9.2007, 12:06
18 godina???
Na drugi test necu ni da pomisljam, ako postoji minus....????


13.9.2007, 14:08
Iskreno, ne vidim neku poentu u ovim kvizovima osim da se izgubi i ono malo vremena što se ima. :)

Svrha ovakvih testiranja je da nađeš svoju skrivenu ličnost i duboko prodreš u samu srž vlastitog postojanja.

Ej, Aco, zezam se!:)

Na drugi test necu ni da pomisljam, ako postoji minus....????


15.9.2007, 11:37

Kako Imzadi kaze Indiana Jones u dusi...:a_whistli:o

24.9.2007, 17:57
Hey thanks for your query, I have checked out everything about you and I perdict that your ideal job David is a Shoplifter. Good luck in your new career.
Description Score
Salary 1/10
Education 4/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 1/10
Pulling Power 3/10
Uniform 2/10

Bicu LOPOV ? !
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
You scored as a James Bond, Agent 007
James Bond is MI6's best agent, a suave, sophisticated super spy with charm, cunning, and a license's to kill. He doesn't care about rules or regulations and somewhat amoral. He does care about saving humanity though, as well as the beautiful women who fill his world. Bond has expensive tastes, a wide knowledge of many subjects, and his usually armed with a clever gadget and an appropriate one-liner.

24.9.2007, 20:36
Evo jos nekoliko Sta ste, Ko ste testova...

What Age Do You Act? (http://www.blogthings.com/whatagequiz/) Ispalo mi 25 god, skoro pa tacno. A bas sam mislio da sam nezreliji:p.

Meni je ispalo 29. Zastrašujuće... brrrr

Batman & Terminator - podjednako.

24.9.2007, 22:12
What age do you act? Ispalo 18, a imam 22.
Which superhero would you be? Batman of course

25.9.2007, 20:25
Ja cu biti novi cika George Bush... :boodala::boodala::boodala:
Job Satisfaction
Community Contribution
Pulling Power

A inace sam ispao 61% NERD :Freddy:
Geek 51 %

6.10.2007, 12:59
Još jedan zanimljiv kviz... :)
Koji ste rimski imperator (http://www.pbs.org/empires/romans/special/quiz.html)
(Nije dugačak, tako da i hacker_aca može da ga rešava kad se vrati u naše krajeve. :))
Ja ispadoh August. :)

6.10.2007, 13:04
Avgust znaci?
Diplomata dakle ;)

O bogovi
Ja ispadoh Kleopatra :rofl:

6.10.2007, 13:20
You're Augustus! Congratulations! You most resemble one of Rome's greatest emperors and one of the finest leaders the world has ever known.

I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T... I mean S M-A-R-T.:D

6.10.2007, 13:29
You're Claudius! You most resemble one of Rome's truly successful leaders.
Ja, Klaudije? :D

6.10.2007, 13:37
Meni je tako krivo sto nije ispao Avgust :opanachke
Moj omiljeni rimski car-a i najduze je vladao od svih-vise od 40 godina skoro

6.10.2007, 13:39
Meni je tako krivo sto nije ispao Avgust :opanachke
Sta 'oces, pa nije ni Kleopatra losa :rofl:

6.10.2007, 13:42
Sta 'oces, pa nije ni Kleopatra losa :rofl:

Pa sad govore da je bila ruzna....

6.10.2007, 13:46
Lose ste culi
Nije bila ruzna vec je imala malo iskrivljen nos-sve ostalo je bilo na mestu :D

6.10.2007, 14:56
Od ovoga nema dalje:

You're Nero! :rofl:

Nero was a good-natured child who loved music, painting and writing. He became emperor aged just 16 after his mother Agrippina murdered her husband, the Emperor Claudius, to make way for her son.

But if ever proof was needed that power tends to corrupt, just take a look at Nero's reign. When he thought his mother was getting in the way he had her killed. He arranged for political opponents to be assassinated, he threw Christians to the lions and lavished public funds on ever more extravagant displays of his artistic ambitions. His reign was truly a roller coaster ride!


6.10.2007, 15:02
You're Claudius!

You most resemble one of Rome's truly successful leaders.

His awkward and clumsy appearance made Claudius one of the Roman Empire's most unlikely leaders. But after the excesses of Caligula's reign, the people of Rome loved Claudius for his common sense and generosity of spirit.

Claudius was already over 50 years old when he became emperor and had taken no part in public life. His was a compassionate reign in which laws were passed to protect slaves, extend citizenship and increase women's rights.

By finally conquering Britain, Claudius became the first emperor since Augustus to extend the empire and succeeded where even the great Julius Caesar had failed.

6.10.2007, 21:37
You're Claudius!

You most resemble one of Rome's truly successful leaders.

Je l' je ovo dobro? :D
Od ovoga nema dalje:

You're Nero! :rofl:

Nema sta, ostao si veran svom nicku.:p

6.10.2007, 22:41
Volim ove quizove jer nekako vreme kao da ne prolazi. Inace ne radim one koji imaju duge ponudjene odgovore. Ah i dobri su dok cekas da ti neko odgovori kako da predjes quest Japanske igre a ti sam ne mozes da to uradis jer je glavni nagovestaj ka resenju pogresno preveden na engleski.

7.10.2007, 1:02
Idiot test-IDIOT
Imagini visual DNA-WILD CAT (http://friends.imagini.net/@1688287-3889)
How evil are you-PURE EVIL
Nerd test-HighLevel Nerd. You are definitely MIT material, apply now!!!.
Job predictor-Jungle Explorer


7.10.2007, 14:10
60% scored higher (more nerdy),
2% scored the same, and
38% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
Not nerdy, but definitely not hip.

A za godine ispade, da ih imam 26 (+6) :D
A zaposlenje-profesionalni kupac :rofl:

7.10.2007, 15:21
Uskoro punim 15 a pisalo mi 24 :D:D:D

dark mesiah
7.10.2007, 15:24
You scored as a Batman, the Dark Knight
As the Dark Knight of Gotham, Batman is a vigilante who deals out his own brand of justice to the criminals and corrupt of the city. He follows his own code and is often misunderstood. He has few friends or allies, but finds comfort in his cause.

You're Claudius!

You Are 22 Years Old (imam 18)

7.10.2007, 15:48
***You Are 19 Years Old***
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
nemam 19, al' isto kao da imam :)

You're Nero!


Office Gopher

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 5/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 4/10
Uniform 4/10
Total 21/60

Red Dragon
8.10.2007, 12:05

You most resemble one of Rome's truly successful leaders.

By finally conquering Britain, Claudius became the first emperor since Augustus to extend the empire and succeeded where even the great Julius Caesar had failed.

A Cezar moze da se slika.:)

che daboli guz
24.10.2007, 23:57

You most resemble one of Rome's truly successful leaders.

31.10.2007, 20:34
Koliki ste idiot? by Ulmawen) :mad: (http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=24137)

Who are you? (by Mrka Kapa) :) (http://dna.imagini.net/friends/)

How Evil are you? (http://home.att.net/%7Eslugbutter/evil/) hehehe:rofl:Ja sam neutralan (http://home.att.net/%7Eslugbutter/evil/neutral.jpg)

Koliki ste geek? (http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_nq.php) Za ovaj sam znao ali nije neki

Sta cete biti u zivotu? (http://www.jobpredictor.com/index.asp):mad:

Half-Life boy
4.1.2008, 0:41
You're Nero!

Congratulations! You most resemble one of Rome's truly colorful characters!

21.1.2008, 4:04
Action heroes ja sam Neo,13 god(pogodishe sunce im :kreza:)i kao imperator ispao Nero,job mi je bio tree surgeon

13.3.2008, 1:56
Pronadjite svoju duhovnu zivotinju. :)


You are a Wolf! (your score: 27)

Characters: Marek, Alanka, Kerza in Eyes of Crow; Lance in "The Wild's Call"

Powers: Stealth, hunting ability, enhanced senses of smell and hearing, as well as strength and stamina

"Family comes first" could be a Wolf's motto. You form deep connections with close friends and family members, and they know you'd do anything to protect them. You're loyal, devoted, and passionate. Your worst fear is being alone, but be careful not to drown your loved ones in too much emotion.

Best matches: Swans, Otters, Crows

Watch out for: Spiders, Owls, Foxes


13.3.2008, 2:04
You are a Fox! (your score: 26)

Characters: Razvin in Eyes of Crow (http://www.jerismithready.com/books/eyes-of-crow/); Elysia in "The Wild's Call (http://www.eharlequin.com/article.html?articleId=1233)"
Powers: Stealth, night vision, ability to read and manipulate others' emotions
Foxes are clever, perceptive, and shrewd. You're happiest working behind the scenes, pulling strings and watching others dance to your imperceptible tune. Independent yet highly social, you glide among your circles of acquaintance with ease, sharing your sharp wit or a delicious piece of gossip.
Best matches: Crows, Owls, Cougars
Watch out for: Bears, Swans, Horses

Aj em a foks :P.

13.3.2008, 2:23
You are a Owl! (your score: 30)

Characters: Etar in Eyes of Crow; Nathas in Voice of Crow

Powers: Human lie-detectors

Owls are keen, perceptive and skeptical. You're adept at getting to the truth, making you an ideal investigator or attorney. Your insights into the less honorable side of human nature can make you a bit cynical, but your numerous friends appreciate the dark sense of humor it brings.

Best matches: Hawks, Foxes, Spiders

Watch out for: Wolves, Horses, Otters

Cuvaj se Dio :D.

13.3.2008, 2:24
You are a Fox! (your score: 26)

Characters: Razvin in Eyes of Crow (http://www.jerismithready.com/books/eyes-of-crow/); Elysia in "The Wild's Call (http://www.eharlequin.com/article.html?articleId=1233)"
Powers: Stealth, night vision, ability to read and manipulate others' emotions
Foxes are clever, perceptive, and shrewd. You're happiest working behind the scenes, pulling strings and watching others dance to your imperceptible tune. Independent yet highly social, you glide among your circles of acquaintance with ease, sharing your sharp wit or a delicious piece of gossip.
Best matches: Crows, Owls, Cougars
Watch out for: Bears, Swans, Horses

Aj em a foks :P.
Sam takodje fox

13.3.2008, 2:29
You are a Owl! (your score: 27)

Characters: Etar in Eyes of Crow (http://www.jerismithready.com/books/eyes-of-crow/); Nathas in Voice of Crow (http://www.jerismithready.com/books/voice-of-crow/)
Powers: Human lie-detectors
Owls are keen, perceptive and skeptical. You're adept at getting to the truth, making you an ideal investigator or attorney. Your insights into the less honorable side of human nature can make you a bit cynical, but your numerous friends appreciate the dark sense of humor it brings.
Best matches: Hawks, Foxes, Spiders
Watch out for: Wolves, Horses, Otters
Here are your scores for the other animal spirits:

13.3.2008, 2:36
You are a Crow! (your score: 24)


Characters: Rhia, Coranna in Eyes of Crow; Damen in Voice of Crow; John in "The Wild's Call"

Powers: foreseeing death, communicating with the dead, resurrection

As a Crow, you are analytical, adaptable, and exceedingly clever. You like solving problems, sharing a hearty laugh with friends, and most of all, enjoying a good meal. Your inquisitive, philosophical nature leads you to constantly question authority and the status quo, sometimes just for the sake of asking, "Why?"

Best matches: Foxes, Wolves, Swans

Watch out for: Wolverines, Bears, Hawks

13.3.2008, 2:44
You are a Wolverine! (your score: 21)


Characters: Lycas, Nilo, and Drenis in Eyes of Crow; Marcus in "The Wild's Call"

Powers: Fighting ability—strength, speed, and toughness

Nobody messes with Wolverines. You're fearless, assertive (okay, aggressive), and tenacious. You might be a Marine, or a middle linebacker. You're the best at whatever you choose to do, because you give yourself no alternative.

Best matches: Bears, Cougars, Wolves

Watch out for: Crows, Owls, Swans


13.3.2008, 2:54
http://www.jerismithready.com/i/totem/Hawk.jpg http://www.jerismithready.com/i/totem/Owl.jpg
Imam po 22 poena za jastreba i za sovu: šta sam sad ja? :confused:

Neka pernata živina u svakom slučaju. :D

You are a Hawk! (your score: 22)

Characters: Galen, Thera, Zilus in Eyes of Crow (http://www.jerismithready.com/books/eyes-of-crow/); Maxine in "The Wild's Call (http://www.eharlequin.com/article.html?articleId=1233)"
Powers: Communicate with the divine, discern powers in others, photographic memory
Hawks are the messengers of the Spirits. Adept with language, you might be a writer or a teacher. Your ability to assess situations impartially means that people often seek your guidance before making decisions. A brilliant visionary, you sometimes forget the mundane details of life like eating, sleeping, or paying bills.
Best matches: Owls, Foxes, Spiders
Watch out for: Otters, Bears, Horses

2.5.2008, 11:20
Quiz Show Contestant

Description Score
Salary 3/10
Education 2/10
Job Satisfaction 7/10
Community Contribution 8/10
Pulling Power 7/10
Uniform 3/10
Total 30/60

Red Dragon
2.5.2008, 11:44
lol, meni izjednaceno po 20 poena.:D

Wolf (ovo prvo), Hawk, Swan i Wolverine. Pa bre, jeste da je ovo kviz za zabavu, ali je stvarno cudna slucajnost da su mi bas gotivne ove zivotinje(i to ovim redosledom). Ja sam ispade u skladu sa svim bicima na svetu. Sta sam onda ja? Shaman? Buda?:opanachke

2.5.2008, 12:43
Hey thanks for your query, I have checked out everything about you and I predict that your ideal job Ilija is a bodyguard. Good luck in your new career.

sasha vukelic
2.5.2008, 13:26
evo prvi ovdje:

You are a Cougar! (your score: 23)

Characters: Adrek, Endrus in Eyes of Crow

Powers: Stealth, strength, phenomenal jumping ability, as well as enhanced sight and hearing

Grrr, baby—you're the personification of animal magnetism. Your confidence, beauty, and athleticism make you the target of many romantically inclined individuals. Too bad for them—you don't stick around long enough to make breakfast, much less a lifetime commitment. Hello Kitty, Goodbye Heart.

Best matches: Spiders, Wolverines, Hawks

Watch out for: Swans, Horses, Otters

2.5.2008, 13:37
Top Gun Pilot :D

Description Score
Salary 9/10
Education 10/10
Job Satisfaction 10/10
Community Contribution 3/10
Pulling Power 10/10
Uniform 10/10
Total 52/60

Milan Maunic
24.7.2008, 16:40
Test Imagine..

Fun-Escape artist
Habits-Back to basics

Action Hero-Jack Sparrow :)

Age test: 21 godina. Sasvim ok.:D

Job test: Housekeeper :mad:

29.7.2008, 14:00

Irena 93
12.8.2008, 13:57
Ispostavilo se da cu ja biti Satana...:rofl:
Salary 1/10
Education 0/10
Job Satisfaction 10/10
Community Contribution 0/10
Pulling Power 0/10
Uniform 10/10
Total 21/60

Irena 93
12.8.2008, 14:13
You are a Wolf! (your score: 21)

Characters: Marek, Alanka, Kerza in Eyes of Crow (http://www.jerismithready.com/books/eyes-of-crow/); Lance in "The Wild's Call (http://www.eharlequin.com/article.html?articleId=1233)"
Powers: Stealth, hunting ability, enhanced senses of smell and hearing, as well as strength and stamina
"Family comes first" could be a Wolf's motto. You form deep connections with close friends and family members, and they know you'd do anything to protect them. You're loyal, devoted, and passionate. Your worst fear is being alone, but be careful not to drown your loved ones in too much emotion.
Best matches: Swans, Otters, Crows
Watch out for: Spiders, Owls, Foxes

7.8.2009, 15:36
Ja cu biti igrac Americkog Fudbala
education:2/10 WTF???

7.8.2009, 15:37
[QUOTE=ribica-d-mikac;833363]Ja cu biti igrac Americkog Fudbala
education:2/10 WTF???